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هل كنت محقا حين قلت للدكتور البرادعي: أرجوك، لا تدمر مصر دون أن تقصد؟


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هذه رسالة أرسلتها عبر البريد الالكتروني للدكتور محمد البرادعي وأعيد نشرها هنا بعد أن نشرتها على مدونتي

يمكن ترجمة الرسالة عبر جوجل:


Dr.Baradei: Do not destroy Egypt unintentionally; Please!

Dear Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei,

I am one of the Egyptians who appreciate your willingness to contribute positively to Egypt although I disagree with the way you, Sir, are approaching. I am 26 years old engineer belonging to Monofia-based family where my grandfather was personal friend to late President Anwar El-Sadat. My father was First Lieutenant Officer in Bani-Swef airbase in October 1973 war. He was told about airbase commander (Mr.Hosny Mubarak) who was never asking his soldiers to provide personal services to him (such as technician to repair his apartment stuffs unlike many other commanders). My late uncle was NDP parliament member in 1995 in Alexandria.

You, Dr.Mohamed, have now support of hundreds of thousands of Egyptian Facebookers/youth full of both energy and anger; a mix that is directed against Egyptian president, cabinet, NDP and government. The most dangerous phenomenon is: those diversified well-educated youth are lacking political knowledge, resource management principles, and foreign affairs dynamics (i.e. Camp David agreement).

Your supporters, Sir, might do not understand that we have 30% of Illiteracy and below-average press performance [1]. Media coverage for Algeria football match encouraged poor youth to surround Algerian embassy and shout offensively. Lawyer syndicate was about to withdraw the confidence from Hamdi Khalifa while just jangle in Tanta was escalated (intentionally by syndicate itself I tend to believe).

Could you please ya Dr.El Baradei direct your supporters to be good in their daily life and to help other citizens? Could you please ask them to higher their productivity at their work? Could you support activities done by youth of NGO Resala? Could you please stop over-believing in crowded demonstrators? People here are careless and over-blaming more than you might expect, they even are not interested in Ettihad Al-Mollak elections. Government has zillions of tasks and scarcity of resources while people do not even drive cars politely.

People talk about Dr.Ganzoury and Mr.Amr Moussa as examples of good people who were thrown out by the government and Mr. President. Don’t you think that they are examples of empowering good people in Egypt? The first reached from governor to minister and then PM. For the latter, your friend Dr.Mustafa ElFiky had predicted him to be Foreign Minister since 70s (AlMasry AlYoum 24-4-2008) and he become so for decade. People do not read in Hussein Heikals’ Mozakkerat in Egyptian Politics that Wafd government under monarchy was using interior ministry to affect the elections results.

Could you please ya Dr.El Baradei build confidence in Egypt leaders and government? As I said, Ganzoury and Moussa are examples of great public servants supported by great president in great government. YES: we aren’t in perfect or good situation, but please believe me that this is not because of Mr. President or people whom the press is blaming, it is because the entry-level public servants do not did their jobs right, hence thousands of papers are crowded on the desk of the president’s office.

It is your golden opportunity to change your message to publicize confidence in Egypt among Egyptian youth. Show the Egyptian youth that Egypt was great country, it is still and will be forever. Tell them that everyone has pros and cons. Ask them to be productive. Give examples from 6th October and the Bedouin child Saleh who implemented spy devices inside Israeli bases and then became senior intelligence officer. Build awareness among some Islamic clerics that taxes are not Haram Mokos and they are essential to build infrastructure.

Utilize youth’s energy toward positive-impacted non-political activities that should be not titled under your name or against other name, encourage them to be Egypt-oriented not Baradei -oriented.

Please stop demonstrations and repeated old regime-blaming sentences since their local media coverage spread future fear among Egyptians especially not educated/knowledgeable citizens.

Please ya Dr.Mohamed El Baradei, for more long-term stable country, help the youth to be confident in current Egypt with its current public servants, since this the first step for anyone would like start cultural change, since culture (i.e. Wastah) direct human behavior so changing humans will not add value and in Egyptian case, will destroy everything.

Most of your supporters belong to rich and above-average income families plus many of Egyptians abroad. They just think if X went and Y came, then everything will become OK. Over and above, opportunistic opposition supports you although if they were in power, they will apply at least 70% of current regulations because they are the right solutions.

Thank you Sir very much for your time and consideration.

Two final comments:

1. Dr.AbdulMonem Saed: I am copying you in this message since I think that spreading proud spirit of Egypt among youth is essential today more than anytime. However, this message for Dr.ElBaradei is not to be published please.

2. Dr.El Baradei: Kindly ask your team to change the below Arabic sentence in your website home page that asserts you as president in elections that nobody applied for it yet. Again Sir: it is dangerous to have fans who believe in you as guaranteed coming president in this un-liberal way:


باقى على تولى البرادعى رئاسة مصر

باقى يوم على انتهاء الولاية الخامسة لمبارك وتولى الدكتور محمد البرادعى رئاسة مصر إن شاء الله


[1] Nabil El Boshy; the Arab Maddoff’s; was mentioned in Al-Masry Al-Youm (29-10-2006) as member of NDP Policies Committee and in Al-Masry Al-Youm (9-9-2007) as financial expert in US Federal Reserve. Both were fake news!

يا رب عفوك ورضاك

رابط هذا التعليق

الفاضل / abdulmuttaleb

المنتدى بتاعنا منتدى مصرى ، لغة الناس اللى هنا هى اللغة العربية

الدكتور البرادعى مصرى ، بيتكلم عربى

واعتقد ايضا انك مصرى وبتتكلم عربى

يبقى الرسالة دى معناها ايه؟ ومكتوبة لمين؟

وبدلا من ان تسأل الناس انها تترجمها على جوجل ، فياريت تقول اللى فى نفسك بالعربى برضه علشان الغلابة اللى زيى اللى مابيعرفوش يترجموا يعرفوا انت عايز تقول ايه بالعربى برضه.

معلش انا مضطر اغلق الموضوع ، ولو عايز تكتبه بالعربى ابقى افتحه بالعربى مرة تانية


{وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ}(11){اَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ}(12)وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ}(11)


ذو العقل يشقى في النعيم بعقله *** وأخو الجهالة في الشقاوة ينعم
مشكلة العالم هي أن الحمقى والمتعصبين هم الأشد ثقة بأنفسهم ، والأكثر حكمة تملؤهم الشكوك (برتراند راسل)
A nation that keeps one eye on the past is wise!A
A nation that keeps two eyes on the past is blind!A


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القرآن كاملا ترتيل وتجويد برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
رابط سلسلة كتب عالم المعرفة

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