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اعترافات السفاح الاسرائيلى سائق البلدوزر فى جنين


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هى اعترافات السفاح الاسرائيلى سائق البلدوزر الذى اشترك مع الجيش الاسرائيلى الهمجى فى الهجوم على مخيم جنين وحول مخيم جنين الى ملعب كرة مسطح وخالى من المعالم والمنازل بعد ازالة كل البيوت به وتحويله الى أنقاض

وهو يعترف بأنه كان يقود البلدوزر وهو مخمور تحت تأثير الويسكى الذى كان يحتفظ بزجاجته فى البلدوزر

ويعترف أيضا أنه كان لا ينتظر اخلاء المنازل من سكانها من أهالى المخيم من الفلسطينيين ولكنه كان يسرع لهدمها على سكانها من أطفال ونساء وشيوخ قبل فرارهم طلبا للنجاة

ويعترف الوغد أنه كان يشعر بسعادة ونشوة غامرة لهذه الأفعال البشعة التى قام بها وتتعارض مع كل النواميس الانسانية

هؤلاء هم النازيون الجدد الذين فقدوا الرحمة وتحجرت قلوبهم وتحولوا الى حيوانات مفترسة ومتوحشة لا تعرف شفقة ولا رحمة

هؤلاء هم الاسرائيليون المجرمون أولاد الأبالسة وقتلة الأنبياء


The purity of our weapons

"What is 'opening a track'? You erase buildings. On both sides. There is no other choice, because the bulldozer was much wider than their alleys. But I am not looking for excuses or anything. You must 'shave' them. I didn't give a damn about demolishing their houses, because it saved the lives of our soldiers. I worked where our soldiers were slaughtered. They didn't tell all the truth about what happened. they drilled holes in the walls, holes for gun barrels. Anyone who escaped the charges, was shot through these holes.

"I had no mercy for anybody. I would erase anyone with the D-9, just so that our soldiers won't expose themselves to danger. That's what I told them. I was afraid for our soldiers. You could see them sleeping together, 40 soldiers in a house, all crowded. My heart went out for them. This is why I didn't give a damn about demolishing all the houses I've demolished - and I have demolished plenty. By the end, I built the 'Teddy' football stadium there.

"Difficult? No way. You must be kidding. I wanted to destroy everything. I begged the officers, over the radio, to let me knock it all down; from top to bottom. To level everything. It's not as if I wanted to kill. Just the houses. We didn't harm those who came out of the houses who had started to demolish, waving white flags. We screwed just those who wanted to fight.

"No one refused an order to knock down a house. No such thing. When I was told to bring down a house, I took the opportunity to bring down some more houses; not because I wanted to - but because when you are asked to demolish a house, some other houses usually obscure it, so there is no other way. I would have to do it even if I didn't want to. They just stood in the way. If I had to erase a house, come hell or high water - I would do it. And believe me, we demolished too little. The whole camp was littered with detonation charges. What actually saved the lives of the Palestinians themselves, because if they had returned to their homes, they would be blown up.

"For three days, I just destroyed and destroyed. The whole area. Any house that they fired from came down. And to knock it down, I tore down some more. They were warned by loudspeaker to get out of the house before I come, but I gave no one a chance. I didn't wait. I didn't give one blow, and wait for them to come out. I would just ram the house with full power, to bring it down as fast as possible. I wanted to get to the other houses. To get as many as possible. Others may have restrained themselves, or so they say. Who are they kidding? Anyone who was there, and saw our soldiers in the houses, would understand they were in a death trap. I thought about saving them. I didn't give a damn about the Palestinians, but I didn't just ruin with no reason. It was all under orders.

"Many people where inside houses we stto demolish. They would come out of the houses we were working on. I didn't see, with my own eyes, people dying under the blade of the D-9. and I didn't see house falling down on live people. But if there were any, I wouldn't care at all. I am sure people died inside these houses, but it was difficult to see, there was lots of dust everywhere, and we worked a lot at night. I found joy with every house that came down, because I knew they didn't mind dying, but they cared for their homes. If you knocked down a house, you buried 40 or 50 people for generations. If I am sorry for anything, it is for not tearing the whole camp down.


"I didn't stop for a moment. Even when we had a two-hour break, I insisted on going on. I prepared a ramp, to destroy a four-story building. Once I steered sharply to the right, and a whole wall came down. Suddenly I heard shouting on the radio: 'Kurdi, watch it! It is us!' Turns out there where our guys inside, and they forgot to tell me.

"I had plenty of satisfaction. I really enjoyed it. I remember pulling down a wall of a four-story building. It came crashing down on my D-9. My partner screamed at me to reverse, but I let the wall come down on us. We would go for the sides of the buildings, and then ram them. If the job was to hard, we would ask for a tank shell.

"I couldn't stop. I wanted to work and work. There was this Golani officer who gave us orders by radio - I drove him mad. I kept begging for more and more missions. On Sunday, after the fighting was over, we got orders to pull our D-9's out of the area, and stop working on our 'football stadium', because the army didn't want the cameras and press to see us working. I was really upset, because I had plans to knock down the big sign at the entrance of Jenin - three poles with a picture of Arafat. But on Sunday, they pulled us away before I had time to do it.

"I bitched them to give me more work. I would tell them, over the radio: 'Why are you letting me rest? I want more work!' All this time, I was really sick. I had fever. I got back from Jenin wiped out. Torn to bits. The next day, I went up again. One of the guys was ill, and I volunteered to help. I got back there. The battalion-commander was in shock when he saw me. The other operators all cracked up and needed rest, but I refused to leave. I wanted more.

"I had lots of satisfaction in Jenin, lots of satisfaction. It was like getting all the 18 years of doing nothing - into three days. The soldiers came up to me and said: 'Kurdi, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot'. And I hurt for the Thirteen(5). If we had moved into the building where they were ambushed, we would have buried all those Palestinians alive.

" I kept thinking of our soldiers. I didn't feel sorry for all those Palestinians who were left homeless. I just felt sorry for their children, who were not guilty. There was one wounded child, who was shot by Arabs. A Golani paramedic came down and changed his bandages, till he was evacuated. We took care of them, of the children. The soldiers gave them candy. But I had no mercy for the parents of these children.

I remembered the picture on television, of the mother who said she will bear children so that they will explode in Tel Aviv. I asked the Palestinian women I saw there: 'Aren't you ashamed?'

"After I finished the work, I got out of the bulldozer, piled up some clothes on the side of the road, and fell asleep. They looked after me, so that I won't get run over by a tank or something. All the fatigue of the past 75 hours just landed on me. There was a lot of excitement in what I did. The fact that I did a good job operating the bulldozer, the soldiers who came to me, after it was all over, and said: 'thank you'. This was enough for me. I miss them. I've invited all of them for Kubeh at my place. Their commander, Kobi, the one I worked with throughout the 75 hours, was amazed by the invitation.

'Do you want the entire company to come over to your house?'

I told him: 'As far as I am concerned, bring the whole battalion.'

I phoned my mother, from the D-9, and told her that the whole battalion was coming. She said: 'no sweat'. I am waiting for them".


"I know many people will think that my attitude stems from me being a 'Beitar' and 'Likud' member(6). It is true. I am heavily on the right. But this has nothing to do with what I have done in Jenin. I have many Arab friends. And I say, if a man has done nothing - don't touch him. A man who has done something - hang him, as far as I am concerned. Even a pregnant woman - shoot her without mercy, if she has a terrorist behind her. This is the way I thought in Jenin. I answered to no one. Didn't give a damn. The main thing was to help our soldiers. If I had been given three weeks, I would have had more fun. That is, If they would let me tear the whole camp down. I have no mercy.

"All the human rights organizations and the UN that messed with Jenin, and turned what we have done there into such an issue, are just bullshitting, lying. Lots of the walls in those houses just exploded by themselves, at our slightest touch. It is true, though, that during the last days we smashed the camp. And yes, it was justified. They mowed our soldiers down. They had a chance to surrender.

"No one expressed any reservations against doing it. Not only me. Who would dare speak? If anyone would as much as open his mouth, I would have buried him under the D-9. This is the reason I didn't mind seeing the hundred by hundred (7)we've flattened. As far as I am concerned, I left them with a football stadium, so they can play. This was our gift to the camp. Better than killing them. They will sit quietly. Jenin will not return to what it use to be."



مصر أكبر من نظام الحكم الفردى الديكتاتورى الإستبدادى

الذى فرضه علينا عسكر حركة يوليو فى الخمسينات

وصار نظاما لحكم مصر

برنامج الرئيس الإنتخابى لإسكان فقراء الشباب ..

سرقه مسؤولون وزارة الإسكان مع المقاولين ..!

رابط هذا التعليق


هذا السفاح تعبر عن الجيش الصهيونى النازى الذى لا يحمل أى انسانية أو شعور انسانى وانعدم منه الاحساس

مصر أكبر من نظام الحكم الفردى الديكتاتورى الإستبدادى

الذى فرضه علينا عسكر حركة يوليو فى الخمسينات

وصار نظاما لحكم مصر

برنامج الرئيس الإنتخابى لإسكان فقراء الشباب ..

سرقه مسؤولون وزارة الإسكان مع المقاولين ..!

رابط هذا التعليق

هذا السفاح اعترف بقتل العشرات من الفلسطينيين الابرياء -بل وازاد بأن قال انه كان مخمورا لعنة الله عليه -...فماذا حدث؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

الذى ثأثر اكتفى بمصمصة الشفايف المعهودة فى مثل هذه المواقف بينما الاغلب استمر فى حياته دون ان يلتفت لمثل هذه الكارثة.

بينما على الجهة الاخرى ما يحدث اذا وقعت عملية استشهادية راح فيها ثلاثة او اربعة جنود-و أكرر جنود- واحيانا يكون الضحية الوحيدة هى الشهيد منفذ العملية ... نجد البوق الاعلامى الصهيونى يبث سمومه فى جميع انحاء العالم عن وحشية العرب الارهابيين.

هل يظل العرب فى سباتهم العميق اللذى طال لدرجة توحى بأن الجسد العربى صار جثة هامدة لن تصحو ثانية .....مجرد تساؤل. cr((: cr((: cr((: cr((: cr((: cr((: cr((: cr((:

رابط هذا التعليق

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