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بغض النظر عن المبررات الحقيقيه وراء الموقف الموحد الشجاع لكل من فرنسا و المانيا و بلجيكا ... لابد ان نعلن تأيدنا لتلك الدول.

العديد منا تسائل عن كيفيه محاوله وقف العدوان على العراق ومن ثم على الوطن العربى و الأمة الأسلاميه ككل ...

انا اقترح استخدام هذا الموضوع (Topic) للمشاركه بطرح افكار و حملات قد تصل الينا عن طريق الأنترنت.

وكبدايه ... برجاء قراءه ملحق هذه الرساله وارسال ايميلات للعناوين المذكوره فى الرساله

انا اعتقد ان ده فعلا اضعف الأيمان.

FW: France,China, Russia, Germany, Belgium BEGGING us to flood their & other UN offices w/emails to STOP the WAR

>From: don@justicetoolbox.org [mailto:don@justicetoolbox.org] > >

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 10:19 AM > >

>From: alex > >Date: Mon Feb 10, 2003 9:51 am > >Subject: A forward... e-mails to the Security Council > > > > > >

Contact Russian, French,German & Chinese (voting members) members of the Security Council.

"I just spoke with France's UN office. They are BEGGING us to flood their offices and the other UN offices with emails to STOP the WAR. France needs to know that Americans are with them on this. PLEASE forward this to everyone you can. The UN email addresses are below for the Security Council.

To make things even easier, here is a suggested message


Dear Sir--

As a U.S. citizen, I urge your representative in theU.N. Security Council to vote against any resolution authorizing war against Iraq, rather than abstaining.

You need to know that there are millions of other American citizens who would support this action on your part. You are our last hope to stop this madness. Please vote NO.

In Peace,

your name > > >

Contact info for members of Security Council

(Ambassador, email and fax):

1. S.E. Ambassador M. Jean-Marc de LA Sabliere > >france-presse@un.int (212) 207-9765

2. H.E. Ambassador Mr. Sergey Lavrov > >rusun@un.int > (212) 628-0252 >

3... H.E. Ambassador Wang Yingfan > >chinamission_un@fmprc.gov.cn (212) 634-7626


PLEASE Forward to ALL Peace Loving Orgainzations/groups/people all over the WORLD.

رابط هذا التعليق

سؤال صحيح

هل للوزراء و نواب مجلس الشعب عناوين بريدية يمكن الاتصال بهم( أو مدير مكتبه مثلا)عليها ? وهل سيجدي اصلا ?

ولو أنا إذا متنا تركنا .... لكان الموت غاية كل حي

و لكنا إذا متنا بعثنا .... ونسأل بعدها عن كل شى

رابط هذا التعليق

هل للوزراء و نواب مجلس الشعب عناوين بريدية يمكن الاتصال بهم( أو مدير مكتبه مثلا)عليها ? وهل سيجدي اصلا ?



أكيد لو كان هذا النظام موجودا لما أصبحنا هكذا !! :(

هم مهتمين بس بالحصانة ..غير كده ..سلملي على المترو .

ذو العقل يشقى في النعيم بعقله.. واخو الجهالة في الشقاوة ينعم

هذه مدونتي:


رابط هذا التعليق

  • بعد 2 أسابيع...
----- Original Message ----- 

Dear MoveOn member,

So far, over 85,000 of us have signed up to be a part of Wednesday's Virtual March on Washington.  It's been incredible.  That's well over our goal of an average of one call per minute per Senate office.

If you haven't registered yourself, just go to:



Now, we really could use your help in getting calls committed in the less populous states in the nation:

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, Montana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming.

If you live in one of these states, be sure to sign up.  Then call friends and ask them to register and make the calls on February 26th.

If you're originally from one of these less populous states, now's the time to call home and talk to friends and family.

The Virtual March has already been a tremendous success with news coverage from all the major news outlets.  You can see our TV commercial promoting the march, featuring Martin Sheen, on the registration page:


The Virtual March on Washington is a first-of-its-kind group effort from the Win Without War coalition.  Working together, we'll direct a steady stream of phone calls -- more than one per minute, all day --

to every Senate office in the country, while at the same time delivering a constant stream of emails and faxes.  Think of it as a march -- one by one, we'll be passing through our Senators' offices and the offices of the White House to let them know how we feel about

this war. You can sign up for your time to call or to place a free fax right now at the link above.

Thanks for everything.


--The MoveOn Team

  Carrie, Eli, Joan, Peter, Wes, Zack


  February 23rd, 2003

P.S. Simultaneously, 7000 MoveOn members in 600 cities and towns are making their voices heard in local communities -- in our nationally-coordinated leafleting campaign.

You can join a leafleting team in your neck of the woods at:


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