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Dr ihab,

can u explain this centence in a systematic way like u do every time;

1-( if u r married u can apply with ur wife as main applicant if her job allows that).


. she has to be australian citizen?

. What if she isnt working?

. What kind of work allow application?

2- (da prob 4 dr u have 2 have GR b4 being able 2 apply 4 PR)


تم تعديل بواسطة ibngazary
رابط هذا التعليق

How are you Dr. Ihab

Thanks for you for your excellent replies and effots

i have an inquiry about:

Is i have to obtain a valid unrestricted work visa during applying on line to IMET <OR> IT IS REQUIRED when i have a job of intern through IMET so i can proove that i have a job in Australia in Australian embassy here in Egypt so they give me a valid unrestricted work visa <OR> IMET AND ITS HOSPITALS WILL SPONSER ME???

Again if i have to obtain a valid unrestricted work visa during applying on line to IMET; then have only two choices: a resident and a registerar jobs >>> so i will never be guaranteed a job in Australia even after AMC 1 and 2???????????

Is a resident and a registerar jobs wanting an experience in a speciality?? then how it is a training jobs if i am already trained in a speciality?? here in EGYPT we have takleef for two years then a residency >> so after 4 years i will have only 2 years experience in a speciality??

if you please explain in points what will we do after AMC 1 and 2??!

i am so sorry again ror elongation?

i hope that Dr. Ziad is well there is no a problem la khaddar allah>

thanks for all.

رابط هذا التعليق

سؤال صُغير للدكتور إيهاب أنا أخصائى أطفال ومعاية ماستر من 5سنوات وشغلى كُلة فى العناية المُركزة للأطفال وحديثى الولادة NICU &PICU والماجستير بتاعى منشور فى أحد كبريات المجلات العلمية الأمريكية وفكرة البحث الأن بدأت تدخل حيز التطبيق العملى .

سؤالى هو بعد النجاح فى الجزئين الأول وا لثانى واللغة فرصتى للعمل فى مجالى وهو الأطفال تُمثل نسبة أد إية حتى لو فى الوادى الجديد بتاع أستراليا إية هية.

دى رسالتى على موقع


ودة شغل معمل الكتورة مؤمنة كامل على نفس البحث بتاعى الى بدأ فعلياً تطبيقة فى المعامل وهو رخيص بالمناسبة.

شكراً لك مُسبقاً.

البحث ده هيفيدك جدا يا د/حازم .. الجامعات بالذات بتهتم بالأبحاث و المقالات العلميه ..

ممكن اسأل حضرتك سؤال يا د/حازم .. معلش هو خارج السياق شويه .. بس يهمني جدا .. ازاي قدرت حضرتك تنشر بحثك ده في مجله عالمية زي دي ..

لأني مهتم جدا بالأبحاث و بالذات النشر في مجلات ليها سمعتها .. و نفسي من زمان اعرف الطريقه ازاي .

أهلاً أخى الفاضل /

البحث الخاص بى هذا نُشر عن طريق مُراسلة المجلة وإعطائهم abstract من البحث الأول ولما عجبهم فكرة البحث ووجدوة ذات قيمة طلبوا full paper وتم تزويدهم بالبحث كاملاً ونُشر فى هذة المجلة العلمية الكبيرة.

تُريد معرفة كل شيئ عن العمل الحكومى كطبيب أو صيدلى أو تمريض فى السعودية

نتشرف بزيارتك لنا


رابط هذا التعليق

sorry dr ihab i want to ask if i can apply for an intern job directly to hospitals so they will sponcer my visa or i must apply to IMET?

AND ON WHAT PRINCIPLES job are classified to training and non training? is non training job in certan speciality will help me to obtain a training one in that speciality even if it is orthopedic?!

رابط هذا التعليق

سؤال صُغير للدكتور إيهاب أنا أخصائى أطفال ومعاية ماستر من 5سنوات وشغلى كُلة فى العناية المُركزة للأطفال وحديثى الولادة NICU &PICU والماجستير بتاعى منشور فى أحد كبريات المجلات العلمية الأمريكية وفكرة البحث الأن بدأت تدخل حيز التطبيق العملى .

سؤالى هو بعد النجاح فى الجزئين الأول وا لثانى واللغة فرصتى للعمل فى مجالى وهو الأطفال تُمثل نسبة أد إية حتى لو فى الوادى الجديد بتاع أستراليا إية هية.

دى رسالتى على موقع


ودة شغل معمل الكتورة مؤمنة كامل على نفس البحث بتاعى الى بدأ فعلياً تطبيقة فى المعامل وهو رخيص بالمناسبة.

شكراً لك مُسبقاً.

البحث ده هيفيدك جدا يا د/حازم .. الجامعات بالذات بتهتم بالأبحاث و المقالات العلميه ..

ممكن اسأل حضرتك سؤال يا د/حازم .. معلش هو خارج السياق شويه .. بس يهمني جدا .. ازاي قدرت حضرتك تنشر بحثك ده في مجله عالمية زي دي ..

لأني مهتم جدا بالأبحاث و بالذات النشر في مجلات ليها سمعتها .. و نفسي من زمان اعرف الطريقه ازاي .

أهلاً أخى الفاضل /

البحث الخاص بى هذا نُشر عن طريق مُراسلة المجلة وإعطائهم abstract من البحث الأول ولما عجبهم فكرة البحث ووجدوة ذات قيمة طلبوا full paper وتم تزويدهم بالبحث كاملاً ونُشر فى هذة المجلة العلمية الكبيرة.

شكرا على ردك يا د/حازم .. اتمنالك التوفيق بإذن الله .

رابط هذا التعليق

انا طبيب ليبي لدي خبره 5 سنوات بالجراحه العامه وحاصل على MRCSeng.

لدي بعثه(منحه) دراسيه لمدة 6 سنوات.

ارغب في اتمام تدرىبي في استراليا.

هل يوجد نظام خاص بالمبعوثين

سمعت عن occupational trainee ماهي.


رابط هذا التعليق

انا طبيب ليبي لدي خبره 5 سنوات بالجراحه العامه وحاصل على MRCSeng.

لدي بعثه(منحه) دراسيه لمدة 6 سنوات.

ارغب في اتمام تدرىبي في استراليا.

هل يوجد نظام خاص بالمبعوثين

سمعت عن occupational trainee ماهي.


اهلا بك اخي وعزيزي

بالنسبة لسؤالك فانك تقدر تعادل MRCSeng من الملكية الاسترالية للجراحين = Australian Royal college of Surgery

وبناء عل شؤوطهم وعلى سنوات الخبرة ممكن يطلبو منك كام سنة شغل ( اكثر شي سنتين ) وتصبح بشهادتك هناك استشاري

ملاحظة , لا تحتاج كي تنهي امتحانات المعادلة الاسترالية بل يجب عليك التوجه الى الكلية مباشرة لانك تملك تخصص سابق + خبرة

وبالنسبة للتدريب فانك بعد معادلة شهادتك تقدر تتعين بالمكان اللي بناسبك وممكن تاخذ الـ 6 سنين كلها كتدريب وسنوات خبرة وممكن تخلص فيها تخصص دقيق

شكرا لسؤالك وننتظر المزيد

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Dr.Ihab ,

i'd send IMET for knowing the requirments and the visa

they replays to me with this statments

If you are contemplating seeking a placement by IMET as an AMC Graduate, you will need to direct your enquiries to IMET (www.imet.health.nsw.gov.au).

For specific information about visa options, then you would need to seek advice from the Department of Immigration (www.immi.gov.au)

For information about the registration process as an AMC Graduate allocated by IMET, the following extract from the Board's website (www.nswmb.org.au) may assist:


International Medical Graduates who have been awarded the AMC certificate are eligible for registration to undertake supervised training in a position allocated by the Institute of Medical Education and Training. Registration is specific for this purpose only, and application for registration will not be accepted until confirmation of a placement by the Institute of Medical Education and Training is received.

English Language Proficiency

The Board has agreed to the national policy regarding English language proficiency set out in the link below.

Please note that following an extended transitional period, the Board has determined that no further exemptions from the policy will be considered for AMC graduates on the basis that they have at some time in the past achieved results that do not meet the current standard agreed in 2005. All new applicants for registration in this category will be required to demonstrate proficiency as per the following requirments. Requirements for Evidence of English Language Proficiency

Applicants must attend the Medical Board in person with a completed AMC Supervised Trainee Application Form and all of the required documents.


The application must be lodged and registration granted before commencement in the allocated position.

At the end of the supervised training period the hospital will lodge term reports with the Medical Board. If all term reports are satisfactory General Registration will be granted.

If the term reports submitted by the hospital are not satisfactory an interview will be arranged with the applicant to discuss the reports and to look at further options for training.

For some doctors, additional terms of supervised training will be necessary before they can be granted General Registration.

AMC Supervised Training registration is initially granted for a period of 12 months only. If additional terms are required at the end of this period, registrants will have to satisfy the Board that they are progressing satisfactorily towards general registration.

is this Rules for IMET or NSW state?

and its look like for rigstration in the AMC supervised training

could you Read the Application i send its link


and tell me is this the first step for IMET or there is somthing to prerper befor it


thank you again

all regards

تم تعديل بواسطة jukass

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

تحية تقدير لكل القائمين على الموقع

وكل الشغاليين بالموضوع

ونداء سلام موجه مني خصيصا للدكتور زياد

وينك يا رااجل

ووين دخلاتك على الموضوع

ان شاء الله بخير وسلامة

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

hello Dr.Ihab... I want to ask you a question regarding working as a registrar in australia.. can you be promoted to a consultant job without being involved in a training program?

and can you appear in any exams while you are a service registrar?

رابط هذا التعليق

Dr ihab,

can u explain this centence in a systematic way like u do every time;

1-( if u r married u can apply with ur wife as main applicant if her job allows that).


. she has to be australian citizen?

. What if she isnt working?

. What kind of work allow application?

to immigrate to australia you can either be sponsored or apply independently

if you are sponsored you obviously need a job so it is not really an option

to apply independently you will apply as a professional skilled migrant

to apply as a professional you must get your skills assesed

for doctors the general registration is the acceptable skills assesment

for other occupations skills assesment might be easier

like if you are an accountant for instance or a chef or some other occupations (i obviously don't know alot about that issue because i wasn't really exposed to it)

so if your wife is an accountant for instance she can apply for both of you with her being the primary applicant so that they do the skills assesment for her not for you and that way you might be able to get the PR and get over the biggest hurdle on your way to here.

2- (da prob 4 dr u have 2 have GR b4 being able 2 apply 4 PR)


رابط هذا التعليق

How are you Dr. Ihab

Thanks for you for your excellent replies and effots

i have an inquiry about:

Is i have to obtain a valid unrestricted work visa during applying on line to IMET <OR> IT IS REQUIRED when i have a job of intern through IMET so i can proove that i have a job in Australia in Australian embassy here in Egypt so they give me a valid unrestricted work visa <OR> IMET AND ITS HOSPITALS WILL SPONSER ME???

Again if i have to obtain a valid unrestricted work visa during applying on line to IMET; then have only two choices: a resident and a registerar jobs >>> so i will never be guaranteed a job in Australia even after AMC 1 and 2???????????

Is a resident and a registerar jobs wanting an experience in a speciality?? then how it is a training jobs if i am already trained in a speciality?? here in EGYPT we have takleef for two years then a residency >> so after 4 years i will have only 2 years experience in a speciality??

if you please explain in points what will we do after AMC 1 and 2??!

i am so sorry again ror elongation?

i hope that Dr. Ziad is well there is no a problem la khaddar allah>

thanks for all.


color="#FF0000"]this is taken from the IMET website

The eligibility criteria for AMC Graduates to be allocated are:

1. Completion of the AMC examination process, (both the MCQ and Clinical components)

2. Residency/work rights in Australia by way of:

􀁸 Australian Citizenship or

􀁸 Permanent Residency in Australia or

􀁸 A Visa that allows the AMC graduate to work and live unrestricted in Australia for a

minimum of 12 months from the commencement of training

Applicants will be considered as permanent residents only if they have a permanent

residency visa at the time of applying. Should a Temporary Visa be cancelled by the

Department of Immigration and Citizenship, during the prevocational training period, the

employing hospital network is under no obligation to sponsor the graduate to continue


3. Successful completion of the IELTS (as evidenced by 7 or above in all components of

the IELTS) or OET examination process ( as evidenced by A or B in each component of the

OET) within two years prior of the anticipated date of registration with the NSW Medical


Please refer to the NSW Medical Board’s English Language Proficiency Policy. Only the

NSW Medical Board can grant an exemption of this policy. AMC graduates are

encouraged to communicate directly with the NSW Medical Board regarding this policy.

NSW IMET will only accept evidence of language proficiency or details of an exemption to

the English language policy from the NSW Medical Board. Should an applicant not have

this requirement at the time of submitting their application, the application will not be

considered as complete until the applicant meets the English Language Policy of the

NSW Medical Board or has gained an exemption of the policy in writing from the NSW

Medical Board.

All AMC graduates are required to meet the NSW Medical Board’s policy entitled,

‘Internship and AMC Supervised Training’, policy number R7.6 (please visit NSW Medical

Board website www.nswmb.org.au to access this policy).

رابط هذا التعليق

How are you Dr. Ihab

Thanks for you for your excellent replies and effots

i have an inquiry about:

Is i have to obtain a valid unrestricted work visa during applying on line to IMET <OR> IT IS REQUIRED when i have a job of intern through IMET so i can proove that i have a job in Australia in Australian embassy here in Egypt so they give me a valid unrestricted work visa <OR> IMET AND ITS HOSPITALS WILL SPONSER ME???

Again if i have to obtain a valid unrestricted work visa during applying on line to IMET; then have only two choices: a resident and a registerar jobs >>> so i will never be guaranteed a job in Australia even after AMC 1 and 2???????????

Yes you have to hold a valid working visa as well

Is a resident and a registerar jobs wanting an experience in a speciality?? then how it is a training jobs if i am already trained in a speciality?? here in EGYPT we have takleef for two years then a residency >> so after 4 years i will have only 2 years experience in a speciality??

First you have to stop comparing the names in egypt with those here because you will get more confused

so here it is

intern which is 12 months of rotations among 5 specialties

resident which is the same like the intern (i.e. it is a general year as well)

registrar which is a specialty training

the years of experience here are counted cinse graduation so they call it PGY 2 that means post graduate year 2 or resident, PGY1 which is the intern, PGY 3 which is either a senior resident or a registrar.

if you please explain in points what will we do after AMC 1 and 2??!

you either aapply for the hospitals directly for jobs which is not guaranteed to get you a job


you try to find a way to get PR and that will guarantee you a job

i am so sorry again ror elongation?

i hope that Dr. Ziad is well there is no a problem la khaddar allah>

thanks for all.

رابط هذا التعليق

sorry dr ihab i want to ask if i can apply for an intern job directly to hospitals so they will sponcer my visa or i must apply to IMET?

as far as i am aware the imet doesn't sponsor for visa

the hospitals will not sponsor you for an intern job they will only sponsor you for a resident or a registrar job if you have more than 2 years post graduate experience

AND ON WHAT PRINCIPLES job are classified to training and non training? is non training job in certan speciality will help me to obtain a training one in that speciality even if it is orthopedic?!


color="#FF0000"]all jobs are the same in terms of the content of the job

the difference is in the accreditation

to finish your training you must be registred with one of the royal colleges

each royal college require a certain number of years of training

usually it is your years as a registrar that count towards training but some times your resident year can as well

they can accredit some of your previous experience on their discretion

so when you take a certain registrar job you know if it is accredited or not before hand (i.e the job ad will be for non accredited ortho registrar)

so ideally you should be looking for accredited jobs

however this can be difficult sometimes especially in competitive fields like ortho

so you have to take a number of years as non accredited registrar

and the benifit is that you get experience and good references to be able to apply for accredited jobs in the next year

i hope that answers your question

رابط هذا التعليق


The eligibility criteria for AMC Graduates to be allocated are:

1. Completion of the AMC examination process, (both the MCQ and Clinical components)

2. Residency/work rights in Australia by way of:

�� Australian Citizenship or

�� Permanent Residency in Australia or

�� A Visa that allows the AMC graduate to work and live unrestricted in Australia for a

minimum of 12 months from the commencement of training

Applicants will be considered as permanent residents only if they have a permanent

residency visa at the time of applying. Should a Temporary Visa be cancelled by the

Department of Immigration and Citizenship, during the prevocational training period, the

employing hospital network is under no obligation to sponsor the graduate to continue


يعني الIMET مش بتضمن work visa ?

أنا مش فاهم الحتة دي

يا ريت حد يوضحها أكتر

تم تعديل بواسطة Bluish
رابط هذا التعليق


The eligibility criteria for AMC Graduates to be allocated are:

1. Completion of the AMC examination process, (both the MCQ and Clinical components)

2. Residency/work rights in Australia by way of:

�� Australian Citizenship or

�� Permanent Residency in Australia or

�� A Visa that allows the AMC graduate to work and live unrestricted in Australia for a

minimum of 12 months from the commencement of training

Applicants will be considered as permanent residents only if they have a permanent

residency visa at the time of applying. Should a Temporary Visa be cancelled by the

Department of Immigration and Citizenship, during the prevocational training period, the

employing hospital network is under no obligation to sponsor the graduate to continue


يعني الIMET مش بتضمن work visa ?

أنا مش فاهم الحتة دي

يا ريت حد يوضحها أكتر

صديقي وزميلي ,

الفكرة انه عشان يتم التوزيع لازم تكون خلصت اول امتحان وعندك فيزا عمل سارية تكفي لمدة 12 شهر

عشان يحطوك بقائمة التوزيع

بس الدكتور ايهاب حكى اول انه اذا انته لقيت عمل مع مستشفى ووظيفة Supervised traning

فانته تقدم عادي

بالنسبة للـ IMET ,,, وبالنسبة لشروطهم

السؤال طيب من وين اجيب فيزا عمل <<< من المستشفى

طيب شو فايدة IMET ؟؟

مالها فايدة والا شو ؟

لانها ما راح تنسقلي مع مستشفى بالول وتعطيني الفيزا

والا قبل تسجيلي للـ IMET لازم فيزا

فكرة الدجاجة والا البيضة


Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

دكتور ايهاب

لو ابغى اقدم على الـ AON بولاية NSW ؟؟؟؟

كيف اقدم

وهل قبل ما اقدم لازم اجيب موافقة من مستشفى ووكيل عمل موثوق

زي ما اجاني بالرسايل هادي

As I have explained in my email below, you will need to secure a job with a prospective employer. The Medical Board has no role in the employment process. Once you have obtained a position the employer will apply for your registration.

For more information on the AON process I suggest you check the NSW Department of Health's website at www.health.nsw.gov.au via the following linkhttp://www.health.nsw.gov.au/aon/

ايش يعني هالكلام اللي لازم انه اضمن لي شغل اول بمستشفى بعدين اسجل بـ NSW

شكرا لاهتمامك

تم تعديل بواسطة jukass

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

انا طبيب ليبي لدي خبره 5 سنوات بالجراحه العامه وحاصل على MRCSeng.

لدي بعثه(منحه) دراسيه لمدة 6 سنوات.

ارغب في اتمام تدرىبي في استراليا.

هل يوجد نظام خاص بالمبعوثين

سمعت عن occupational trainee ماهي.


I am sorry i don't have much information about that

My general understanding is that you will need to start searching for hospitals that have a post to support that and i think it is a usually a fellow job

it is not that easy to get the mrcs recognized here

you will need to apply for the royal college to recognize that experience and to the AMC for a specialist assesment but it is a lengthy and costly process

رابط هذا التعليق


now i learened somthing new in NSW

The pathway to get the Jop

(موضوع مهم )

First befor applying to any thing you MUST passed AMC MCQ exam and English( IELTS or OET)

First >>

find a Jop as an intern or residant in Hospital

then the emplyer or the Sponser ( the hospital) will fill the application of NSW medical board >> standerd pathway

then i'll fill the application for the NSW medical board

with all documents and requirments they needs

Second thing >>>

the Sponser will send you the temporary work visa

after he Nominat the name and register the applications in immigration department


get your visa finally


For all

its the same for AON and Rural exept that in the way of Sarching and applying to Rural Network Jop


Now Docotor Ihab

Am I wronge in that ?

So tell me the Worth and The Use of IMET ????


Thank you again

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

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انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

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