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محاورات المصريين

هل تتقزم بريطانيا العظمى؟ اليوم هو يوم الإستفتاء على بقاء أو خروج سكوتلندا من الإتحاد


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لا يخفى على أحد أن تقسم وتقزم الدول العربية كان بسبب تآمر الغرب علينا والذي لا يزال يجري بشكل منظم.

والآن هل جاء الدور على تلك الدول أن تشرب من نفس كأس التقزم والتقسم ولكن بدون تآمر من الخارج؟

اليوم هو يوم الاستفتاء التاريخي على انسحاب اسكوتلندا أو بقائها تحت مظلة المملكة المتحدة.

Scottish independence: Voting under way in referendum

People in Scotland are voting on whether the country should stay in the UK or become an independent nation.

Voters will answer "Yes" or "No" to the referendum question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"

With 4,285,323 people - 97% of the electorate - registered to vote, it is expected to be the busiest day in Scottish electoral history.

Votes will be cast at 5,579 polling stations until 22:00 on Thursday. The result is expected on Friday morning.

Strict rules mean the BBC - in common with other broadcasters - is not allowed to report details of campaigning until after the polls close.

Ivy Hare, aged 17, shows off her vote
Poll clerk George MacKay sits in a caravan polling station in the Scottish Highlands
Some voters turned up to the polling station in kilts, like this man at Bannockburn
Voters queue up in West Glasgow to answer the question: Should Scotland be an independent country?

A number of councils around the country said polling stations were busy, with some seeing queues both ahead of the polls opening and throughout the morning.

Stirling Council area counting officer Bob Jack said: "There has been a steady stream of voters and we have been very busy."

In East Renfrewshire, there were queues before the polls opened this morning and a steady stream since, a council spokeswoman said. Some voters had been kissing their ballots, she added.


By BBC Scotland correspondent James Cook

It was a grey dawn in Edinburgh, the moisture clinging to the old buildings, seeping into the sandstone.

At Tollcross Primary School, the weather didn't seem to deter the voters. The first arrived at five minutes to seven, before the polls had opened, clutching her voting card, eager to be the first to place her cross.

As the morning wore on and the darkness began to recede, the first trickle of voters became a stream.

A paramedic in his hi-vis jacket, a businessman in a smart suit, schoolteachers, a man clutching his baby to his chest; all were heading to the same destination - the ballot box for a private moment with a pencil and paper - and a choice: Yes or No.

These were personal moments, private and privileged, there was a stillness about the scene.

The airwaves, full of chatter for so long, had fallen silent as required by law. This was the moment, not for politicians or commentators, but for Scotland to speak. Tomorrow, we will find out what it said.

_77666156_pollinghighland.jpgA voter at Peebles polling station was pleased to have made his mark
_77658101_hi023946752.jpgThese voters in the south of Edinburgh were among the first to have their say on Scotland's future
_77665486_pollingyoungappeebles.jpgFirst-time voters have also been out in force, like this one at Peebles

Police Scotland have confirmed that a 67-year-old woman was arrested and charged in connection with an alleged assault on a female following an incident at Shettleston Community Centre, a polling place in Amulree Street, Glasgow around 13:00 BST.

The woman is believed to come from Merseyside. A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Earlier, a man was arrested outside a polling station in Clydebank after an alleged assault. Police Scotland said the man was detained on Faifley Road at 08:30.

Once the polls have closed, ballot papers will be counted in each of Scotland's 32 local authority areas.

These will include votes cast from the 789,024 postal vote applications, which was the largest volume of registration for postal votes ever in Scotland.

After votes have been tallied, the counting officer in each area will communicate the result to the chief counting officer Mary Pitcaithly in Edinburgh.

With her approval they will then make a declaration of the result.

Campaigners for both the Yes and No campaign have been casting their votes

Once the results from all 32 local authority areas are known, Ms Pitcaithly will declare the result of the referendum at the Royal Highland Centre outside Edinburgh.

Ms Pitcaithly has said she will announce the result at "breakfast time" on Friday.

The result is most likely to be between 06:30 and 07:30, according to Elections Scotland.

That is because the final Scottish declarations in the 2010 UK parliamentary elections and the 2011 Scottish parliamentary elections declaration were made at those times respectively.

However, running totals - which can be made from the first declaration onwards - may indicate a result earlier in the morning.

Continue reading the main story
Guide to referendum night


registered voters


of electorate

  • 7am polls open

  • 10pm polls close, counting begins

  • 32 counts across Scotland

  • 6:30-7:30am expected declaration

Source: Elections Scotland

The bulk of local results are expected to come in between 03:00 and 06:00.

Because the polling stations are expected to be so busy, counting officers have put measures in place to reduce the risk of queuing.

The remote nature of some Scottish regions also means bad weather could delay the receipt of ballot boxes at counting centres, in turn delaying the national result.

Helicopters and boats are being used to transport ballot boxes to counts in areas such as Argyll and Bute.

Elections Scotland said recounts would only be allowed at a local level on the basis of concerns about process, not the closeness of a result.

Referendum night

The BBC's Scotland Decides will bring continuous, up-to-date coverage all through the night, as well as comprehensive analysis. On Twitter, keep abreast of all the action overnight via @BBCPolitics and@BBCScotlandNews.

A Scotland Decides programme presented by Huw Edwards will be broadcast on BBC One from 22:35 BST, while Scotland Decides The Result will be broadcast on BBC One Scotland.

Or follow the results on BBC Radio 4's Scotland Decides programmepresented by James Naughtie and Rachel Burden. BBC Radio Scotlandwill also provide live coverage from 22:00 BST until 06:00 BST.

You can also watch and listen to all the live television and radio coverage on the BBC News website.

How the BBC reports polling day

Strict rules mean the BBC, like other broadcasters, isn't allowed to report details of campaigning while the polls are open.

In all national elections, the BBC is legally required both by its own charter and electoral law to adopt a code of practice.

The BBC Trust adopts an equivalent approach for national referendums and publishes Guidelines for all BBC output to supplement its normal editorial guidelines in the very specific circumstances of an election or referendum period.

More on how the BBC reports polling day



{وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ}(11){اَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ}(12)وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ}(11)


ذو العقل يشقى في النعيم بعقله *** وأخو الجهالة في الشقاوة ينعم
مشكلة العالم هي أن الحمقى والمتعصبين هم الأشد ثقة بأنفسهم ، والأكثر حكمة تملؤهم الشكوك (برتراند راسل)
A nation that keeps one eye on the past is wise!A
A nation that keeps two eyes on the past is blind!A


رابط القرآن كاملا بتلاوة الشيخ مصطفى إسماعيل برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
القرآن كاملا ترتيل وتجويد برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
رابط سلسلة كتب عالم المعرفة

رابط هذا التعليق

لو حدث وانفصلت سكوتلاندا

سيكون لهذا الانفصال أثر عظيم على دول فى المنطقة

أقربها ليبيا وأبعدها مصر

نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

صباح الخيرات .

النتيجة مكسب بنسبة 55% ل.....NO

يعنى مفيش انفصال .
وأجمل شئ انى فعلا سعيدة.....لأن لو كانت النتيجة بالعكس ..ده كان حايشجع مقاطعات كثيرة على مستوى اوروبا كلها تحذو حذوها ..والله أعلم بقى نهاية العالم حاتكون ايه؟

اللى حصل عندنا ف .. الامة العربية ... كان تقسيم ( اجبرنا عليه ) لم يكن ابداا اختيارى من الشعوب .
رغم انه ظاهريا كان كذلك .

تقسيم السودان وليبيا واليمن ..والعراق ..,وجارى تقسيم سوريا وكان الأمل لديهم ايضا تقسيم مصر .

تونس خلاص ..فى مهب الريح.

أما اميركا فلها حسابات اخرى ..
تخطيط يتم منذ سنوات كثيرة ( فى الخفاء والعلن ) ..بهداوة منقطعة النظير ..

كل واحد مسئول ( منهم ) يوصل ويسلم الر اية للى بعده وينفذ الخطة بحذافيرها ويزيد عليها .
ولنا فى اوباما ...وبوش الأصغر ثم بوش الأكبر....اسوة .

وأما هيلارى وكل اتباعها ...حدث ولا حرج .

وكما سبق فى موضوع آخر واوضحت ...نكتشف بعد مرور السنين أن كل ( مساعديهم )

للأسف الشديد جداااااااا...اخوان و.مسلمين ويحلمون ويخططون ..ويتخيلون أن الوعد ( آتى ) ...لهم بلا أى جدال .

هم يخططون...والآخرين ينفذون ( بغباء )..

ضحكت بالأمس ...كثيرااااا

هاهى اوروبا كلها تنتفض ...لمجرد تخيلها ...انقسام بريطانيا العظمى ..

لم يحدث أى انقسام .

لم يحدث ..

لكنى فقط تخيلت احساسهم ...

ماذا يعنى تقسيم البلاد ؟؟

انه تقسيم للعباد ..,انفصال فى كل شئ .

انظر ...تأمل ...اضحك بسخرية .
اقفل الصفحة ...وقل ..يارب

(وَمَنْ يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِناً مُتَعَمِّداً فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِداً فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَاباً عَظِيماً)

[النساء : 93]

رابط هذا التعليق

شعوب وحكومات واعيه وعاقله .. بغض النظر عن نواياهم تجاهنا .. او وجهة نظرهم فينا ..ولعلهم أدركوا عند اللحظة التاريخيه الحاسمة أنه فى الاتحاد ((قوه)) وفى الانفصال ((هُوَّه))

تم تعديل بواسطة التونسى

اللهم أرنا الحق حقا و ارزقنا اتباعه

و أرنا الباطل باطلا و ارزقنا اجتنابه

آمين آمين آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان
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