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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الاخوه الافاضل .. آدى يا ساده اللنك المطلوب :


وخش انت بقى على جريدة النهضة

كلمات حق وصيحة فى واد .. إن ذهبت اليوم مع الريح ، فقد تذهب غدا بالأوتاد ..

ليس كل من مسك المزمار زمار .. وليس كل من يستمع لتصريحات الحكومة الوردية ..حمار

ويا خسارة يامصر .. بأحبك حب يعصر القلب عصر

رابط هذا التعليق

أنا ببص على الجزيرة كل يوم ومشفتش حاجه بالمنظر ده، ممكن اللينك اللى على الجزيرة بتاع العشرة ألاف لو سمحت؟

معلش حتعبك معايا لإن صاحب الموضوع الأصلى لم يضع أى رابط ولا ظابط.

حضرتك في اول مداخلة وضعت الرابط و الخبر منشور في موقع المصريون و هو موقع قريب من الاخوان لو لا تعلم و بيكتب فيه العديد من الاخوان باستمرار مثل جمال حشمت و ابو العلا ماضي .... لو سمحت راجع اول مداخلة بتركيز شكرا

الرئيس مسئول عن كل ما تعاني منه مصر الأن


رابط هذا التعليق

وانتقد في اتصال هاتفي أجرته معه (العربية.نت) هذه الحملة ووصفها "بالسخيفة التي تحاول تشويه هذا التصريح لأغراض خبيثة"، مشيرا إلى أن هناك "قطاعات واسعة في الرأي العام وبين المثقفين أيدته وفهمت مقصده الداعم لاخوة لنا في لبنان يواجهون هجمة صهيونية شرسة لا ترحم طفلا ولا مسنا".

وأضاف عاكف أنه قرر "عدم الالتفات لهؤلاء المترصدين الذين وصلوا في حملتهم ضدي إلى اسلوب متدن للغاية وسأغلق الحديث في هذا الموضوع". قائلا ان كلامه كان واضحا جدا حول امكانية ارسال عشرة آلاف متطوع، فقد اشترط موافقة الحكومات المعنية على ذلك، وهذه ليست أول مرة يفعلها الاخوان بارسال متطوعين إلى جبهات الحرب ضد اسرائيل.

وأوضح: "كلامي كان دقيقا جدا ولا يصل لهذا العبث والهراء الذي وصلت إليه الحملة ضدي، كزعمهم بأن هذا التصريح يعني أن الاخوان يملكون جناحا عسكريا مدربا. إنها أصوات خبيثة لا تعرف معنى للوطنية أو الأخلاق أو القيم".


انا سعيد بتراجع المرشد عن تصريحاته الاولي و لكن يبدو انه غير قادر علي تقدير وقع تصريحاته و رد الفعل كما ينبغي و ما زال بيكابر ........ بعد طظ في مصر الاولي من كام شهر رفض سحب تصريحاته و قال انه اسئ فهمه بعد ان نفاها في البدايه ...... مرة اخري هذا الرجل غير كفء و في موقع اكبر من قدراته

الرئيس مسئول عن كل ما تعاني منه مصر الأن


رابط هذا التعليق

يعنى هما عايزين يخللوا هو الإنضمام للمقاومة ممنوع إلا بزى الجيش؟

وبعدين أنا شفت على الويب بتاعهم فتح باب التطوع ، وده طبيعى بعد ما أعلنت الحكومة موقفها، يعنى الحكومة لا ترحم ولا تسيب رحمة ربنا تنزل.

طب ما هى الحكومة نفسها فتحت باب التبرع أيام حرب أفغانستان مع الإتحاد السوفيتى.

يا عزيزى

دا كان زمان ايام السادات وعزيزة كيسنجر وبالتعاون مع المخابرات الامريكيه والفرنسيه والسعوديه والصداميه فى تنظيم نادى السفارى الدولى لمحاربه الشيوعيه ...

اليوم من تريد محاربته هو الصهيونيه وليست الشيوعيه ..... الصهيونيه حليفه المخابرات الامريكيه والفرنسيه والسعوديه والصداميه و ال ................ ولا بلاش لانروح فى داهيه

الصهيونيه التى تحمى الكراسى من شعوبهم

اقرأ كدة معايا علشان تفهمنى


The original "Safari Club" was set up by the French ultra right-winger, Count Alexander de Maranches, who was the Director of the French Service for External Documentation and Espionage (SDECE) during the seventies. A group which the socialist Francois Mitterand described when he took power in France in 1981, as "a haven of fascist hysterics and military retainers inimical in their right to govern." A year later he abolished the SDECE and replaced it with the Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE). Under the Director, Pierre Marion, the entire French security system was re-directed towards Industrial Espionage which wholly supported the Group Bull, a "state-owned company which sits at the very heart of France’s formidable military-industrial complex" (Mark Shernik). Bull, went into a curious alliance with Honeywell, the US computer firm, with full DGSE backing. Honeywell was the largest manufacturer of landmines. It was this group who was to supply landmines to both sides in Bosnia.

In the seventies, when all this was being formulated under the auspices of the Safari Club, Marwan and co. were most active. The club had originated as a consortium formed between the secret police forces of the Shah of Iran (SAVAK), Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Anwar Sadat of Egypt (The Marwan connection), and the Saudi Intelligence Service headed by Kamal Adham (later of BCCI fame). It was expressly formed to support regimes that were actively anti-Communist and to try and put down regimes that were not. In this second category it arranged coup d’etats in Central Africa, Congo, Nigeria and Mali. Because of its nature, the group was heavily into the supply of arms. When billion dollar contracts for arms are floating about, the Establishment is amazingly tolerant and it was during this time that Marwan became a very rich young man."Le Cercle" eventually spread its tentacles throughout the Western World, but it started in France, as a cogent force, during the Premiership of Antoine Pinay in 1951. Pinay attended the notorious Bilderberg meeting in Ossterbeek, Holland in May 1954. Here he identified others of his extreme political ilk and with the active co-operation of Jean Violet of the then SDECE and Otto von Hapsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, he formed the club. By the sixties their covert membership was truly astonishing. The "inner circle" included, among many others, Nicholas Elliot, a department head at MI6; William Colby, former controversial director of the CIA; Colonel Botta, of Swiss Military Intelligence; Stefano Della Chiaie, a leading member of the Italian Secret Service; Giullo Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister and member of P2, who, it was later proved, gave the Italian Mafia presidential protection; General Antonio de Spinola, leader of the Portuguese Putschists; Silva Munoz, former Franco minister and a senior member of Opus Dei; Franz Josef Strauss, the German Defence Minister, and Monsignor Brunello, BNG agent in the Vatican.

While the Circle itself was clandestine, they soon formed open and genuine fronts. In America it was the Washington-based, CIA-backed, Heritage Foundation which was to eventually donate some £5 million to the Conservative Party coffers in support of the Thatcher government, on condition that they put some of their own people into the CCO HQ. This included Dr. Julian Lewis, an arch enemy of Scallywag’s for some years now. In turn, these people were sponsored by the British Freedom Association, run by Norris McWhirter, scourge of the CND, who is also founding editor of the Guinness Book of Records. Fringe members were The World anti-Communist League; Western Goals, the Bilderbergers, the Opus Dei; Propaganda Duo (P2) and the Jonathan Institute. Attaching themselves somewhere along the line was also the Moonies.

The Circle, on the one hand masterminded the demise of the Wilson and Heath governments in the UK; the assassination of Olaf Palme in Sweden; and caused the destabilisation of the Gough Whitlam government in Australia. On the other hand it was masterminding the setting-up of right-wing governments everywhere.

"Le Cercle" was not just anti-Communist, it was anti-socialist, even though many of the governments they tried to destroy or destabilise had been properly and legally elected. They truly were the original "Reds Under the Beds" fanatics who saw communism everywhere and believed it was their divine right to molest it in any way possible. Under this guise, however, they also cornered the arms markets.

To be fair, during the Cold War, communism under the Bolsheviks was a constant and serious threat to Western democracies and it had developed a huge, expensive, potent and dangerous machine of destabilisation against the West. Leading, it appeared obvious at the time, to an all-out nuclear war. Western security forces were quite within their rights to be paranoiac about the Eastern Block’s intentions. But the activities of "Le Cercle" were merely an extension of McCarthyism in a rather more intelligent and less hysterical, though none the less potent, form. They had developed a huge sense of menace which was closely guarded by some genuine authenticity and tolerated because of national paranoia. The CIA almost openly backed them, the MI6 more cautiously so. In both forces the Circle found many sympathisers.

Key members of the British Establishment, but especially their security services, were heavily involved with this set up. If many individuals were not actual members they were strident sympathisers. And at the end of the day, in the years leading up to Diana’s death, it all came down to simple gun-running. The supplying of arms to those forces, however evil, which they thought would stamp out the reds.

Three constant sympathisers in the UK, were Jonathan Aitken, later heavily discredited, Alan Clark, Minister of State for Defence in the Thatcher government and Paul Channon, former Secretary of State for the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) which at the time were so instrumental in discrediting both Asil Nadir and al-Fayed. In their dealings with the latter, the DTI brought into the conspiracy everyone mentioned in the former chapter concerning Ashraf Marwan. Sir Richard Scott reprimanded all three former ministers in the arms-to-Iraq enquiry.

The Safari Club meanwhile, with unlimited oil money, was busy plotting to overthrow President Sekou Toure of Guinea; assassinating Amilcar in Guinea-Bissau; and backing Siad Barre in Somalia. They led plots to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi, because he had actively supplied backing and arms to the "other side". They had formed strong links with BOSS, the Gestapo-style secret police of South Africa. Their only real failures were not managing to murder Gaddafi and failing to prop up the Shah. But did the West later in the Gulf War fall short of murdering Saddam because he was an original member of the Safari Club? Did he still have influential friends on the world stage? Has he even today? He certainly still has widespread support in much of the Muslim world. In February 1998 it was revealed that a top CIA agent, Thomas Twetten, (Deputy Director of Operations at the time), a major influence of Le Cercle in Washington, was working outside his office or jurisdiction in a plot by Iraqi Generals to murder Saddam. Clinton himself had ordered a feasible death plot. Mysteriously, all the names of the plotters were leaked from Washington and the plot was thwarted. MI6 were actively involved on an operational level directly with Twetten. In all some 120 officers were shot as a result.

In the final analysis, to "Le Cercle" it is not so much a political question as one of economics. There’s still a lot of oil out there, and a vibrant market for billions of dollars worth of armaments. Kuwait, of course, was not a member of the Safaris. But it must have been difficult for Saudi Arabia to choose between the threat imposed by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and attacking a fellow member of the club.

My own security contacts, including the Baroness, had also told me about a highly mysterious organisation called the Committee of 26, which is apparently based in Bristol, in England’s West Country. I have never heard of this and can find no other official reference in any file. But it is apparently a super-secret "liaison desk" between the highest echelons of British and American agencies and has the "co-operation" of the French. I was told it was "Old Guard" and worked unilaterally. That is, it was a kind of uncontrolled "super-agency" which answered to no one. I cannot show that this agency even exists, but if it does the number 26 presumably relates to members and, given the rise of membership of The Circle, which is known to exist, I would approximate that that would be an accurate figure and that it may well represent the right-wing elements of some 26 countries. I trust the Baroness, but she was unable to give me any feasible further "chapter and verse."

While there is a strong argument against landmine manufactures themselves plotting against Diana, at the time of her death the production of landmines was still going strong. The Clinton administration had just clinched a £400 million deal to supply an arms package for Bosnian Muslims (Through Honeywell). The French (through the DGSE) had just dried the ink on a $2 billion oil deal with the Iranians and part of the payment was to be a shipment of arms to Bosnia where a very high-profile Princess Diana had recently visited to appeal to the world against the recent carnage and its aftermath. Her very innocence was getting to be a huge embarrassment to several governments. And, perhaps more important, to the machinations of "Le Cercle" An uncontrolled Princess was swanning through their affairs and getting world-wide support. She was a one-woman icon wandering at will through the war zones of the world. She was striking huge chords for international pacifism. And worse, far worse, she was a deep influence on the future king.

Ironically, Sir James Goldsmith, was also an associate member of "Le Cercle" Goldsmith had been very much involved with Circle activities in Africa, and so had Tiny Rowland. It was very much in Rowland’s interests to keep left-wing governments out of Africa where the base of his fortune was made. Mainly in diamond mines which used, almost exclusively, slave labour. There has never been any dispute that Rowland had become a serious threat to the Fayed family. All over a personal tiff about the world’s most high-class grocery shop

تم تعديل بواسطة ahm_ali_baba
رابط هذا التعليق




بنك الاعتماد والتجارة الدولى الذى تم تكوينه خصيصا للصرف على انشطه نادى باريس ( اى العمليات السريه للمخابرات المركزيه الامريكيه ولغسل اموال المخدرات ) وانتهى دورة بعد انسحاب الاتحاد السوفيتى من الافغانستان ... وكان ابطاله وابطال عملياته

كمال ادهم

بن محفوظ

بن زقر


بن لادن

اشرف مروان

محمد الفايد

عدنان خاششقى

رابط هذا التعليق

طول العمر الاخوان المسلميين ينكرون ان لهم تنظيما عسكريا ............... فمن اين ياترى جاء هؤلاء ال 10 الالف عضو المدربين .......... واين تم تدريبهم ومتى ولمااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااذا

رابط هذا التعليق

لاشك أن الإخوان مستهدفين منذ أدائهم فى الإنتخابات الأخيرة، توقعوا المزيد.

وشفنا فى الفترة الأخيرة لم تنج أى جماعة أو تنظيم إسلامى من الحملات التشويهية المنظمة.

تم تعديل بواسطة El-Masri
رابط هذا التعليق

لاشك أن الإخوان مستهدفين منذ أدائهم فى الإنتخابات الأخيرة، توقعوا المزيد.

وشفنا فى الفترة الأخيرة لم تنج أى جماعة أو تنظيم إسلامى من الحملات التشويهية المنظمة.

تاريخ الاخوان المسلمين يقول انهم :

قتلوا رئيس المحكمه العليا احمد الخازندار

وقتلوا رئيس الوزراء المصرى صدقى باشا

وحاولوا قتل رئيس الجمهوريه جمال عبد الناصر

وقتلوا رئيس مصر انور السادات

وحاولوا تدمير القناطر الخيريه واغراق الدلتا

وفى كل مرة ينكرون ان لهم تنظيما سريا عسكريا

بالرغم من القبض على بعضهم وهم يتدربون فى المقطم

وبالرغم من القبض عليهم ومعهم السلاح فى حادثه الجيب الشهيرة

وبالرغم من المفترض تدينهم ........................ نجدهم كذابون

لذلك فأن سؤالى بعيد كل البعد عن نجاحهم فى الانتخابات المزورة .................. سؤالى يتحدث عن كذبهم وهم المتدينون الورعون

متى واين تدرب ال 10 الاف شاب .................................. ولمااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااذا

رابط هذا التعليق

تاريخ الاخوان المسلمين يقول انهم :

قتلوا رئيس المحكمه العليا احمد الخازندار

وقتلوا رئيس الوزراء المصرى صدقى باشا

وحاولوا قتل رئيس الجمهوريه جمال عبد الناصر

وقتلوا رئيس مصر انور السادات

وحاولوا تدمير القناطر الخيريه واغراق الدلتا

وفى كل مرة ينكرون ان لهم تنظيما سريا عسكريا

بالرغم من القبض على بعضهم وهم يتدربون فى المقطم

وبالرغم من القبض عليهم ومعهم السلاح فى حادثه الجيب الشهيرة

وبالرغم من المفترض تدينهم ........................ نجدهم كذابون

طبعا دا رايك يا أستاذ ahm_ali_baba

وانا اقدر ان التاريخ دا مستقى من روزاليوسف والقناة السادسة المصرية

التاريخ بيقول بردو

أنهم كانوا أول جماعة أخدت على عاتقها إعلاء كلمة الدين بعد نكسة سقوط الخلافة على يد أتاتورك

أنهم حاربوا في 48 في فلسطين ودائما ما كان لهم متطوعين للجهاد في حروب المسلمين

أنهم ساندوا الثورة لغايه ما نجحت وبعد كدا نحرو في سجون عبد الناصر (عفى الله عنه )

أنهم الوحيدين اللى حافظوا على الدين في عصور كادت مصر أن تنحرف فيها لطريق اللادين ( 60 - 80 )

انهم الوحيدين اللى علمونا قرأة القران في كتاتيب القرى

أنهم الجماعة الاسلامية الوحيدة على مستوى العالم المنظمة واللى لها تنظيمات على مستوى دولي في كل دول العالم

ولمن لا يعلم فأن أحمد ياسين وحركته حماس كلها التي تدافع عنا الان كلهم اخوان مسلمين

أنهم جماعة أكثر تنظيما من حكومتك التى تحكمك وما حدث في الانتخابات الاخيره شاهد عيان لمن كان له قلب أو ألقى السمع وهو شهيد

يعلم الله أنى لم انتمى يوم للجماعه ولكن ماقولت للانصاف فقط

أنا لا أكتب الأشـــعار فالأشعـــــــــار تكتبني

أريد الصمت كي أحيا ولكن الذي ألقاه ُينطقني

رابط هذا التعليق

الأخوان وعلى حد علمي بهم كان لديهم خطط ومعسكرات تدريب غير ثابته وحتى منتصف التسعينات كما أن في صفوفهم عدد معتبر من ضباط الجيش بخلاف الجنود

رابط هذا التعليق

  • بعد 6 سنة...



{وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ}(11){اَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ}(12)وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ}(11)


ذو العقل يشقى في النعيم بعقله *** وأخو الجهالة في الشقاوة ينعم
مشكلة العالم هي أن الحمقى والمتعصبين هم الأشد ثقة بأنفسهم ، والأكثر حكمة تملؤهم الشكوك (برتراند راسل)
A nation that keeps one eye on the past is wise!A
A nation that keeps two eyes on the past is blind!A


رابط القرآن كاملا بتلاوة الشيخ مصطفى إسماعيل برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
القرآن كاملا ترتيل وتجويد برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
رابط سلسلة كتب عالم المعرفة

رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان
  • المتواجدون الآن   0 أعضاء متواجدين الان

    • لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلون يتصفحون هذه الصفحة
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