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للأخوه المقيمين بأمريكا ...

Dish Network تحت ضغط لألغاء قناة الجزيره من المجموعة العربيه ...

لابد من الأتصال ب Dish Network وأعلامهم عزمنا عن الغاء اشتراكاتنا فى حالة قطع البث:

-----Original Message-----

From: xxx

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:10 AM

To: xxx

Subject: Fwd: Dish Netwok under pressure

Salam all,

If you have Satellite service from DishNetwork, please call them and make it clear to them that you would be canceling your entire service package from DishNetwork if they drop the Aljazeera TV network from their Arabic Package for whatever reason (Arabic package programming change, adding new channels instead of Aljazeera, or for whatever B.S. reason they may give). I called DishNetwork this morning and told them that I would be dropping my entire DishNetwork service if they dropped Aljazeera from their Arabic Programming package....And I would.

They gave me some B.S. reason that they may be needing to drop Aljazeera, like their Arabic Programming package make up may change and they cannot guarantee that. I told them that I understand, but I reiterated that the reason which may cause the Aljazeera to be dropped does not concern me. The bottom line is that without Aljazeera I will no longer be a DishNetwork customer.

DishNetwork Customer Service number is: 1-800-333-3474

For more details, below is the info I got this morning....Please forward to anyone you know.



>From: xxx

>Subject: Dish Netwok under pressure to drop AlJazeera

>To: xxx

>Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 18:14:53 -0800



>---------------------- Forwarded by xxx on 03/26/2003

>06:17 PM ---------------------------



>"xxx on 03/26/2003 04:47:27 PM


>Please respond to baymuslims@yahoogroups.com


>xxx >



>To: baymuslims@yahoogroups.com


>Subject: [baymuslims] Dish Netwok under pressure



>I already called and told Dish Network that if they drop Al-Jazeera, I

>will drop Dish Network.


>You should call if you can.






>If you are getting Al-Jazeera through Dish Network, please know that

>Dish Network is under a lot of pressure from many groups, rightests,

>neoconservatives, zionists and others who are trying to force them to

>drop Al-Jazeera TV station from their network.


>If that is not censorship I do not know what is.


>If you presently have Al-Jazeera TV station through Dish Network, you

>MUST call Dish Network at 800-984-3388 and let them know that if they

>submit to pressures and drop Al-Jazeera station, you, your friends, and

>family members will drop Dish Network without any hesitation.


>Please, forward this to friends


>First they went after the Al-Jazeera English site and shut it down (for

>now)... Now, they are going after DISH to get them to stop providing Al

>Jazeera in the US.


>We should not allow them to do that.






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