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المتقدمين للهجرة بعد 25 يونيو 2010

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انا جالي ايميل من السفاره يقولو ان الملف وصل وماتكلميناش قبل 6 شهور

جه بالبريد العادي وفايل نمبر جديد

قبالكم كلكم

ألف مبروك ... وعقبال الفيزا

إن فشلنا في الوصول للحكم ولتغيير البلد .. لا تقلقوا .. نحن فكرة .. الفكرة لا تموت ... تستمر لا تتوقف

البرادعي 15/10/2011

رابط هذا التعليق

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  • اخر رد

أكثر المشاركين في هذا الموضوع

أكثر المشاركين في هذا الموضوع

الصور المنشورة

الف الف مبروك يا انجى بس انا كنت عايزه اسالك معنى كده ان هيجيللك الميديكال بعد سته شهور طب هو ده اول رد تبعته الفيزا اوفيس ليكى بعد الايه او ار بتاع كندا ولا كان فى ايميل اوخطاب ليكى قبل كده انا مش فهمه حاجه

انا جالى الايه او ار بتاع كندا من حوالى 15يوم وقالوا لى ان الفيل هيتبعت لمكتب القاهره استنى ولا ابعت لمكتب القاهره حد يفهنى بعد كده ايه اللى بيحصل وشكرااااااااااااااااااا

الله يبارك فيكي يانانا عقبالك ياقمر

انا اول ايميل بتاع كندا كان يوم 15 ديسمبر وقررت ابعت ايميل للسفاره استفسر يوم 15 يناير ردو عليا رد سخيف ومغيب بيقولولي ابعتي لنا الورق خلال 120 يوم طبعا الكلام ده ماينطبقش علينا اصلا فماكدبتش خبر ورحت باعته الرد بتاعهم ده علي ايميل الاستفسارات بتاع كندا طبعا هما محترمين ردو بعديها ب3 ايام وقالولي الورق لسه ماوصلش اصبري عليهم شويه

وجات المظاهرات والسفاره هنا قفلت ويوم مافتحت يو 14 فبراير ردو عليا بايميل قالولي ورقك ماوصلش ولما يوصل حانبلغك بالبريد

كنت باشوف ال application status يوم الاحد اللي فات لقيت النتيجهreceived by visa office فوصيت حد في البريد قريبي كل شويه يبصلي علي صندوق البريد ووصل الجواب امبارح الصبح جواب مسجل بعلم الوصول استلمته بالبطاقه الشخصيه وهما كاتبين ان الوقت المقترح سنتين بس لو مفيش اي اتصال من السفاره خلال 6 شهور كلمينا

وانا ما ااقدرش اخمن هو حايجي امتي يمكن يجي بعد اسبوع زي بتوع الفلبين يمكن يجي بعد 6 شهور الله اعلم

رابط هذا التعليق


انا جالي ايميل من السفاره يقولو ان الملف وصل وماتكلميناش قبل 6 شهور

جه بالبريد العادي وفايل نمبر جديد

قبالكم كلكم

ألف مبروك ... وعقبال الفيزا

متشكره جدا عقبالك عن قريب يارب

رابط هذا التعليق


بالنسبه للفرنساوى فى الفيدرال يكفى اخد 3 مستويات من غير امتحان ؟

و المركز اسمه و تليفونه ايه لو سمحتى

هل حضرتك بتسالنى يكفى 3 مستويات

نعم - يكفى 3 مستويات لانى كتبت فى الابليكيشن انه بيزك

وانا باعتة ملفى نظام قديم قبل 25 يونيو لكن برضوه بعتولى املا الابليكيشن الجديد اللى هو ما بعد 25 يونيو

بالنسبة للمركز انا هنا فى الكويت وناوية احجز فى مركز فولتير لانه معتمد من السفارة الفرنسية

وكل المدرسين اللى فيه فرنسيين وبعد ما سالت بصراحة هو افضل مكان للفرنسية

واسفة انى اتاخرت فى الرد يا فندم لانى مش منتظمة فى الدخول لباب كندا

نـحن البلـــــدان الحقيقـيــة فى هــذا العـــالم . . . وليـــــس مــا يرســــم فـــوق الخرائــط

نـحن الرمـــوز الحقيقيــــة فى هــــذا العــالم . . . وليــــــس اسمـــــاء القـــــادة العظمــاء . . . لاننـا نحـن من صنعـناهـم

فرسـان العالـم الحقيقيـون . . هــم شعــوب الارض

رابط هذا التعليق

الى قالك كدة قوليله روح اقعد على جنب واشرب قهوة سادة الفشارين بيفتوا واحنا مش معاااااااااهم


يارب يطمن قلبك يا فندم

احنا قسمنا الوظايف فى البيت - انا ماسكة ملف كيبك بكل مشاكله وجوزى ماسك ملف فيدرال بكل مراسلاته ومشاكله

ومنتظمين هنا وهنا وربنا يسهل اللى يجي الاول نستمر فيه ونكنسل التاني

شكرا جزيلا

نـحن البلـــــدان الحقيقـيــة فى هــذا العـــالم . . . وليـــــس مــا يرســــم فـــوق الخرائــط

نـحن الرمـــوز الحقيقيــــة فى هــــذا العــالم . . . وليــــــس اسمـــــاء القـــــادة العظمــاء . . . لاننـا نحـن من صنعـناهـم

فرسـان العالـم الحقيقيـون . . هــم شعــوب الارض

رابط هذا التعليق


انا جالي ايميل من السفاره يقولو ان الملف وصل وماتكلميناش قبل 6 شهور

جه بالبريد العادي وفايل نمبر جديد

قبالكم كلكم

الاول الف مبرووووك يا انجى

ثانيا انا مش فاهمة هى دى اى مرحلة بالظبط يعنى

ال6 شهور انت بعدها منتظرة الميديكال ولا الفيزا ولا ايه

معلشي اشرحيلى شوية الخطوة دى ايه

نـحن البلـــــدان الحقيقـيــة فى هــذا العـــالم . . . وليـــــس مــا يرســــم فـــوق الخرائــط

نـحن الرمـــوز الحقيقيــــة فى هــــذا العــالم . . . وليــــــس اسمـــــاء القـــــادة العظمــاء . . . لاننـا نحـن من صنعـناهـم

فرسـان العالـم الحقيقيـون . . هــم شعــوب الارض

رابط هذا التعليق


انا جالي ايميل من السفاره يقولو ان الملف وصل وماتكلميناش قبل 6 شهور

جه بالبريد العادي وفايل نمبر جديد

قبالكم كلكم

الاول الف مبرووووك يا انجى

ثانيا انا مش فاهمة هى دى اى مرحلة بالظبط يعنى

ال6 شهور انت بعدها منتظرة الميديكال ولا الفيزا ولا ايه

معلشي اشرحيلى شوية الخطوة دى ايه

انا حانزل الجواب كله حاضر

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Sir,

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada which was received at this office.

We have created a file with the file number pasted above.

Before your application can be placed in processing, a determination will be made as to whether or not you are eligible for processing. If your application is not eligible for processing, you will receive a letter informing you of the reasons for the decision as well as a refund.

Processing time

Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied require at least 24 months to process at this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office by the 6th month, you are requested to contact this office directly.


You will be notified of the appointment for your interview, if required, approximately one month prior to the date of the interview, and you will be provided with further instructions at that time.

Section 15 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authorizes an officer to proceed with an examination where a person makes an application for permanent residence in Canada for the purpose of determining whether the person and all his or her accompanying family members appear to be persons who may be granted entry into Canada. To proceed with an examination, a personal interview is frequently required.

Section 16 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination. If an applicant appears for the interview without all the family members as required by the officer, then the required examination cannot be completed. This means that the applicant would be found to be inadmissible to Canada as a foreign national by virtue of the fact that he or she is unable to comply with all the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Regulations, following sections 11 and 41 of the Act.

Interpreters must be arranged in advance for any family members who will be interviewed and who are unable to communicate well in either of Canada’s official languages (English or French). Instructions for the provision of interpreters will be provided to you prior to your interview appointment.

Non-resident applications

If you or any of your accompanying family members are not normally resident in the area of responsibility of this office, then you should be aware that there may be additional delays in the processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada. This delay will result from the need to refer your case to the Canadian Immigration office which is responsible for the country in which you or your family members normally reside. This referral is necessary to verify any information that you have provided with your application, or for advice concerning qualifications or other matters of a local concern that should be taken into account when assessing your application.

Let us know

If there is a change in your personal circumstances, such as the birth of a child, a marriage or divorce, you have to let us know (See our contact information below.)

You must also inform us in writing of any

• Change of address, including change of e-mail address;

• Change or cancellation of immigration representative; or

• Request for withdrawal of your application.

Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada

Your application has just been received at our visa office and some months will probably pass before you know the final decision on your application. We encourage you to use these months to gather information on Canada.

One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in Canada. Keep in mind that many occupations in Canada are not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications.

However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through a formal assessment and an acceptance of your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. This assessment will compare your training, education and experience to Canadian requirements. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in Canada.

In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) provides information and referrals to individuals seeking employment in Canada. You can find more information on the FCRO Web site at www.credentials.gc.ca. Clients in Canada can call 1-888-854-1805 or the Service Canada general enquiries number at 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) for more information. Clients in Canada can also obtain in-person service at Service Canada Centers.

The Going to Canada Internet site at www.directioncanada.gc.ca contains important information about living and working in Canada as well as a “Working in Canada Tool” which will tell you what the current prospects are for your occupation across Canada. It offers information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether your occupation is a regulated profession in Canada.

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Sir,

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada which was received at this office.

We have created a file with the file number pasted above.

Before your application can be placed in processing, a determination will be made as to whether or not you are eligible for processing. If your application is not eligible for processing, you will receive a letter informing you of the reasons for the decision as well as a refund.

Processing time

Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied require at least 24 months to process at this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office by the 6th month, you are requested to contact this office directly.


You will be notified of the appointment for your interview, if required, approximately one month prior to the date of the interview, and you will be provided with further instructions at that time.

Section 15 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authorizes an officer to proceed with an examination where a person makes an application for permanent residence in Canada for the purpose of determining whether the person and all his or her accompanying family members appear to be persons who may be granted entry into Canada. To proceed with an examination, a personal interview is frequently required.

Section 16 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination. If an applicant appears for the interview without all the family members as required by the officer, then the required examination cannot be completed. This means that the applicant would be found to be inadmissible to Canada as a foreign national by virtue of the fact that he or she is unable to comply with all the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Regulations, following sections 11 and 41 of the Act.

Interpreters must be arranged in advance for any family members who will be interviewed and who are unable to communicate well in either of Canada’s official languages (English or French). Instructions for the provision of interpreters will be provided to you prior to your interview appointment.

Non-resident applications

If you or any of your accompanying family members are not normally resident in the area of responsibility of this office, then you should be aware that there may be additional delays in the processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada. This delay will result from the need to refer your case to the Canadian Immigration office which is responsible for the country in which you or your family members normally reside. This referral is necessary to verify any information that you have provided with your application, or for advice concerning qualifications or other matters of a local concern that should be taken into account when assessing your application.

Let us know

If there is a change in your personal circumstances, such as the birth of a child, a marriage or divorce, you have to let us know (See our contact information below.)

You must also inform us in writing of any

• Change of address, including change of e-mail address;

• Change or cancellation of immigration representative; or

• Request for withdrawal of your application.

Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada

Your application has just been received at our visa office and some months will probably pass before you know the final decision on your application. We encourage you to use these months to gather information on Canada.

One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in Canada. Keep in mind that many occupations in Canada are not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications.

However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through a formal assessment and an acceptance of your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. This assessment will compare your training, education and experience to Canadian requirements. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in Canada.

In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) provides information and referrals to individuals seeking employment in Canada. You can find more information on the FCRO Web site at www.credentials.gc.ca. Clients in Canada can call 1-888-854-1805 or the Service Canada general enquiries number at 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) for more information. Clients in Canada can also obtain in-person service at Service Canada Centers.

The Going to Canada Internet site at www.directioncanada.gc.ca contains important information about living and working in Canada as well as a “Working in Canada Tool” which will tell you what the current prospects are for your occupation across Canada. It offers information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether your occupation is a regulated profession in Canada.

انجي ممكن اعرف تاريخ تقديمك لملف الهجرة ؟

ما في المقام لذي عـقـل وذي أدب من راحة فدع الأوطان واغتـرب

سافر تجد عوضـا عمن تفارقــه وانْصَبْ فإن لذيذ العيش في النَّصب

إني رأيت ركـود الـماء يفســده إن ساح طاب وإن لم يجر لم يطب

والأسد لولا فراق الغاب ما افترست والسهم لولا فراق القوس لم يصب

والشمس لو وقفت في الفلك دائمة لملَّها الناس من عجم ومن عـرب

والتِّبرُ كالتُّـرب مُلقى في أماكنـه والعود في أرضه نوع من الحطب

فإن تغرّب هـذا عـَزّ مطلبـــه وإن تغرب ذاك عـزّ كالذهــب

الإمام الشافعى

رابط هذا التعليق

احب اقول اولا واخرا الحمد لله رب العالمين اللى دايما فضله على فوق ما اتمنى

وصلنى الايه او ار من شويه ربنا يتممها على خير

قبال الجميع وربنا يفرحكم دايما اللهم امين

مبروك ألف ألف مبروك ياأم سيف....انا عارف انها متأخرة شوية بس اعزرينى لأنى مش بدخل خالص تقريبا بقالى فترة كبيرة....عقبال التانى والميديكال ان شاء الله

International Tracker Google Spreadsheet For Federal Post 26-June Applicants


رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Sir,

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada which was received at this office.

We have created a file with the file number pasted above.

Before your application can be placed in processing, a determination will be made as to whether or not you are eligible for processing. If your application is not eligible for processing, you will receive a letter informing you of the reasons for the decision as well as a refund.

Processing time

Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied require at least 24 months to process at this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office by the 6th month, you are requested to contact this office directly.


You will be notified of the appointment for your interview, if required, approximately one month prior to the date of the interview, and you will be provided with further instructions at that time.

Section 15 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authorizes an officer to proceed with an examination where a person makes an application for permanent residence in Canada for the purpose of determining whether the person and all his or her accompanying family members appear to be persons who may be granted entry into Canada. To proceed with an examination, a personal interview is frequently required.

Section 16 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination. If an applicant appears for the interview without all the family members as required by the officer, then the required examination cannot be completed. This means that the applicant would be found to be inadmissible to Canada as a foreign national by virtue of the fact that he or she is unable to comply with all the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Regulations, following sections 11 and 41 of the Act.

Interpreters must be arranged in advance for any family members who will be interviewed and who are unable to communicate well in either of Canada’s official languages (English or French). Instructions for the provision of interpreters will be provided to you prior to your interview appointment.

Non-resident applications

If you or any of your accompanying family members are not normally resident in the area of responsibility of this office, then you should be aware that there may be additional delays in the processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada. This delay will result from the need to refer your case to the Canadian Immigration office which is responsible for the country in which you or your family members normally reside. This referral is necessary to verify any information that you have provided with your application, or for advice concerning qualifications or other matters of a local concern that should be taken into account when assessing your application.

Let us know

If there is a change in your personal circumstances, such as the birth of a child, a marriage or divorce, you have to let us know (See our contact information below.)

You must also inform us in writing of any

• Change of address, including change of e-mail address;

• Change or cancellation of immigration representative; or

• Request for withdrawal of your application.

Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada

Your application has just been received at our visa office and some months will probably pass before you know the final decision on your application. We encourage you to use these months to gather information on Canada.

One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in Canada. Keep in mind that many occupations in Canada are not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications.

However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through a formal assessment and an acceptance of your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. This assessment will compare your training, education and experience to Canadian requirements. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in Canada.

In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) provides information and referrals to individuals seeking employment in Canada. You can find more information on the FCRO Web site at www.credentials.gc.ca. Clients in Canada can call 1-888-854-1805 or the Service Canada general enquiries number at 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) for more information. Clients in Canada can also obtain in-person service at Service Canada Centers.

The Going to Canada Internet site at www.directioncanada.gc.ca contains important information about living and working in Canada as well as a “Working in Canada Tool” which will tell you what the current prospects are for your occupation across Canada. It offers information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether your occupation is a regulated profession in Canada.

انجي ممكن اعرف تاريخ تقديمك لملف الهجرة ؟

ورقي وصل كندا في 27 اغسطس وجالي اول ايميل من كندا ب فايل نمبر يوم 15 ديسمبر

رابط هذا التعليق

مساء الخير عليكم جميعا , دى اول مشاركة ليا و بحب اشكر كل الناس الموجودة على تعاونها

انا نزلت امبار ال Instructions من على الموقع الخاص بالسفارة و نسخة 2/2011 بس الك ابعت الابلكشن على السفارة فى مصر مش على سوريا

دة العنوان

The Canadian Embassy

6 Mohamed Fahmy El Sayed Street

Garden City

PO Box 1667

Cairo, Egypt

ودة اللينك www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37011.pdf

انا اشاء اللة بحاول اخلص اوراقى عشان اقدم اليومين دول

رابط هذا التعليق

بالتوفيق أن شاء الله

تذكر فقط أن تقرء الجايد اللى فيه شرح كيفية ملء الأبليكيشنز وخلافه كويس جدا

لو لك أى استفسار راجع الأسئلة السابقة فى الصفحات السابقة ولو فى سؤال محتار فيه أسال ومتترددش كلنا أخوانك وأن شاء الله تلائى رد بسرعة:WelEgTks:

مساء الخير عليكم جميعا , دى اول مشاركة ليا و بحب اشكر كل الناس الموجودة على تعاونها

انا نزلت امبار ال Instructions من على الموقع الخاص بالسفارة و نسخة 2/2011 بس الك ابعت الابلكشن على السفارة فى مصر مش على سوريا

دة العنوان

The Canadian Embassy

6 Mohamed Fahmy El Sayed Street

Garden City

PO Box 1667

Cairo, Egypt

ودة اللينك www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37011.pdf

انا اشاء اللة بحاول اخلص اوراقى عشان اقدم اليومين دول

dr fatma

رابط هذا التعليق

الله يبارك فيك يا رب معلش مشغوله حبتين اليومين دول باجهز للسفر والله الميسر

ما تقلقش ان شاء الله هيجيلك الرقم التانى والميديكال

كله تساهيل ربنا يفتحها عليك يا رب وتبشرنا قريب

احب اقول اولا واخرا الحمد لله رب العالمين اللى دايما فضله على فوق ما اتمنى

وصلنى الايه او ار من شويه ربنا يتممها على خير

قبال الجميع وربنا يفرحكم دايما اللهم امين

مبروك ألف ألف مبروك ياأم سيف....انا عارف انها متأخرة شوية بس اعزرينى لأنى مش بدخل خالص تقريبا بقالى فترة كبيرة....عقبال التانى والميديكال ان شاء الله

رابط هذا التعليق

ربنا يكرمك يا رب

بس الورق بيتبعت على نوفا سكوشيا الاول بكندا وهى بتبعته على السفاره بمصر

تاكدى من الجايد كويس

والباقيين ان شاء الله يفيدوكى لو انا مش واخده بالي

مساء الخير عليكم جميعا , دى اول مشاركة ليا و بحب اشكر كل الناس الموجودة على تعاونها

انا نزلت امبار ال Instructions من على الموقع الخاص بالسفارة و نسخة 2/2011 بس الك ابعت الابلكشن على السفارة فى مصر مش على سوريا

دة العنوان

The Canadian Embassy

6 Mohamed Fahmy El Sayed Street

Garden City

PO Box 1667

Cairo, Egypt

ودة اللينك www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37011.pdf

انا اشاء اللة بحاول اخلص اوراقى عشان اقدم اليومين دول

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انتى ايه اللى جابك هنا :sofa: bngn::

انا مش قولتلك ما تطلعيش من باب اوضتك الا لما تجيلك الفيزا mil:

مبروووووووووك حببتى :cheer::cheer::cheer: عؤبال الباسبور الكندى أن شالله ربنا يطمن ألبك ويطمنا كلنا


انا جالي ايميل من السفاره يقولو ان الملف وصل وماتكلميناش قبل 6 شهور

جه بالبريد العادي وفايل نمبر جديد

قبالكم كلكم

رابط هذا التعليق


طب مش أنتى حتسفرى كندا وتتخلى عننا:closedeyes:

أنا أؤلت أحل محلك مؤقتا لحد متستقرى بكندا وترجعى للمنتدى تانى وساعتها أنا أنسحب وأرجع لقواعدى سالمة وأشوف شغلى:cheer:

بعدين أنا اؤلت لازم حس عيلت فاروق يبأه ملعلع ديما فالمنتدى يا فندم دى وصية سيف ليا

حتى أسأليه حيؤلك فعلا (كاك كاك)

انتى ايه اللى جابك هنا :sofa: bngn::

انا مش قولتلك ما تطلعيش من باب اوضتك الا لما تجيلك الفيزا mil:

مبروووووووووك حببتى :cheer::cheer::cheer: عؤبال الباسبور الكندى أن شالله ربنا يطمن ألبك ويطمنا كلنا


انا جالي ايميل من السفاره يقولو ان الملف وصل وماتكلميناش قبل 6 شهور

جه بالبريد العادي وفايل نمبر جديد

قبالكم كلكم

dr fatma

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انا قاريت هنا ان احتمال الشروط تتغير


فهل ينفع اقدم للنوك الخاص بالمحاسبين دلوقتى رغم انه اتملى و لا لازم استنى الميعاد الجاى؟


تم تعديل بواسطة Email
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انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

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