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ارجو ارجو ارجو الرد و المشاركة الفعالة و بسرعة في هذا الطلب من الاخوة المصريين(_انا مصري برضه)

-انا اود دراسة بكالريوس الطب في الولايات المتحدة الاميريكية و انا مخلص ثانوية عامة بمجموع جيد جدا الحمد لله لكن العام الماضي مع العلم اني في كلية الطب الان اول سنة

و لكن اود الدراسة بمنحة كلية ارجو كتابة الخطوات لتحصيل ذلك و بمن اتصل لانجاز الخطوات هذه

-ماذا تعرفون عن اميديست؟ هل هي ربحية؟ يعني اذا اتصلت للاستفسار ماذا اقول؟

- هل هن في مصر قريبا معارض للتعليم الدولي تشارك فيه جامعات عملاقة من جميع انحاء العالم للتنسيق معها خصوصا الولايات المتحدة؟

ارجو الرد بسرعة من الاخوة الاعزاء و سلامي للجميع الحاضر و الغائب و اعزروني علي العجلة في الطلب لكن للضرورة احكام و ارجو ان تقبلوني ضيفا مؤقتا بل اتمني دائما

رابط هذا التعليق

hi all

just wanted to share the info i know about this subject as i have seen lot of members lately asking about either studying medicine in the west or even inquiring about boarding examination .

first of all sorry for writting in english but i dont have an arabic keyboard but as all poeple who will be interested in reading this are physicians there will be no problem .

medicine in the united states is much differnt that how it is in egypt , in the states you first have to take a bachelor degree with majors in science or biology , u have 2 get a high gpa then take whats called MCAT exam then apply to medicine schools in the states and go for interviews( you can say that medicine in the states is like a master degree for 4 years so first you take bachelr degree for 4 years then study medicine for further 4 years, the cost of medicine school its self is about 250,000 us dollars , and the only reason american student can afford it is beacuse they can apply for student loan which ofcourse we dont have it as egyptians ) , anyhow and am sorry to say that it is impossoble for you to do that as most american students gets rejected due to the restricted numbers of enrolled student each year thats why lot of americans go study at medicine schools in the caribbean .

so from what i hav ementioned above what you want to do is :

1) get into a bachelor degree in the states with majors in science or biology or even chemistry , you have to apply for a university , pay the fee's in advance ( not less than 10,000 us dollars for one semester at least ) and then apply for a student visa ,probably if you are not related to one of the rich families in egypt your visa will be refused and put in your consideration that beside paying the uni fee's in advance before you apply fo rthe visa you also have to show that you have enough money in bank for your own expenses ( about 20,000 us dollars ) , even if you have a schoolarship that covers all your expenses you still need to show the embassy that you have a lot of money , but thats not the problem , you still have to finish a 4 year bachelor degree , then apply for whats called mcat exam , then apply for medicine school , an dmy friend medicine schools in the states just take american , about 60% of american students or not more are rejected , and it coast about 2,000,000 egyptian pound .

2) so my advice to you , study hard in your uni , get high degrees , start studying for board examination in states canada or whatever you seem interested in , put in your mind that you can pass the first step of usmle once you finish 2nd year so keep your self busy so by the time you finish your medicine degree in egypt you will be almost done with the usmle , and about (اميديست), its the center in which you can tak ethe first and second steps of the american board exam , am not sure but they migh also provide some courses , am pretty sure now in egypt you can find lot of centers that provide courses for usmle exams , they also provide books that you might need to study and you have to register with them to tak ethe exam , what would you ask them when you call is that you are a medical student wishing to tak ethe first step of usmle so what should i do and they will give you details .

wish you all the best

رابط هذا التعليق

شكرا جزيلا علي الرد

و لكن اذا حبيت استفسر من اميديست ماذا اقول لهم بالضبط؟؟؟؟

اعني اقول لهم اني اود دراسة بكالريوس الطب؟؟؟ ام ماذا ارجو النصيحة و الارشاد

رابط هذا التعليق

my friend

u know what egyptians are still ganna be egyptians and they will never change , if you have spend another one minute to finish reading what i have wrote above you would never be asking that question , but as you know we egyptians prefer to set on our butt and wait for someone to get us the answer , 32 poeple have read this so far and no one replied and i bet that at least 80% of them are interested in the subject or they wouldnt log in , but on the other hand if i have posted some jokes by the next day i will find heaps of poeple who replied with further jokes , if you had made it so far and you are able to log online and register in a forum that means you have enough skills to go to google and search for answers


رابط هذا التعليق

Guess what my friend thats exactly the answer i was expecting yea to say ,instead of understanding what i have been trying to explain , you got pissed off because you didnt get an easy fast answer for a silly question already have been answered above while you set on your butt having fun .

Typical attitude and am sorry my friend to tell yea that I don’t think you will accomplish anything,if you cant make a single phone call to ask for information how do you expect to pass the usmle ??? , as long as you are waiting for others to do the job you are supposed to do your self you will end doing nothing , and i think you have noticed that no one in this forum gave a shit about your question .

keep getting pissed on poeple and keep make fun of them thats what we all are good at .

رابط هذا التعليق

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