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dear dr.ziad,

thanks alot for getting back to me.i applied for the clinical xam next may but dont know if i will find place or not(i passed the mcq exam in sep 2009) anyway studying hard and waiting to receive previous exams from you whenever you can

i am asking if i can find jobs in australia with the mcq and the OET test and elemtyaz as 1year experiencE and TQM in healthcare from AUC?how??






الرزق بتاع ربنا و مقدرش اقولك هتجيب وظيفه ولا لأ

أنا ممكن اقولك تدور إزاي ,إيه افضل الاماكن ,هكذا لكن فرصك إيه ديه في علم الغيب

ويا ريت تشرحلي يعني إيه occuptional training ديه

Dear dr.ziad

thanks a lot for your answers .

regarding the occupational training,i have read on site of immigration to australia that one of the visa options for doctorrs is occupational trainee visa and the followwing is a copy and paste from the site:

Some doctors coming to Australia to undertake a supervised training program may be able to apply for an Occupational Trainee visa for up to 12 months. The doctor must be appointed to a designated training position that is not primarily service-providing in nature. Organisations providing occupational training programs must apply to nominate doctors for this visa.

could you please tell me how to find jobs in australia and what are the best places that i can try to find jobs in?

Gazak ALLAH khairan

Best wishes


آه يا باشا ده التدريب العادي

يعني بعد متاخد الوظيفه المستشفي تقدم لحضرتك علي فيزا وده نوعها

Nunca caminaras solo

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

منور يا دكتور رامز وربنا يوفقك ان شاء الله انا فعلا بذاكر من كابلان والفيرست ايد وبحل اساله من usmle Qbook & lang & firse aid Q&A بس كتاب world usmle الى انا اشتريته عبارة عن كتابين كلهم فروع الباطنة بس هل هو دة فعلا الكتاب ولا انا اشتريت واحد غلط .... تانى حاجة لو سمحت لما ينزل كتاب ال AMC الجديد ياريت تقولى اشتريته منين وازاى علشان انا محتاجه اذاكرة قبل ما ادخل الامتحان ..... انت يا باشا امتياز ولا تكليف ياريت تبعتلى ميلك على البرايفت علشان نبقى على اتصال ونشجع بعض ان شاء الله مستنى ردك يا باشا

منورة بوجودك يا باشا . انا حاليا امتياز في الدمرداش وحبتلك ايميلي على البرايفت.

اما بخصوص الكتب فانا حرد هنا عشان الفايدة تعم... انا حشتري الكتاب الجديد من ال amc نفسهم لانو اكيد مش حيلحئ ينزل في المكتبات من هنا لست اشهر مثلا.. انا حشترك انا وكام زميل ليا ونشتري سوا عشان اتصور انو حيكون مكلف وبعدين نصوره من بعض. ال amc لسا ما اعلنش عن ثمنه. بس عموما انا انشاء الله حدي لبتوع المكاتب في عين شمس عشان يصوروه اول ميجلي و عشان يكون في متناول الجميع.

اما بخصوص كتب ال mcq التانية :

the world mcq i meant are by registration from their website : http://www.usmleworld.com/home.aspx

الكتب الي عندك هي فعلا متاخده من ال سايت ده .. بس مش كامله و منعرفش اتاخدت سنة كام.. علما انو السايت بينزل اسئلة جديدة كل فترة

the qbook i honsetly did the surgery part in it and i liked it but i won't continue it cause i haven't enough time

the first aid Q&a is good and i use it as part of studying with kaplan and first aid ck , not as part of self assesment and practice , because to many info in it isn't present neither in kaplan nor in first aid ck

the lange i won't do it because i don't have time for it so i can't say it's good or not

so according to what i know and the advices of my friends who examined both usmle and amc recently:

the priorities for mcq practice are:

1. canada qbank questions from their website :http://www.canadaqbank.com/index.php

the mccee part

because it is similar to amc

2. world mcq from their websit i mentioned above because it is important especially for usmle and have important info for amc as well"in my opinion"

3. the new amc handbook for mcq

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

منور يا دكتور رامز وربنا يوفقك ان شاء الله انا فعلا بذاكر من كابلان والفيرست ايد وبحل اساله من usmle Qbook & lang & firse aid Q&A بس كتاب world usmle الى انا اشتريته عبارة عن كتابين كلهم فروع الباطنة بس هل هو دة فعلا الكتاب ولا انا اشتريت واحد غلط .... تانى حاجة لو سمحت لما ينزل كتاب ال AMC الجديد ياريت تقولى اشتريته منين وازاى علشان انا محتاجه اذاكرة قبل ما ادخل الامتحان ..... انت يا باشا امتياز ولا تكليف ياريت تبعتلى ميلك على البرايفت علشان نبقى على اتصال ونشجع بعض ان شاء الله مستنى ردك يا باشا

ana b3tlk emaile 3la private bs elsite 3'areeb shwaia w msh fahmo, lw mwsltksh tell me w7b3tholk tane

رابط هذا التعليق

سوال سريع للدكتور زياد و الدكتور ايهاب

انا مقدم علىstudent visa for master of public health in university of wollongong

و هبدا انشاءاللة في مارس

رايك اية في مستشفيات ولنجونج؟ ,و هل ممكن اقابل ناس بيحضروا AMC???

و هل يمكن انى اشتغل في مستشفى و انا على student visa ?????

و شكرا

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

وصل ميلك يا دكتر رامز وضيفته على الياهو عندى وكتبتلك اوف لاين هناك ومتشكر جدا على اهتمامك يا باشا

ياريت لو تبقى تسيبلى رساله تقولى بتبقى اون لاين امتى

رابط هذا التعليق

سوال سريع للدكتور زياد و الدكتور ايهاب

انا مقدم علىstudent visa for master of public health in university of wollongong

و هبدا انشاءاللة في مارس

رايك اية في مستشفيات ولنجونج؟ ,و هل ممكن اقابل ناس بيحضروا AMC???

و هل يمكن انى اشتغل في مستشفى و انا على student visa ?????

و شكرا

ولنجونج مدينه جميله جدا ,مكتوب إنها بعيده عن سيدني باي 60 ك

بس في الحقيقه السواقه لهناك حلوه

المواصلات بينهـا و بين سيدني متوفره

ممكن تقابل ناس بيحضرو للامتحان بس هتبقي صعبه شويه في سيدني مكان تجمعهم معروف , مكتبه مستشفي وست ميد أو لو حظك حلو ولقيت ناس من الساكنين هناك أو اللي زيك بيدرسو بردو

مستشفي ولنجونج مستشفي ظريفه ,أنا مشتغلتش فيها بس كل الناس اللي كلموني عليها قالو إنها مشتشفي حلوه و الاطباء اللي من بره أستراليا زينا عددهم هناك مش قليل

ممكن تشتغل في أي مستشفي بفيزا طالب بس مش هتشتغل طبيب ,أنا شرحت الموضوع ده قبل كده يا باشا ,بعد ماتستوفي كل الشروط و تلاقي وظيفه ,المستشفي هتعملك كفاله و تغير الفيزا لفيزا عمل طويله مدتها اربع أو خمس سنين

Nunca caminaras solo

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear dr.ziad

thanks a lot for your answers .

regarding the occupational training,i have read on site of immigration to australia that one of the visa options for doctorrs is occupational trainee visa and the followwing is a copy and paste from the site:

Some doctors coming to Australia to undertake a supervised training program may be able to apply for an Occupational Trainee visa for up to 12 months. The doctor must be appointed to a designated training position that is not primarily service-providing in nature. Organisations providing occupational training programs must apply to nominate doctors for this visa.

could you please tell me how to find jobs in australia and what are the best places that i can try to find jobs in?

Gazak ALLAH khairan

Best wishes


آه يا باشا ده التدريب العادي

يعني بعد متاخد الوظيفه المستشفي تقدم لحضرتك علي فيزا وده نوعها

thanks dr.ziad but you didnt tell me yet how to search for jobs in australia?

i am eager to know how to search for jobs in australia so that to apply asap.


رابط هذا التعليق

سوال سريع للدكتور زياد و الدكتور ايهاب

انا مقدم علىstudent visa for master of public health in university of wollongong

و هبدا انشاءاللة في مارس

رايك اية في مستشفيات ولنجونج؟ ,و هل ممكن اقابل ناس بيحضروا AMC???

و هل يمكن انى اشتغل في مستشفى و انا على student visa ?????

و شكرا

I have worked in Wollongong hospital before

It is a big hospital, not a tertiary one but a big one (i think around 400 beds) and it serves quite a big and growing community

One of the big advantages is that there is a considerable muslim community there and a mosque

Wollongong university is quite a young but reputable university and you will definitely find a big multicultural community of students here

you might find people preparing for the amc but the number wouldn't be as large as sydney obviously (but in the end you will need 2 or 3 people for a study group anyway so you should be able to find them here)

As Ziad said you can't work in a hospital on a student visa so you will have to change it when you are accepted for the job

I will actually be working there as well towards the end of 2010 insha2allah as it is one of the hospitals in the network i work in so we can meet and i will be happy to help if you need anything

رابط هذا التعليق

thanks dr.ziad but you didnt tell me yet how to search for jobs in australia?

i am eager to know how to search for jobs in australia so that to apply asap.


Every state has its own health website (e.g nsw health, QLD health etc..) s

so if you simply google nsw and health jobs you will come up with the site of NSW health and you can then search for vacancies

All the vacancies (except for locum jobs and some GP jobs) are on the appropriate health website

you have to search every state separately though as the whole process is not centralized yet

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear dr Ihab

1- you've said before that :

- The chance of getting a job with the AMC (1) alone is 10%

- The chance with both AMC 1 , 2 is almost 30 %

- What is the chance when having the AMC (1) & the MRCS ?

2- Considering that I'm interested in surgery .. what's the kind of job can I have with :

- the AMC 1 alone

- with both AMC 1&2

- with AMC 1 & MRCS

I mean .. is it a GP position or a medical practitioner but working as a surgeon or a surgical registrar ?

What about rual jobs ? .. are there surgical positions or just GP jobs. And is this a good choice

رابط هذا التعليق

dear collegues dr ahmad asked me to display the emails between me and the amc that solved my problem of incomplete documentation without the final diploma degree" hang on the wall degree" el kartoona y3ne..so here it is


Incomplete Documentation‏

From: AMC Credentialing (credentialing@amc.org.au)

Sent: Tue 11/10/09 5:45 AM

To: dr.ramez

Dear Dr Abukhalil

The AMC has received your application for Non Specialist Assessment; upon processing the council has found your application to be incomplete. Please find attached your Incomplete Documentation letter detailing in full the further documentation that is required.

Kind Regards

"wkan fe fe elmail attachment 3n el wra2 ele na2s"

and here is my reply

RE: Incomplete Documentation‏

From: ramez )

Sent: Tue 11/10/09 11:33 PM

To: credentialing@amc.org.au

1 attachment

image001.gif (0.1 KB)

dear sir,

i'm dr. ramez candidate number:.

i'm replying to you about the email you've sent me, and i believe there is somekind of mistake , i have sent all the documents required by AMC but i need to explain something about my graduation certifcate.

the university that i graduated from and all universities in egypt gives us a grauation statment when we graduate , and the final hang on the wall degree that i believe you want will only be given to me after one year from graduation as the routine and stamping here takes too much time here..

the ECFMG used to face this problem too in the previous years and they know about it, so they used to send us some form "that says that i have completed all the requirments needed to graduate" and we sign it from the university officals or the dean , but now they overcomed that problem by offering a choice in the application in which i say that i am graduated but the final degree isn't yet recieved.

so if you require any official papers from the university that proves i'm graduated i'll get it, and i hope you can help me with that , cause it's not like if it was my fault or something , .

another last thing my friends who examined the AMC , and one of which is sitting beside me now was not asked to send that final paper and the AMC was kind enough not to delay his process and didn't even ask him for such paper , he sent the graduation statment as i did , cause it really is a proof that i'm graduated , and i currently work as an intern doctor which is another proof that i am officially a doctor.

i really hope that you can find some sort of solution for this problem , because i'm not the only one who will face it , my whole university and country and even most of arabian world graduates will suffer from it as systems are similar to each other here in such delays. i hope you can find a solution as the ecfmg did to avoid such big delay in our process.

waiting forward to hear from you soon,

yours sincerly

their reply was:

From: AMC Credentialing (credentialing@amc.org.au)

You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

Sent: Thu 11/19/09 11:31 PM

To: dr.ramez

Dear Dr Ramez

Thank you for explaining the situation . The AMC is sending your Graduation Statement and its Translation to ECFMG as an alternate document to be verified.

and i replied:

From: ramez )

Sent: Sun 11/22/09 10:51 PM

To: credentialing@amc.org.au

dear sir,

thank you for your reply, i just have a question, can i apply for the c1 form and register for the exam?

and they replied:

Schedule for MCQ‏

From: AMC Credentialing (credentialing@amc.org.au)

Sent: Mon 11/23/09 5:54 AM

To: dr.ramez

Candidate number

Dear Dr

The AMC has received your application and supporting documents required for eligibility to undertake the AMC examination process. Upon initial assessment of your documentation, your medical degree has been sent to the ECFMG - EICS for primary source verification. You are now eligible to schedule for an MCQ examination.

Your candidature will remain Conditional until all documentation has been received and credentialed as complete.

You will not receive your MCQ results until the AMC has received your Final Primary Qualification.

Your results for the AMC MCQ examination will be withheld until notification from the AMC that your eligibility has been confirmed.

Scheduling for the AMC MCQ Examination

The AMC Electronic Scheduling Portal is a web based process for scheduling for AMC MCQ examinations. As you have an AMC Online Account (via the AMC Online Application Wizard) you may now log in via the following link to schedule for an AMC MCQ examination.


The AMC encourages candidates to schedule through the AMC Electronic Scheduling Portal as this service is available 24-hours, indicates capacity at venues, schedules you immediately, receipts your payment, provides an examination placement letter and will avoid delay in processing your application.

Important Note: If you are unable to schedule through the AMC Electronic Scheduling Portal you can submit a request for Form C-1 to formc1@amc.org.au. When the Form C-1 has been completed you can either fax or post the Form C-1 application to the AMC. If you do wish to email the Form C-1 application to the AMC, you MUST ensure your signature is on the bottom of the Form in the space provided and email to the MCQ section address of: formc1@amc.org.au

Kind Regards,

Primary Source Verification Section (PSV) Section

Australian Medical Council

elmohm: 5olast elkalam 7amt7n wlkn bshakl mshroot, y3ne 7amt7n w 7a3raf passed or failed mn 3'er ay details l3'ayt mb3tlhom el shihada el cartoon

i hope it helps u dr a7mad

but guys if anyone is about to send them similar email, try to shange a little bit in content 3shan tkoon msakiet elkalam a7san

رابط هذا التعليق


quote name='Ahmed Mostafa Gohar' date='Dec 11 2009, 03:21 AM' post='541217']

Dear dr Ihab

1- you've said before that :

- The chance of getting a job with the AMC (1) alone is 10%

- The chance with both AMC 1 , 2 is almost 30 %

- What is the chance when having the AMC (1) & the MRCS ?

2- Considering that I'm interested in surgery .. what's the kind of job can I have with :

- the AMC 1 alone

Resident medical officer or Career medical officer or registrar or rural GP position

- with both AMC 1&2

If you have a valid working visa you can apply for Intern position

If you don't you will have to apply for the hospitals directly for Resident medical officer, Career medical officer or a registrar or a rural GP position

- with AMC 1 & MRCS

Same as above

I mean .. is it a GP position or a medical practitioner but working as a surgeon or a surgical registrar ?

What about rual jobs ? .. are there surgical positions or just GP jobs. And is this a good choice

I guess what i am trying to say is that if you are eligible to apply for jobs you can apply for anything

MRCS puts more weight into your CV if you are compared with other candidates but it is not something they will ask for in the job requirments

For surgical registrars there are 2 types

Accredited which you will have to be a permanent resident before applying

and Unaccredited for which you will usually have to have general registration before applying

to be a surgical registrar you have to be in the hospital system and it is usually a network of hospitals with a home base hospital as the tertiary centre and the home base hospital will second you to the rural hospitals as part of the training but you can't get a rural surgical registrar job by applying to the rural hospital directly

رابط هذا التعليق

thanks dr.ziad but you didnt tell me yet how to search for jobs in australia

and what are the best places i can find jobs in ??

i am eager to know how to search for jobs in australia so that to apply asap.

sorry for your inconvinience


رابط هذا التعليق

dr.ramez have you got any source for the pictures comes in the exam plz if you have provide me with it urgently .. i looked for any source but unfortunately i didnt find any

waiting for ur reply

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear dr Ihab

Thank you so much for your reply .. but could you please clarify the duties or the task of the resident medical officer

I know what's the responsibility of the resident , but does the RMO work as a surgical resident or work like the intern in rounds ?

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear dr Ihab

Thank you so much for your reply .. but could you please clarify the duties or the task of the resident medical officer

I know what's the responsibility of the resident , but does the RMO work as a surgical resident or work like the intern in rounds ?

The tasks of residents and interns here are pretty much the same

so you will have rotations in medicine , surgery, ED etc

you wouldn't be expected to have alot of surgical experience as a resident though

If - however- you are a senior resident medical officer in surgery you will sometimes be treated as s junior registrar and you will be required to make some decisions in patient managment

رابط هذا التعليق

يا دكتور ايهاب لو ربنا كرمنى ب RMO in emergancy هل الناس دى بتتوقع منى انى اكون عارف كل حاجة ولا فيه ناس بتدربك فى الاول شوية على ما تعرف النظام والدنيا ماشيه ازاى ولا ايه بالظبط انا بس عايز افهم النظام عامل ازاى وياريت تقولى الكلام دة بيتطبق بردو فى المناطق الريفيه ولا لا .... تانى حاجة لو سمحت ياريت تقولى ايه الحاجات الى المفروض اكون عارفها كويس فى ال emergency علشان تعملى recommendation ادام الناس دى لو فى interview ولا حاجة ... مستنى ردك يا دكتر

تم تعديل بواسطة يحرق الطب وسنينه
رابط هذا التعليق

dear dr ihab and dr.ziad

i am egyptian doctor,

i have passed the amc mcq and the OET test. .

i would like to know eagerly how to apply or search for jobs in australia.i dont want to know my chances but how to apply

and how to search for and find a job?

what are the jobs avilable for one passed the mcq and the oet?

what are the best places for me to have a job?

what to do with these 2 certificates?

yhanks a lot for your response


رابط هذا التعليق

يا دكتور ايهاب لو ربنا كرمنى ب RMO in emergancy هل الناس دى بتتوقع منى انى اكون عارف كل حاجة ولا فيه ناس بتدربك فى الاول شوية على ما تعرف النظام والدنيا ماشيه ازاى ولا ايه بالظبط انا بس عايز افهم النظام عامل ازاى وياريت تقولى الكلام دة بيتطبق بردو فى المناطق الريفيه ولا لا .... تانى حاجة لو سمحت ياريت تقولى ايه الحاجات الى المفروض اكون عارفها كويس فى ال emergency علشان تعملى recommendation ادام الناس دى لو فى interview ولا حاجة ... مستنى ردك يا دكتر

You will be expected to know what your corresponding australian doctor knows (either intern or RMO or registrar or CMO) with some added tolerance allowing for the difference in the language and the medical system.

The degree of tolerance varies according to the hospital you are working in and to your colleagues

so as an RMO you will be expected to take appropriate history, perform appropriate examination arrange approriate investigations and have an initial Differential diagnosis and reach a preliminary management plan to all the patients you see

You will be expected to be able to perform simple procedures like cannulation, ABGs, suturing, applying plasters

You will be expected to be able to interpret basic investigations like CXRs, ECGs, ABGs, Blood results

Most importantly - and that is what irritates people here- you will be expected to communicate all that appropriately with the rest of the team

obviously having basic and advanced life support certificates will make things look better in the itnerview and if you have something more specific like advanced cardiac, trauma or paedatric life support it will also add up

رابط هذا التعليق

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