magdeaaa بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 صباح الخير للجميع :lol: عندي سؤال للجميع احنا بنقول لما الواحد يشعر انوا جاهز ويحل اكويس اسئلة يتوكل على الله ويحجز للإمتحان طيب عشان الواحد يكون جاهز لازم قديش اتكون نسبة الصح عندوا في حل الاسئلة عشان يضمن انوا داخل مرتاح وهو عم بحل اسئلة بصيغة تانية انا صارلي شهرين بس عم بحل اسئلة :blush2: معدل الصح عندي بين 65-75 ( يعني كل 50 سؤال 38 واحد بكونوا صح ) هل هادا كافي اني ادخل الامتحان ؟؟؟ ولا لازم نسبة الصح اتكون اكثر من هيك؟؟؟ أحــنُ إلـى خـبـزِ أمـي رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
Dr.mmfriend بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 فين يا شباب بقية الاساله تبع الكورس؟؟؟؟؟ رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
jukass بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 مرحبا ياصديق معلش بس صارت مشكلة وانا خايف احكيلك من الاول حاولت الحق اعمل ايش حاجة بس لانه الاب توب اتفرمت واتمسح الملف من على الجهاز وكل الشغل راح خسارة الوقت اللي راح وفوق هاد ماني قادر انزل الماسنجر اللاب توب ضرب عندي مش قادر اعمل حاجة غير اخش على المتصفح بس انا اسف Life has Diffculties and 9o3obaaaaaaaaaaat رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
magdeaaa بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 مرحبا ياصديقمعلش بس صارت مشكلة وانا خايف احكيلك من الاول حاولت الحق اعمل ايش حاجة بس لانه الاب توب اتفرمت واتمسح الملف من على الجهاز وكل الشغل راح خسارة الوقت اللي راح وفوق هاد ماني قادر انزل الماسنجر اللاب توب ضرب عندي مش قادر اعمل حاجة غير اخش على المتصفح بس انا اسف bv:- انس اكيد انت عم تمزح بس بلاش الاب توب ضرب bv:- اكلنا وحل :rolleyes: :) اسمع جيبوا عندي وتعال انا بنزلك علية وبندوز اكس بي أحــنُ إلـى خـبـزِ أمـي رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
jukass بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 18 يونيو 2009 المشكلة اللي عندي فيستا ومو اكس بي \والشغل والدنيا راحت حتى كتب كابلن خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ يعني جد وحل وحل اكلناه Life has Diffculties and 9o3obaaaaaaaaaaat رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
flash بتاريخ: 19 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 19 يونيو 2009 الزملاء الأفاضل تحية طيبة شكرا لكم على هذا الموضوع الذى أثريتموه بمعلوماتكم و خبراتكم حاولت قراءة معظم المداخلات فى الموضوع بحثا عن معلومة معينة و لكنى فشلت فى العثور عليها لذلك اطرح عليكم تساؤلاتى املا الا تكون مكررة .. و عودة الى موضوع المعادلة.. أنا طبيب حاصل على تخصص فى الطب النفسي.. دبلوم لمدة سنتين AFS و دبلوم اخر فى الطب النفسي الوصلي لمدة عام من فرنسا ..و بالطبع فترة تدريب فى ال 3 سنوات فى المستشفيات الفرنسية فى مجال الطب النفسي و انوي الهجرة الى استراليا من خلال فيزا المهارات خلال بحثي فى موضوع المعادلة الاسترالية للأخصائيين وجدت ان سنوات التدريب غير كافية للاعتراف الغير مشروط كطبيب نفسي ( 5 سنوات ) لذلك بحثت فى خيار الاعتراف المشروط و المناطق النائية و سؤالي هو اذا تقدمت الى الاعتراف المشروط من خلال العمل فى المناطق النائية فى وظيفة تدريبية تتيح لى العمل و استكمال التدريب للفترة المطلوبة للزمالة الاسترالية فى الطب النفسي فهل ذلك يعني بوجوب اجتياز امتحان ال AMC فى الطب العام فى كل الاحوال ام اننى لن اكون مضطرا لاجتيازه و ان الامتحان الوحيد سيكون فى التخصص المذكور ؟ ( امتحانات الزمالة للطب النفسي ) السؤال الثانى لمن عمل فى المناطق النائية فكما هو معروف ان السماح بالبقاء و استكمال العمل هناك يكون مقترنا بتقرير سنوي يتم رفعه لتقييم العمل و الاداء للسماح او عدم السماح باستكمال الفترة ..فهل هناك تحيز لأى اعتبارات ثانوية فى ذلك التقييم ام ان التقييم يكون دوما حياديا و يعتمد على الاداء فى العمل و ما هو احتمال و عواقب الحصول على تقييم سيء فى الحالة الاولى؟ السؤال الثالث قرأت معلومة تفيد بان رسوم المعادلة للاخصائي تصل الى 20,000 دولار استرالي فهل تؤكدون هذه المعلومة ؟ السؤال الاخير و هو خارج موضوع المعادلة .. عن طبيعة المناخ فى ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز , اعلم ان الجو حار معظم فصول السنة بشكل عام و لكن ما مدى الاختلاف عن جو مصر مثلا ؟ و شكرا لكم مقدما رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
Ihab بتاريخ: 19 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 19 يونيو 2009 الزملاء الأفاضل تحية طيبةشكرا لكم على هذا الموضوع الذى أثريتموه بمعلوماتكم و خبراتكم حاولت قراءة معظم المداخلات فى الموضوع بحثا عن معلومة معينة و لكنى فشلت فى العثور عليها لذلك اطرح عليكم تساؤلاتى املا الا تكون مكررة .. و عودة الى موضوع المعادلة.. أنا طبيب حاصل على تخصص فى الطب النفسي.. دبلوم لمدة سنتين AFS و دبلوم اخر فى الطب النفسي الوصلي لمدة عام من فرنسا ..و بالطبع فترة تدريب فى ال 3 سنوات فى المستشفيات الفرنسية فى مجال الطب النفسي و انوي الهجرة الى استراليا من خلال فيزا المهارات خلال بحثي فى موضوع المعادلة الاسترالية للأخصائيين وجدت ان سنوات التدريب غير كافية للاعتراف الغير مشروط كطبيب نفسي ( 5 سنوات ) لذلك بحثت فى خيار الاعتراف المشروط و المناطق النائية و سؤالي هو اذا تقدمت الى الاعتراف المشروط من خلال العمل فى المناطق النائية فى وظيفة تدريبية تتيح لى العمل و استكمال التدريب للفترة المطلوبة للزمالة الاسترالية فى الطب النفسي فهل ذلك يعني بوجوب اجتياز امتحان ال AMC فى الطب العام فى كل الاحوال ام اننى لن اكون مضطرا لاجتيازه و ان الامتحان الوحيد سيكون فى التخصص المذكور ؟ ( امتحانات الزمالة للطب النفسي ) السؤال الثانى لمن عمل فى المناطق النائية فكما هو معروف ان السماح بالبقاء و استكمال العمل هناك يكون مقترنا بتقرير سنوي يتم رفعه لتقييم العمل و الاداء للسماح او عدم السماح باستكمال الفترة ..فهل هناك تحيز لأى اعتبارات ثانوية فى ذلك التقييم ام ان التقييم يكون دوما حياديا و يعتمد على الاداء فى العمل و ما هو احتمال و عواقب الحصول على تقييم سيء فى الحالة الاولى؟ السؤال الثالث قرأت معلومة تفيد بان رسوم المعادلة للاخصائي تصل الى 20,000 دولار استرالي فهل تؤكدون هذه المعلومة ؟ السؤال الاخير و هو خارج موضوع المعادلة .. عن طبيعة المناخ فى ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز , اعلم ان الجو حار معظم فصول السنة بشكل عام و لكن ما مدى الاختلاف عن جو مصر مثلا ؟ و شكرا لكم مقدما To simplify your question You can't immigrate now to australia so you are looking for work here under the AON to be able to work here you have to be registered with the medical board to be registered with the medical board there are 3 pathways competent authority (for doctors coming from certain countries and france is not one of them) standard pathway (through the amc test and you have to have first part and english before you can work) and specialist pathway (which i understand you are not eligible for at this stage) SO you have to take the first part of the amc test and ielts before you can work you don't necessarily need to take the second part of the amc test as you might get your specilaist assesment done before that i think the 20.000 is a bit exaggerated but i am not sure of the exact number so you better call the amc with that question I am not sure what you are referring to in terms of un fairness but i can confidently assure you that the supervision reports are ONLY based on your performance the weather in NSW is pretty good, january and february are usually very hot , july and august are the coldest but the weather in general is really good , most of immigrants coming from europe and the US and canada come to NSW for its good weather all the best رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
abdallah بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 Dear all I like to thank to dr Ihab so much and dr ziad for all there efforts . dr Ihab doesn't know me but Dr ziad does and so and also anas and magdee anyway I would like to express my gratitude for this forum that contributed so much in my sucess in the amc mcq exam and I would like to post my experience in the amc and the Ilets and the OET. 1st for those who don't know me , I finished my MBBCH cairo university 2000 MSCh in surgery cairo university 2007 MRCS eng 2008 MD candidate now also TOEFl iBT score 99 from 120, which is a preety good score. this is just to see how judge the exams and not Im showhy or something, I wish u got my point. 1- regarding the AMC mcq exam: this is a very stupied exam and it doesn't test your knowledge at all, however it is a must to work and to immigrate. my experience in the exam was: it was a very difficult exam, I thought that it will be very easy but I found it extremely difficult the passing percentage allover australia and newzeland was 48 % and of course most of the candidates were indians, and these people are very clever in studying as we all know. although I have been working in the surgical field for more than 6 years and finished alot of certificates in surgery I sored 36/60 questions and I found the surgical questions very difficult. Im not pessimistic but I want everybody to be prepared for the exam and really it is a matter of "tawfeek " and god bless us all. so just study hard as u can and do the exam. it is not a matter or how a clever doctor are u only believe that u did ur job and that god will support u. I only studied from annotated mcq, canada q bank, 1st aid to usmle, which I think that was not enough. but believe me it is not a matter of study. any way thanx god for the ILETS this exam is very easy to pass and very easy to fail. I did it twice. and I think my english is not bad. the 1st time was in cairo and I scored 7(reading), 6.5 in all the others the 2nd time was in australia and I scored 8.5 in reading, 7 in listening and speaking and 5..5 in writing and so I failed and began to feel sick of this test. but believe me it is very easy to pass and very easy to fail. anyway I tried the OET. I thought that it will be more easier than the IELTs the liesting was not easy , there was no time to write that was the same as the ILETS the writing was very easy the reading passage was very very easy to understand but when you try to solve the questions u can't the answers are always between the lines in the Ilets the passage was some how difficult but u can solve the questions more easy. the speaking was very easy for me as it was an interview between me and a patient but in the Ilets I had to speak about art and songs and stuff like that. I m waiting for the results hope I will pass at the end I would like to thank dr ziad and dr Ihab for the great and valuable infomation they posted here. and i wish they won't be sick of people repeating the questions I wish my experience will be beneficial for all u guys pray for me رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
Ihab بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 Dear all I like to thank to dr Ihab so much and dr ziad for all there efforts . dr Ihab doesn't know me but Dr ziad does and so and also anas and magdee anyway I would like to express my gratitude for this forum that contributed so much in my sucess in the amc mcq exam and I would like to post my experience in the amc and the Ilets and the OET. 1st for those who don't know me , I finished my MBBCH cairo university 2000 MSCh in surgery cairo university 2007 MRCS eng 2008 MD candidate now also TOEFl iBT score 99 from 120, which is a preety good score. this is just to see how judge the exams and not Im showhy or something, I wish u got my point. 1- regarding the AMC mcq exam: this is a very stupied exam and it doesn't test your knowledge at all, however it is a must to work and to immigrate. my experience in the exam was: it was a very difficult exam, I thought that it will be very easy but I found it extremely difficult the passing percentage allover australia and newzeland was 48 % and of course most of the candidates were indians, and these people are very clever in studying as we all know. although I have been working in the surgical field for more than 6 years and finished alot of certificates in surgery I sored 36/60 questions and I found the surgical questions very difficult. Im not pessimistic but I want everybody to be prepared for the exam and really it is a matter of "tawfeek " and god bless us all. so just study hard as u can and do the exam. it is not a matter or how a clever doctor are u only believe that u did ur job and that god will support u. I only studied from annotated mcq, canada q bank, 1st aid to usmle, which I think that was not enough. but believe me it is not a matter of study. any way thanx god for the ILETS this exam is very easy to pass and very easy to fail. I did it twice. and I think my english is not bad. the 1st time was in cairo and I scored 7(reading), 6.5 in all the others the 2nd time was in australia and I scored 8.5 in reading, 7 in listening and speaking and 5..5 in writing and so I failed and began to feel sick of this test. but believe me it is very easy to pass and very easy to fail. anyway I tried the OET. I thought that it will be more easier than the IELTs the liesting was not easy , there was no time to write that was the same as the ILETS the writing was very easy the reading passage was very very easy to understand but when you try to solve the questions u can't the answers are always between the lines in the Ilets the passage was some how difficult but u can solve the questions more easy. the speaking was very easy for me as it was an interview between me and a patient but in the Ilets I had to speak about art and songs and stuff like that. I m waiting for the results hope I will pass at the end I would like to thank dr ziad and dr Ihab for the great and valuable infomation they posted here. and i wish they won't be sick of people repeating the questions :sad: I wish my experience will be beneficial for all u guys pray for me Thanks for the valuable information Dr. Abdallah and insha2allah you will pass your OET I understand you are in australia now, where are you , we can meet if you are in NSW رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
magdeaaa بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 مشكور جدا على المداخلة الطيفة دكتور عبدالله وانشاء الله بتنجح في امتحان ال OET بالتوفيق أحــنُ إلـى خـبـزِ أمـي رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
jukass بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 Dear all I like to thank to dr Ihab so much and dr ziad for all there efforts . dr Ihab doesn't know me but Dr ziad does and so and also anas and magdee anyway I would like to express my gratitude for this forum that contributed so much in my sucess in the amc mcq exam and I would like to post my experience in the amc and the Ilets and the OET. 1st for those who don't know me , I finished my MBBCH cairo university 2000 MSCh in surgery cairo university 2007 MRCS eng 2008 MD candidate now also TOEFl iBT score 99 from 120, which is a preety good score. this is just to see how judge the exams and not Im showhy or something, I wish u got my point. 1- regarding the AMC mcq exam: this is a very stupied exam and it doesn't test your knowledge at all, however it is a must to work and to immigrate. my experience in the exam was: it was a very difficult exam, I thought that it will be very easy but I found it extremely difficult the passing percentage allover australia and newzeland was 48 % and of course most of the candidates were indians, and these people are very clever in studying as we all know. although I have been working in the surgical field for more than 6 years and finished alot of certificates in surgery I sored 36/60 questions and I found the surgical questions very difficult. Im not pessimistic but I want everybody to be prepared for the exam and really it is a matter of "tawfeek " and god bless us all. so just study hard as u can and do the exam. it is not a matter or how a clever doctor are u only believe that u did ur job and that god will support u. I only studied from annotated mcq, canada q bank, 1st aid to usmle, which I think that was not enough. but believe me it is not a matter of study. any way thanx god for the ILETS this exam is very easy to pass and very easy to fail. I did it twice. and I think my english is not bad. the 1st time was in cairo and I scored 7(reading), 6.5 in all the others the 2nd time was in australia and I scored 8.5 in reading, 7 in listening and speaking and 5..5 in writing and so I failed and began to feel sick of this test. but believe me it is very easy to pass and very easy to fail. anyway I tried the OET. I thought that it will be more easier than the IELTs the liesting was not easy , there was no time to write that was the same as the ILETS the writing was very easy the reading passage was very very easy to understand but when you try to solve the questions u can't the answers are always between the lines in the Ilets the passage was some how difficult but u can solve the questions more easy. the speaking was very easy for me as it was an interview between me and a patient but in the Ilets I had to speak about art and songs and stuff like that. I m waiting for the results hope I will pass at the end I would like to thank dr ziad and dr Ihab for the great and valuable infomation they posted here. and i wish they won't be sick of people repeating the questions :sad: I wish my experience will be beneficial for all u guys pray for me الله يعطيك الف الف عافية يا دكتور عبدالله حبيب قلبي والف الف مبروك على نجاحك بالامتحان يا دكتور عبدالله وكله بتوفيق الله ورضا الوالدين يا اخوي ان شاء الله تكمل كل امتحاناتك على خير وتخلص الدكتوراة كمان بس كان بدي اعرف معنى نسبة النجاح هادي 48% <<< يعني لو الواحد حل نص الاسئلة بينجح والا لازم الواحد يحل عدد معين من الاسئلة انا عارف انها بتعتمد على نسبة عدد الاسئلة المحلولة صح بالنسبة للمتقدمين للامتحان و عليها بيحطو النسبة فلو كان عدد الاسئلة المجاوبة غلط كتيييييييييييير >> بتقل نسبة النجاح عشان يدفو الناس بالعربي والا شو رايك ومشكرون لمشاركتك النا لهالمعلومات وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله Life has Diffculties and 9o3obaaaaaaaaaaat رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
YaserK بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 السلام عليكم ازيكم؟ أنا شايف ان موضوع المعادلة وطرق الحصول على عمل في أستراليا خدو كتير من وقتنا واتقال فيهم بما فيه الكفاية أنا رأيي حاليا التركيز على المواضيع التانية زي مثلا صياغة الـCV وكيفية مراسلة المستشفيات. جايز الكلام في الحاجات دي سابق لأوانه بالنسبة لمعظم الناس اللي هنا بس ممكن بردو ناخد فكره. وأهم من كل ده في رأيي الشخصي هو موضوع اللغة.. انا صادفت ناس كتير نجحت في الـAMC بس مش عارفين يعدو في الانجليزي. أعتقد انه امتحان الـAMC أسهل كتير من امتحانات اللغة, لأننا أولا وأخيرا أطباء, ولو أي واحد منا ذاكر 4000 أو 5000 سؤال هيعدي في الامتحان ان شاء الله, لكن اللغة موهبة مش مذاكرة, يعني لو مفيش استعداد فطري لتقبل لغة جديدة يبقى هيكون من الصعب جدا النجاح في امتحاناتها خصوصا ان تعلم اللغة في السن ده مبيكونش سهل. انا تصادف اني اكون في المجلس الثقافي البريطاني انهارده ولقيت عندهم كورسات تحضير للـIELTS وتحديد مستويات اللغة. أسعارها معقولة من 60 لـ145 جنيه. بتكون مرة واحدة حوالي ساعتين بس أعتقد ان تقييمهم لمستوى اللغة بيكون كويس جدا. الرأي الأخير من أخوكم الصغير, الطريق إلى أستراليا يفضل يبتدي بدراسة اللغة, وأعتقد هوه ده اللي لازم نركز عليه دلوقتي. ولا ايه رأيكم؟ رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
flash بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 (معدل) dear Dr.Ihab Thank you for the valuable information but I still confused about the process Maybe I miss understood the info provided by the New south Wales medical board which says the following Assessment of specialists in Area of need positions is carried out through a process set up by the Australian Medical Council –This process generally takes between 8 to 12 weeks The Australian Medical Council and the relevant Specialist College will conduct an assessment in parallel to confirm the practitioner's suitability for the Area of Need position Registration to work in the declared Area of Need position and location is for a period of 12 months only, providing the requirements of the Specialist Pathway are met Continued registration is subject to satisfactory performance and renewal of the Area of Need status of the position by the Department of Health The Specialist Pathway is open to Overseas trained specialists seeking to work in NSW, including in Area of Need positions Applicants on the Specialist Pathway are not required to sit the AMC MCQ examination From the above I concluded that I can take the Specialist area of need pathway which allows the in training Specialist to work and continue there training to post for Specialist recognition after 1 or 2 years I couldn’t find any where that the assessment process by the AMC and the Australasian specialist medical colleges will require the AMC part one exam to be accepted for Specialist area of need pathway Many regards, تم تعديل 20 يونيو 2009 بواسطة flash رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
flash بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 Dear Dr.YaserK It’s a good idea to discuss different topics If you r interested about Australian C V you may find this information helpful and job search رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
abdallah بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 [يسار][/يسار]Thanks dr Ihab, unfortunately Im now in Townsville, Queensland which is so far from NSW. But we might be able to see each other soon. For anas, what I meant by 48% is that less than half of the people passed, and I didn't mean anything about how they evaluate the answers or the results, as I really don't know, and thanks for ur feeling and ISA all of us will pass. For flash: I did a lot of search regarding the specialist pathway. You don't need to do any parts of the amc exams for the specialist pathway, however the Australian royal college of surgeons strongly recommend that candidates should do the amc exams, however this is not a must (posted on their site) The specialist pathway just needs Ilets or OET and a lot of papers, experience, certificates, reference letters, publications…etc… I don't know a lot about area of need registration, but I think it is easier I don't know what do u mean by training. Any training should be accredited as a training by the relevant royal college, so if u worked in an area of need, that won't be accredited as a training by the college, it is just a job, but of course it will be good in ur CV. I wish dr Ihab will correct me if Im wrong رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
YaserK بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 Dear Dr.YaserK It’s a good idea to discuss different topics If you r interested about Australian C V you may find this information helpful and job search Thanksss رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
flash بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 (معدل) Dr, Abdallah thank you for your comments there are differences between the Specialist and the Specialist area of need pathways regarding to the process for the Specialist pathway its sure that I don’t need the AMC exam but I am not eligible for it because of the shortness of training duration '' 5 years required '' the question is about the Specialist area of need path about AON post , many offers gives a chance for supervised training position , a job accredited by the college to finish your required training duration acceptable for the specialty recognition , in my case I finished 3 years training in France and I am intending to finish the other 2 years in AON job accredited by the college تم تعديل 20 يونيو 2009 بواسطة flash رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
Ihab بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 dear Dr.Ihab Thank you for the valuable information but I still confused about the process Maybe I miss understood the info provided by the New south Wales medical board which says the following Assessment of specialists in Area of need positions is carried out through a process set up by the Australian Medical Council –This process generally takes between 8 to 12 weeks The Australian Medical Council and the relevant Specialist College will conduct an assessment in parallel to confirm the practitioner's suitability for the Area of Need position Registration to work in the declared Area of Need position and location is for a period of 12 months only, providing the requirements of the Specialist Pathway are met Continued registration is subject to satisfactory performance and renewal of the Area of Need status of the position by the Department of Health The Specialist Pathway is open to Overseas trained specialists seeking to work in NSW, including in Area of Need positions Applicants on the Specialist Pathway are not required to sit the AMC MCQ examination From the above I concluded that I can take the Specialist area of need pathway which allows the in training Specialist to work and continue there training to post for Specialist recognition after 1 or 2 years I couldn’t find any where that the assessment process by the AMC and the Australasian specialist medical colleges will require the AMC part one exam to be accepted for Specialist area of need pathway Many regards, The crucial question in your case is do you qualify as a specialist or not? in the previous post you said that you did 3 years and the royal college wanted five years so that means you wouldn't qualify, so when i said you would need to take the amc part one that was based on the previous assumption, The best way to go if you are not sure is talking to the royal college of pshyciatrists as they are the ones that assess you in conjunction with the AMC, if they said you qualify as a specialist then great you don't need the AMC, if otherwise the said you need a couple of years then you will have to take the AMC, Does that make sense? رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
flash بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 [ quote]if otherwise the said you need a couple of years then you will have to take the AMC, This is the main point for me , yes they r going to say ''you need a couple of years'' Dose that mean : 1- to take couple of years in specialist Area of need position and then to pass directly the board exam for the specialty'' as I thought '' ,,,they call that (Specialist area of need pathway) Or 2- to pass AMC exam part 1 and then couple of years in AON ? your opinion as I understood is with option 2 The problem is that I couldn't find any conformation for that opinion any where , not on the AMC nor the specialty college ! If u r sure about that information could you please confirm it with a reference ? Its very important for me as it will affect my decision about Australia thanks رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
Ihab بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 20 يونيو 2009 Dr. Flash You summarized the situation in a great way what i think (which i couldn't find reference to) is that though the process between specialist and area of need specialist assesments might be different, at the end of the day you are being assesed for being a specialist which should have similar requirements I guess the main reason for which neither you nor I could find any reference to their requirments for the area of need specialists is because it is a very individual process as it depends mainly on whether the royal college thinks that your current experience and training is equivelant to that of a specialist here So, again i would advice you to talk to the royal college directly with your case hopefully they will be able to tell you whether you qualify or not for area of need specialist w rabena yewafa2ak insha2allah رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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