عادل أبوزيد بتاريخ: 2 مايو 2006 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 2 مايو 2006 صرحت أمس السيدة جميلة إسماعيل زوجة الدكتور أيمن نور و المتحدثة الرسمية لحزب الغد بأن كل من أمير سالم رئيس هيئة الدفاع عن أيمن نور و ناشط حقوق الإنسان المعروف و إيهاب الخولى نائب رئيس حزب الغد صرحت بأنهم إختفيا من يومين و لم تتمكن من زيارة أيمن نور هى و إبنيها لأن كل الأوراق و التوكيلات الخاصة بقضية أيمن نور موجودة معهم. و أن آخر مرةا شوهدا فيها كانت يوم 27 أبريل أثناء الإحتشاد أمام نقابة المحامين دعما للقضاة الذين حولهم وزير العدل للتحقيق لإعتراضهم على تزوير الإنتخابات إذا كان ذلك صحيحا فأكيد النظام فقد عقله و نحن نشاهد أيام النظام الأخيرة. الرابط :Jailed opposition leader's lawyer goes missing May 2, 2006, 10 hours, 55 minutes and 31 seconds ago. By Andnetwork .com Jailed Egyptian opposition leader Ayman Nour's top lawyer and a colleague have gone missing, Nour's wife and spokeswoman, Gamila Ismail, said on Saturday. Amir Salem, the lead defense lawyer in Nour's forgery trial, and Ihab Al Khouly, also a Nour lawyer and one of five vice-presidents for Nour's Ghad (Tomorrow) party, have not been heard from for the past two days, Ismail said. Salem and Khouly were last seen on April 27 at a rally outside the Egyptian lawyers' syndicate in Cairo, supporting two pro-reform judges who face disciplinary action for accusing the judiciary of helping the government rig legislative elections last fall. The demonstrators later clashed with security forces and more than a dozen were arrested. Salem is a prominent figure in the Egyptian National Association for Human Rights (ENAHR) and an activist with Lawyers for Change, a movement that has been supporting dissident judges in their demand for an independent judiciary. The two were probably arrested by state security officers who had stalked them throughout the protests, Ismail said. However, judicial and security sources were not immediately available for comment. "I think that the regime is very hysterical that these movements support the judges," Ismail said. "The fact that he [salem] is active in Lawyers for Change and supports the judges ... This made them go mad," she added. Nour, who mounted an aggressive challenge to President Hosni Mubarak in the September 2005 presidential poll, was slapped in December with a five-year prison sentence on charges of forgery, which he claims were fabricated. The 41-year-old lawyer is to appear at a Cairo court on Sunday, with new charges expected to be pressed against him, Ismail said. Ismail also expressed worry about the outcome of Nour's appeal hearing next month if Salem does not resurface soon. "Salem has all the papers. He has the power of attorney, everything," Ismail said. Salem had also obtained permission for herself and her children to visit Nour in jail on Saturday, but could not go because Salem disappeared with the necessary papers, Ismail said. Source : Middle East Times مواطنين لا متفرجين رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
عادل أبوزيد بتاريخ: 6 مايو 2006 كاتب الموضوع تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 6 مايو 2006 فى جريدة الغد (الحقيقية) نشر عن محاولات لإعتقال أمير سالم و لكن لم يأتى خبر إختفائه و عدم العثور عليه. و أستطيع إعتمادا على جريدة الغد أن أمير سالم لم يختفى و هو موجود و مستمر فى فريق الدفاع عن أيمن نور. مواطنين لا متفرجين رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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