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اقراص ريد لقتل الناموس و الحشرات طبعا تعرفونها و هى تستخدم عن طريق جهاز خاص يوصل بالكهرباء لكن بعض الناس يحرقونها و بتقتل الناموس و كل الحشرات الطائرة بسرعة عجيبة و انا جربتها لكنى لاحظت الدخان بتاعها بيحرق العين هو طبعا اى دخان بيحرق العين بس الموضوع خوفونى لان ده مش اى دخان لذلك انا عايزة اعرف رأى حد متخصص.

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اليك دراسة تمت في كلية الزراعة جامعة الاسكندرية

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اليك ملخص الدراسة:-

English Title: Long term effects of two smoke mosquito tablets on hematological and biochemical characteristics of rat blood.

Personal Authors: Mansee, A. H.

Author Affiliation: Pesticide Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

Editors: No editors

Document Title: Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research, 2003 (Vol. 48) (No. 3) 155-162


This study investigated the long-term effects of 2 smoke mosquito tablets (Ezalo (Ez), containing bioallethrin, pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide; and Raid (Ra), containing pyrethrum extract and penjamin forty) on the haematological and biochemical profiles of blood collected from 2 groups of rats individually exposed to either of the 2 tablets at one hour per day, 6 days a week (for 90 doses). Untreated rats were used as controls. Three animals from each group were sacrificed by cervical decapitation at 24 h after each dose. Changes in body and organ (i.e., kidneys, testes, liver, brain, lungs, heart and spleen) weight were also evaluated. Both Ez and Ra tablets decreased the haemoglobin concentrations and total erythrocyte counts of rats after 90 doses. The two tablets also decreased packed cell volume (PCV) percentages at all doses. The reduction percentages of PCV were 19.12 and 24.41% for Ra and Ez treatments, respectively. Both Ra and Ez caused fluctuations in total leukocyte count, and increased mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular volume. However, Ez increased the mean corpuscular haemoglobin value, while Ra decreased this parameter. Both tablets showed no effect on total protein content and serum aspartate aminotransferase activity, but decreased the serum alanine aminotransferase activity, and cholesterol and total lipid levels. No significant effect on lung and brain weight was observed for both treatments. However, liver and spleen weight were significantly increased in the Ra- and Ez-treated rats compared with the controls. Testes weight decreased by about 46% and 18% in Ra- and Ez-treated rats, respectively, after 90 doses. It is concluded that both insecticide brands can cause many undesirable health effects on humans and animals if not properly used.

Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria

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