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اتفاقية كامب ديفيد


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يوم تحرير سيناء

وكل سنة وانتم طيبين

وكثرت الأقاويل عن اتفاقية كامب ديفيد وأن بها بنودا سرية

والبعض أيدها والبعض الآخر يرفضها

وحجته أنها مجحفة لمصر وتحد من سيادة مصر على أرضها فى سيناء

فهل من يدلنا عن وصلة لهذه الاتفاقية حتى ندرسها ونتدارسها جميعا

ونبدى فيها رأينا قبولا أو معارضة

جزاكم الله خيرا

مصر أكبر من نظام الحكم الفردى الديكتاتورى الإستبدادى

الذى فرضه علينا عسكر حركة يوليو فى الخمسينات

وصار نظاما لحكم مصر

برنامج الرئيس الإنتخابى لإسكان فقراء الشباب ..

سرقه مسؤولون وزارة الإسكان مع المقاولين ..!

رابط هذا التعليق

غالى والطلب رخيص

هذا موقع به الإتفاقية وأيضا" صور واضحة يمكن قراءتها من الوثائق

إتفاقية كامب ديفيد مصر

اللهم إن لك على ذنوب كثيرة فيما بينى وبينك وذنوب كثيرة فيما بينى وبين خلقك

اللهم ما كان لك منها فإغفر لى وما كان لخلقك فتحمله عنى برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

رابط هذا التعليق

جزاك الله خيرا

أخونا العزيز خالد أحمد

لقد أمددتنا بلنك غنية بالعلومات وأكثر مما طلبنا

شكرا جزيلا

Edited By ragab2 on April 24 2002 4:57pm

مصر أكبر من نظام الحكم الفردى الديكتاتورى الإستبدادى

الذى فرضه علينا عسكر حركة يوليو فى الخمسينات

وصار نظاما لحكم مصر

برنامج الرئيس الإنتخابى لإسكان فقراء الشباب ..

سرقه مسؤولون وزارة الإسكان مع المقاولين ..!

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Brothers;

This is really very important, and really intersecting with many current and past circumstances before this treaty to be signed.

I will Speak about many points - Unfortunately in English - , but before proceeding I will give one of the sources that describes the """6ht October war "" from the point of view of Israelies them selves. The importance of this Source has been drawn from this two points :


This might be not a direct pointing of The treaty items , but I think , and I hope that all shares me , that pointing all these below items are really important to understand all the circumstances of before and after the treaty. As all the below items NO one can IGNORE that easily to discuss them.


a- The book has been written by 6 press WAR correspondents and soldiers in Israeli army.One of them is Moshea Dayan nephew who were in Egyptian front.

b- The second importance is that this book gives the WHOLE DETAILS of Moshea Dayan press conference with Israeli Press in 9th October 1973 which was secret and hasn't been issued in the Israeli Press because Moshea Dayan was very collapsed - as descriped by these words in the book , I'm not giving any words from my own here, in my below comment  - .

c- The third importance is that , this book gives all the war details in the Syrian Front. DID ANY BODY ASKED HIM SELF , WHY THE DETAILS IN THIS FRONT IS NOT THAT COMMON LIKE DETAILS IN THE EGYPTIAN FRONT . All the arabs can easily get the details about the egyptian front but not in the Syrian front. Well, if you are anxious to know, curious to know, PLS READ THIS BOOK.

d- This book is giving the whole stoy about the different battles between the Egyptian and Israeli intelligents before and after 1967, and before and after 1973 WARs.

e- This Book, gives the strategic point of view of Israeli WAR leaders in : 1973, Saina, Egypt as whole country.

Well, well, Here is the book name :

" The story of Arab Israeli WAR " , issued by Dar El Ketab El Misreya , First edition in 1974. You can go there, and as them about it.

Well, let me proceed. My points will be the following :

1- 1973 WAR target, strategically, logestics, Socially

2- Camp David preambles

3- Camp David Results

4- Arabian Israeli conflict future as seen by Israelis, and arabs, and my pearsonal point of view.

5- For us, How Egyptians should develope their, motivations, skills, mind, believes, to prepare for the following battle.

....to be continued .....


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

Gentlemen - and ladies ofcourse as they are expected to read any way- , let's proceed :

1- 1973 WAR target, strategically, logestics, Socially :

Every one knows that the target of this WAR was freeing Saina. No doubts. This is recorded in the political files of Egyptian state. And in the memos of Israeli statesmen - for example the previous book - and US/Rossian statesmen as well. If you want a fast eveidence, PLS see the interview with Gen. Saad El Shazly in Al Jazeera :


It wasn't the purpose of destroying Israel as stated by him, as this was a red line stated to Egypt in front of Saad El Shazly and all the Egyptian and Syrian Leaders at that time.


I'm here touching all the opinions . That some people ; are saying that the WAR was to destroy Israel. I have just stated this Short note here to clarify my way of writting here. Let's continue.


Strategically, The winning WAR is to "" achieve the target of your WAR, if you didn't , then you lost . By the way, this is the principle of even political negotiations. I will clarify this in details in item #3 .

Some Examples :

a - In World WAR II , the targets of Hetler , hasn't been achieved eventhough he was the winner in the beginning.

b- Vietname WAR: Some People they are saying US army has been defeated, BUT look now how the Communist Political direction has been surronded by US in Vietname itself, and the Chinese  fist in this zone has been loosen after: the Compodian revolutionaries have been made relations with US - two years ago - with Khameer Al Humhur . And these allied relations has been noticed with very care and anooyance by China. Also, the US military forces bases in Phillipene. In Japan - in Japan it not that huge like what is in Phillipine. So as you can see, the WAR has too things : current results, and foreseable Strategic results . If you look ONLY at Vietname WAR from the results after the WAR point of view, you will say US has been defeated. But if you look at the Targets that US was trying to implement - destroying all the Communist Allied relation with China to weaken china, and this is waht they are trying to do with China just as US did with USSR - you will say US won this WAR.

c- Germany dissengagement after WOLD WARII: Here , from the strategic point of view: US has been defeated. Yes: Why?Because US was insisting to divide Germany, to have in the future the monopoly of Industrial production in Europe . But after the union of Germany: So the strategic target of US has been lost, SO US HAS BEEN DEFEATED . If you want to analyze this after war immediately, you will say US/and Allied forces won. BUT if you took it from the future point of view, then US has been defeated.

What I want to say Brothers - and sisters before I forget - for any Political plan - and WAR is Political Plan and order before being Militarian - has two things :

First, to achieve it [ I mean either immediately after WAR or the political negotiation ]. Secondly,


as I said, US didn't being able to make the second with Germany , but was able to do the first .

So Let's apply what we have above on item # 1

Yes, Egypt made the counter attack and succeeded in the implmenting all the Military plan, not only this : but also the losses of Israel troops are larger than Egyptians troops, This is stated by Saad El Shazly in the above link

[i have taken his witness as he is against SADAT, so he is representing opinions of people who are against SADAT ], and also as stated by the Israelies in the above book I have given for all to read. PLS PLS read this very important BOOK .

For the second point which is - So no body can forget what it is - TO KEEP YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS, also is presently , and as God wishes , with the willpower of Egyptians Nations ; has been fullfilled.

Logestically ; This WAR made the Egyptian Army to have the ability to be subjected to a variety of weapons in different fields. More over , this has been used in the future developements of Weapons in the army. I don't like any way to state any thing regarding this point.

Socially, This item is really important and astonishing. This WAR has given the Egyptian Nation the self motivations , Rooted Belief, Ambtions, Unlimited Efforts from every one from the highest leader till the little boy in any suburb or farm inside Egypt. For Egyotians , and for Israelis as well, This is one of the most important thing has been achieved by this WAR. To give an evidence , DO YOU KNOW WHAT Moshea Dayan said in that press conference I have given a hint on it in above[ I'm transfering his words letter by letter ] :


Well the above may be taken by many people as an evidence that the peace process as a "whole" is something negative . I will take this point to be discussed in item #3 .

Any Body Slept , WAKE UP .

.... to be continued .......


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

2- Camp David preambles (introductions)

Well these introductions before Camp David , has been narrated with many writters , one of them is Mohammed Hassaneen Haikal in his book "The story of WAR and Peace in the Rabian Iraeli Conflict" . Quotting from him in his book , He was sitting with SADAT , and SADAT said to him among their chatting : I'M TIRED . Haikal said : "Well, I can understand, but did people declared this" . Then Haikal explained the Economical situation inside Egypt, and how Egypt was needing for URGENT AIDS. He - as he gives in his books - stated that King Faisal gave at that time - beginning of 1974 and before his death 250millions Dollars as urgent AIDs. More over, when he visited Cairo, he went with Sadat to the current zone known now by his name - Faisal zone - and he agreed with Sadat to begin developping this zone, and he ordered his government to immediately co-operate with Egyptian Government and give ANY AND IMMEDIATELY anything wanted by Egyptian Government. If you read the book I have mentioned , you will read - as Israelis stated - how US/ISRAEL where afraid from any EGYPTIAN/SAUDI TIGHTENED RELATIONS , and they were expecting this. This what made US to kill King Faisal - and because of Oil ceasure as well - . After King Faisal death, US warned Saudia from helpping Egypt economically. More over, Before Any thoughts of any peace treaty, Arabs asked SADAT to put Suez Canal under mortgage . This made SADAT Aggressively Nervouse for sure,and any one has a logic and mind will be angry as well. There is as well , the Visits of Ismael Hafez and Ismael Fahmy to US and UN to make any reconcelliations , and ofcourse Henry Kessenger and US governement were replying with comics replies. One of them you will read the book I have gave you , Henry Kessenger said to Ismael Hafez :

"Don't you think it's not suitable at all to ask Israel to withdraw from Saina before Israel can see your ability to fullfill your commitments to yor nation  [ he means SADAT's promises to Egyptian nations that he will go for WAR ] , and if you tried to fullfill them Israel will do agian what it has done in 1967 in a fantastic scenario this time "

So, can every one see how Kessenger Was really arrogant.

On the millitary side after WAR, the Syrian front was really in a bad position rather than the Egyptian. Saad El Shazly was not happy at all from the defending abilities of the Syrian front, more over he refused to envolve Syrian troops in the WAR as the envolvement of Syrian front with weak defending abilities troops will - as he said him self - subject Egyptian troops to  be destroyed. Saad El Shazly stated this IN FRONT OF EVERY ONE - INCLUDING SYRIANS AND EGYPTIANS MILLITARY LEADERS - in the Secretary of defence related to Arabian League. you can read these details here :


....But... ;

You can ask, then How some of the Syrian Millitary leaders insisting on going for war although they knew the warning of Saad El Shazly that their Defending Capabilities are weak?? This is in detail in the book I have given . Briefly, the Syrian leaders unfortunately didn't calculate their abilities very well strategically. They were expecting that if Egyptian troops develope their attack to the MAMARAT, then the Israeli Air Forces will be concentrated more on the Saina Front. As stated in this Book , Israel , and Moshea Dayan Stated in his conference in 9th October, Golan Hieghts are more important for us because of two things : TABARYA LAKE which provide Israel with Water [ and this is the problem in the Syrian/Israel last negotiations in Camp David sponsered by Clinton ] , and because it is very near to the innermost of Israel land more than Saina.

So all these military facts on land after the end of the WAR

[ just to give a fact here: after 1973 war before 1977 SADAT visit to Juresalem Egypt took Saina till MAMARAT : from Raas El Esh in the north till Raas Mohhamed in the south , which explicitely mean all the strategic MAMARAT is in our control ]

, Economic facts , SADAT saw that his position is really better - transported from same book of Haikal book. More over , he knows that Israel has its ever known paranoya :


He knows that they want to cool the Egyptian Front. and Neutralize this front from the Equation as much as possible , with a """ PEACE """ Treaty , not with ""Armistrice""  treaty .

And here is the question, which is really Many people will have alot of different opinions :

Can you agree on making peace treaty, and you are ecpecting it inside you self that this treaty is an ARMISTRICE == " HODNAA in Arabic ".

No one can deny that there is no REAL peace between ARABs and Israel. Israelis and Arabs - including Egyptians - know this. Including statesmen.

So If you have the ability to persuade your enemy that you will give him peace , but inside your self , you won't give this in regard to : Developping your troops, develope yourself economically, and socially , and politically you will regard this treaty as ARMISTRICE, not PEACE.

I know many will say - and I'm one of them as well -:

Do you think that we have reached this hopped level of developements in the fields you have mentioned!!It's a bitty.

The previous statement is really full of difficulties analyzing, but it will be touched by me in item #5. and I will explain further so no one will say I have a contradiction in this.

To finish this item, which may be can be endlessly discussed , SADAT knew that US knows that Egypt has the strategic position in middle east which is influencing PEACE OR WAR  decision in this spot of wolrd. And by the way there is a plan has been put by US to weaken any roles of Egypt in the future. One of it : planning the middle east with new plans and divisions without letting Egypt has any influence strategically to refuse or oppose, and these new plans should weaken Egypt and should against it . Many people have written this in many news paper and interviews - in Al Ahram, Hayat, Al Jazeera,..etc. And it seems it's really true.

......To be continued .....


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

Thank you ayhamza for this interesting endeavour. Nevertheless, I have 2 points:

All the sources I know show that the Egyptian casualties are at least double the Israelis. This is not bad if the ratio of the populations is taken into account

Applying your thinking paradigm, we can infer that Egypt was defeated. because before 1967, we had control over Sinai. Then ,we lost it and regained it but with

diminshed sovergnity

the Israelis are free to go to Sinai and display their depravity

Egypt neutralized in the Arab Israeli conflict

Egypt became heavily dependant on US

So, we lost!!!!

رابط هذا التعليق

الفاضل الأستاذ أيمن

أحييك على هذا الطرح الموضوعي والمؤيد باللأدلة

وأرجو أن تستمر ونترك النقاش حتى تنتهي من الطرح

وحتي نتمكن قدر المستطاع من الأطلاع على المصادر التي تفضلت بذكرها

وأرجو أن أمكن طرح اللينكات الكاملة لحديث الفريق سعد الشاذلي حيث لم أتمكن من الوصول أليها

أيضا أتمنى أن يكون هناك مكان على الأنترنت يحوي مقتطفات من الكتاب الذي ذكرته

أو حتى الحديث الصحفي ل موشي ديان

ولكم كل التحية

واحد مصري

الجهل أصل كل بلاء ، ومنبع كل نقيصة

رابط هذا التعليق


I will continue my detailed discussion , associated with my comments to people (Sawsan and Wahed Masry) starting 6:00-6:30 pm.

Many thanks for all who seen these comments and post their comments. Promising for continuation and I will end them all today.

With my pleasure and respect to every one here.

Your Brother;


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق


I forgot to say that I have delayed my continuation because I'm collecting all evidences I have and organize them to post them here. Sorry if I fogot to mention this. I will continue as promised today about 6:30 .

With my respect;


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

الأخوة الأعزاء رجاء الكتابة بالعربية

ويمكنكم مراجعة باب شئون المحاورات لمعرفة طريقة الإعداد

بصراحة زهقت من الكلام والقراءة والعمل باللغة الإنجليزية

ولذلك عن نفسى أتجاهل أى رد باللغة الإنجليزية  حتى تعم الفائدة للجميع و حتى لاتنتشر المشاركات بغير العربية

كيف تكتب بالعربية

اللهم إن لك على ذنوب كثيرة فيما بينى وبينك وذنوب كثيرة فيما بينى وبين خلقك

اللهم ما كان لك منها فإغفر لى وما كان لخلقك فتحمله عنى برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

رابط هذا التعليق

Brother Khaled Ahmed;

Are you sure that the issue you have pointed to me has been not taken into my account? The reason I'm writting in English is that I don't have an arabic keyboard as I'm in Euorpe currently. When I'm back finally to Egypt in the summer I will write to you in Arabic. Why you want to neglect me and ignore me ..!! Well, I hope that this won't bother you that much. Your , and others as well, envolvements are really important to help all of us and our country to get a candle light in these darkest moments of our Nations ... Don't you agree ..?.. Ok ; let's Go ....

اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

Well to reply to to Mrs. Sawsan’s first point. Yes you are right regarding the Human Casualties, But I didn’t mean the Human casualties in the losses of the 1973 WAR . What I meant here is the MILITARIAN LOSSES on Israel , which will be translated into Money . If you want to know how much they lost during this war – ONLY during  the days of 1973 WAR – you can read this from US ARMY HAND BOOK ITSELF :


Here you can see clearly that The loss of equipment and the decline of production and

exports as a consequence of mobilization came to nearly US$7

billion, the equivalent of Israel's gross national product

(GNP--see Glossary) for an entire year. More over, you can see very clearly that US has given immediate AIDs to Israel, as every body knows.  

For your second point , I will explain it in detail while I’m explaining item number 3.

For all the serials of Saad El Shazly interview with Al Jazeera ,  PLS see  this link :


You can see all the serials from this link.

I want to give VERY VERY IMPORTANT documents ,  but this is about 1967 WAR. It explains how US succeed using Nasser’s desire of being “ Savior of the Arab World “  to respond very quickly to the beats of WAR drums beated by the ARABIAN Press and propaganda , and draw Egypt in unplanned WAR.

See this document :


Also this is a very good document that shows how the Jodanian King Hussain has been communicated by Mosaad not to be envolved in the 1967 WAR  , but he has been decieved by the Arabian Radio Broadcasts that Arabs are progressing very well. See this :


At the end , I will give to all of you a surprise, or may be a chock , related to Arab/Israeli Conflict .

Ok, let’s proceed …..

3- Camp David Results

Well , to explain the results of this Treaty, We have to explain the objectives of each side from it, US/Israel, and Egypt .  The peace process actually has been began before even 1967 WAR. Talks with Israel, has been began Before the establishment of Jordan , which was known by the State of East ( east of Jordan river) Jordan , and the following of Division Rules by UN . Which gives about half of the lands to Arabs  and remaing to Israel, and Juresalem as Nuetralized Zone. During Nasser period , US has proposed peace process with Israel – even before 1967 – through many mediators. One of them was – GUESS WHO .!!..-  Eineshtine the Scientists in Physics . Also one of them was US minister of Finance . Nasser desire was to establish a “passage zone”between Saina and Jordan to link the whole arabian world with this zone which will through the Naqb desert – as stated in Haikal Book I gave before - . Nasser asked to make the this passage zone as Nuetralized zone, and asked US to persuade Israel with this. Nasser based his opinion on Division Rules of UN issued in 1947 . If you look at the planes of this rule , you will see that this passage zone is in the zone that has been given to the arabs by Division UN Rule in 1947.  Israel refused as it sees this desire is against its settlements widenning , and Arabs already declared refusal of this UN rule when it  has been issued , more over they weren’t believe that this passage zone will be used in the future against them and will threaten them. All these things are written in Haikal Book .

When I’m saying an evidence regarding any pearson negatives from his lovers point of view , I’m giving an evidence from the people who are in the side of this pearson. Fir example , If I’m saying That there was a peace process being discussed with Nasser, I’m giving an evidence through Haikal who is in his side. So we can all of  us get rid of any suspecious regarding mutilation of some one through any evidences. I will do this through out this discussion. Even I did it in my presviouse posts. Just to remind every one .

More over, other leaders where convinced that a talks between the Arabs and Israelies will occure sooner or later. Jordanian Leaders,  Tunisian Leaders , Saudian Leaders , Yes  don’t surprise, Syrians although from Haikal information they were convinced after the crises of 1967 . Lebanese leaders actually have their relations with Israel, as they are selected from AL Mawarna Families, which have relation ship with Isreal. If you want to see the proof how “Mawarna” already have this relation : See the below link about the lebanese public  WAR in Al Jazeera channel link , read all the serials :


To be continued ....."after a while I will post all the adds"


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

Just an important note, Book of Mohammed Hassaneen Haikal is two parts. Issued by Dar Al Zahraa Al Araby, and its name is : “Storms of war and peace “ , in arabic  :

Awasef Al Harb Wa Salam

You can depend also on “ Games of Nations “ for Miles Cobland , the CIA officer, this book is full of  Chocks .

Egypt was really under consideration of US, and USSR as well . US knows for sure that this Arab conflict most of the keys are coming from Egypt. To be convinced more about this , you can read the Books about WAR 1948 , and How the voluteers from Egypt ( most of them , even all , from El Ekhwan El Muslemeen ) with Egyptian army were really the most powerfull front in the WAR. If you want fast sources , you can read the interviews of Saad El Shazly with Al Jazeera .

But there is something known in policy which is : the control of the planning “” political maps “”  in any zone on the earth . The great powers are using some zoned powered countries to consult , and influence  in the planning of the zone in which this country is existed. For example :

a- USSR was using Egypt as the powered country in the middle east to spread the socialism in the world, and spread the revolutionary concepts in the arabian world. Ofcourse this was against the kingdoms in the arabian world , specially Saudia Arabia and Jordan and Iraq – before Iraq being Kingdom -. Which let these countries to make counter allied relations with US, and Bratain against Egypt and Syria , and any coutries in this zone that encourage the socialism . one of its outcome was in  1956 in which Iraq opened Habanya Air port to the British plans to provide all the logestic AIDs to troops attcking Egypt . This can be use ofcourse by any base in the Gulf specially Qatar , or Bahrain as the Base of the Fifth Navy is settling .

b- US and Isreal relation . This doesn’t need any explaination I think.

So the most important objective of US, is to make Egypt in the side of US, as US has its own furture forseable plan to surround Communist and weaken USSR.

For Isreal, no doubt , there objective from the beginning is to neutralize Egypt in this conflict .  Their SEFETY paranoya is really making very frightened from every thing. So they can set Egypt power aside from this conflict and can be – for a while at least – not afraid from this Strategically , logetically , populist , militarian , power against them. In other words to let all these items in the above line away from them, But did they succeed to let ALL these items away from them . Let’s see (Although you can feel it in the current public movement against US and Israel, this has been implicitely said by Haikal in his interview in Dream2 channel ) .

Well, Egypt  has the following objectives :

1- First , to take all the land of Saina which has been lost in 1956 and 1967.

2- Some people ,  forgot there is another objective from this treaty. As I had mentioned previously explicitely how any country will put it self  as a poltical player in its zone. This issue is really bombed with many questions :

How you can be a plotical player between you and the greate power although you and Great Power having contradiction in the “thoughts” , “believes” , “strategics” , “enemy” (your enem is not his enemy), “Socials” .  Here , the brainstorming  of the statesman will araise. How to do this with the LOWEST SACRIFIES AND LOSSES in all the items between quotations above (thoughts, believed,..etc).

You should understand that there will be losses, yes, But the success is to lower these losses. Yes, there will losses even if in the biggest reserved [may be look like reserved] countries societies. If you want to have an evidence of sucj losses even though in most look like reserved countries , PLS see this


So the loss will occure because he is the Greate Power and you are not, you are zoned only. Well, this can draw us in a question of  the following : Why I can play politics with  my Islamic Rules. This is really difficult , although can achievable , but hardly being done because your civilization is not the DOMINANT, and any way this need a huge sacrifies from every one from the top level to the bottom. Any way this is another issue now.

Some one will jump up and down and say : Iran is doing a good policy that is strict to Islamic Cultural. Well, I will ask :

1- Why they made the explosive Bombing in Mekka during Haj in 1988 …?…

2- Why they made allied relations against Muslims like Taliban with oppositions in afganistan, and provide them with all logestics for cotinuation of public  WAR., and many things …. Why ?? It’s the dirty policy my friend.  Winston Chirshell British Prime Minister during the World War II said in his memos :

“” While I was with some members of my parties in a funeral of  a member of the party , he saw a grave and written on it : here the honored politician is buried <name of the died pearson > , Chirshell said in a comic reply: Politician and Honored….!!!….  “”  .

....To be continued .....another add will come........



اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

يا أستاذ أيمن

أحييك ثانية على موضوعك الذي هو من أفضل ما قرأت في هذا المنتدى من حيث الإفادة والموضوعية

ولكن أعذرني فقد تهت منك قليلأ في الفقرة الأخيرة

أعتقد أنك تمسك الأن بخيوط معاهدة السلام وتقدم لها بسرد بعض الوقائع من تاريخ التفاوض مع اسرائيل منذ الخمسينيات

ثم انطلقت تحاول أن تقنع معارضيك المحتملين بوجود أدلة على الوقائع التي ستمضي في ذكرها (والكثير لا يحتاجون لمثل هذه الأدلة فهو أمر ثابت تاريخا ومنطقي للغاية وورد في شهادات الكثيرين وأخرهم الدكتور مراد عالب) ولكن ما لم أفهمه حقيقة ، واعذر لي جهلي، هو علاقة ما تنشره جريدة الوطن عن الحفلات الماجنة لأمراء السعودية بالموضوع!!!

وأنا يا سيدي لا أدافع عنهم ، والأمر لا يحتاج إلى جرائد وصور لتوضيحه ، وكلنا يعرف ما يفعله الأمير تركي وزوجته في فندق سميراميس بالقاهرة

ولكن سؤالي مازال قائمأ ، ما علاقة هذا بموضوعنا؟

فهلا تكرمت بالتوضيح

ولك خالص التحية

واحد مصري

الجهل أصل كل بلاء ، ومنبع كل نقيصة

رابط هذا التعليق


عدم وجود كيبورد عربي ليس بعذر، فانا ليس عندي كيبورد عربي، بل لم اكتب بالعربي من 7 سنوات حتي انضممت للمنتدي، وكنت امضي ربع ساعة لاكتب سطر واحد في اول مداخلاتي. والآن استعدت حاسة الاهتداء للمكان وبقيت فريرة.

وبعدين انا الانجليزي بتاعي طشاش، ثمام زي عمنا الافوكاتو ، نفهكوا بقي ازاي؟ :P

لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير

رابط هذا التعليق

Brother Byte, All ;

Thanks for your kind comments and kind critising, which I respect and get usefullness of it, and same for others as well in this chatting room .

1- Regarding the Issue of that WATAN magazine link , I have tried to explain - before providing this link -  how the social contradictions between the zoned power and the Greate power when they get into a political "DEAL" , one of them , and most likely the zoned power will be influenced by the other. and this is the normal and known sacrifies EVEN IF IN MOST RESERVED SOCIETIES. And I gave this link as one of evidence . THAT'S ALL . I want to apologize if this has been taken mistakenly in worng thoughts. Again , I want to repeate that this shouldnt by any mean to be taken mistakenly. And if the site supervisor wants to delete, I will repect without any discussion his decision.

2- Secondly, regarding the historical evidences ; which I still will add more and more , I know some people knew it, BUT I BELIEVE NOT ALL OF THEM. Any way I will try to go through the most common - and I hope that it will be most common to every one as well - fastly.

Brother Byte ;

I swar I'm respecting my Language and Islam , I don't know if you have seen my replies - for example when the discussion has been opened for the two sujects:  implementations of Islamic rules, and the Political and Thoughts that any one belong to . I sware I don't have that arabic keyboard. I can understand your point completely, but what I want from this is to give an important add to every one in this repected gathering place THE PROOVES that many may don't know , as you can see we are - not every one, but most of us as a nation - lossing the truth , we should search for it , and also think in each word we heard, WITH OPENED KIND , AND MOST IMPORTANTLY , OPENED .....EYES....

Any way I will continue my last adds today Enshallah after finishing collecting many facts over internet , and we will be happy for every one post and comments , critisizms to have a WEALTHY discussion.

With my respect;


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

**************Important Hint********************

Just to give the "detailed"information about the division resolution of Palestine in 1947. Here is the resolution as stated in the UN ( League of Nations at that time ) :


On the 29th of November, 1947, the League of Nations  (United Nations afterwards)  General Assembly, by 33 votes in favor, 13 opposed, and 10 abstentions, adopted a resolution partitioning Palestine with a total area of 10,435 square miles, of which 272 square miles are water -- into three areas:

  1.An Arab State comprising 4,476 square miles, or 42.88%;

  2.A Jewish State, comprising 4,893 square miles, or 56.47%;

  3.An International regime for the City of Jerusalem comprising 68 square miles, or 0.65%.


Now I will start continue the last parts of my post.

My regards;


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

السيد ayhamza

أحب أن أوضح لك أن أغلبنا مغتربين وكثير منا فى دول غير عربية ولكننا نجد فرصة التواصل باللغة العربية وشرح الأراء لفائدة الجميع

وأحب أن أعرف أنك حاولت وقرأت كيف تجعل جهازك يكتب العربية ولعلمك الخاص كثير من الأعضاء بدايتهم كانت بالإنجليزية ثم حاولوا ونجحوا بالإصرار والعزيمة

و وجدوا متعة فى التعبير عن الخواطر بلغتهم الأم وإستمتعوا أكثر بمراحل من وجود الكثيرين يشاركونهم

اللهم إن لك على ذنوب كثيرة فيما بينى وبينك وذنوب كثيرة فيما بينى وبين خلقك

اللهم ما كان لك منها فإغفر لى وما كان لخلقك فتحمله عنى برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

رابط هذا التعليق

Brother Khalid;

I know as well that some members are living outside egypt, this is obviously from there posts. Also I want to increase the believe and faith inside you, that my culture and my religion is superior most inside my life, and I hope you have touched this in some of my replies.

Just to add something last for you that my EXPLORER 6.0  software doesn't show any arabic facilities in the steps, and I promise you and all to have an arabic enabled release as soon as possible.

These adds of mine I hope to be read to whom it may concern ,  for any body here , as I GUESS YOU CAN SEE HERE THERE ARE SOME FEW PEARSONS ARE INTERESTED.

Your brother


اللهم أرزقني المال الذي أعبدك به، وقني فتنته, اللهم آمين

رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان
  • المتواجدون الآن   0 أعضاء متواجدين الان

    • لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلون يتصفحون هذه الصفحة
  • الموضوعات المشابهه

    • 0
      أعاد قرار تفعيل الدائرة الدستورية التى تختص النظر فى دستورية القوانين فى ليبيا دعوات مؤيدة لضرورة النظر فى شرعرض الصفحة
    • 1
      يعتبر المصريون في غالبيتهم معاهدة السلام مع الكيان الصهيوني نوعا من وقف الاعتداء أو إنهاء حالة الحرب وهم لذلك وبعد أن امتصو صدمتها بعدة عقود باتو ينظرون إليها باعتبارها مجرد اتفاقية سياسية أنهت حالة حرب ومكنت مصر من استرداد سيناء وفقط, ونظام كامب ديفيد يروج أيضا لهذه النظرة ويعززها بالتطبيل المستمر لأنور السادات, ويكرر دائما مقولة إنه سابق عصره وعبقري إلي أخر الأكاذيب اللتي يعلمها كل جيران مصر والعالم إلا مصر وشعبها المسكين, فالمعاهدة وملاحقها كبلت مصر عسكريا فوق سيناء حتي علي مستوي الشرطة المدن
    • 2
      وزير الصناعة: اتفاقية التجارة الحرة مع تركيا تصب في صالح مصر http://www.shorouknews.com/mobile/news/view.aspx?cdate=02062017&id=66133dad-1e54-4aa8-a82c-99ccd56223ba   اتفاقية كويسة . ولكن مش تركيا ارهابية بردة
    • 13
      عصر الفتوحات الذهبية للخلافة الراشدة الاولى من الصين الى الاندلس الخلافة العثمانية في اقصى اتساعها تمزيق المسلمين الى 57 دويلة في القرن العشرين بعد القضاء على الخلافة في اسلامبول في 3/3/1924 على يد يهودي الدونمة اتاتورك وهي مرشحة في ظل الحملة الصهيوـ صليبية الثانية عشر هذه لمزيد من التقسيم والتفتيت الى اشلاء اصغر . تمزيق المنطقة بين يدي الذئاب في الحملة الصليبية العاشرة / حملة اللنبي ـ غورو اتفاقية سايكس ـ بيكو التي وقعها سرا في 16/5/1916 وزيري خارجية فرنسا Georges-Picot وب
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