اذهب إلى المحتوى
محاورات المصريين

تيجوا نتعلم شوية انجلش

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Hello Egypt

Next Thursday, 12 of November 2009 I will be back to Egypt :wub: , ISA.

Although, it was a short business trip, only 34 days, but it was like a long year away from mother land, home and my lovely family. I can say that it was an exciting business trip. I met new people, a new work environment and new business experiences.

After working for four years as a junior engineer, I got assigned new tasks. I took a new managerial role in my profession I think it is a step toward new life, ISA.

"You will not be just an engineer doing a technical work for all the time rather you should change your career and start new managerial work": this is what I am telling myself. I think you agree with me on that, Do not you?

Back to Egypt talks again, I heard that it is becoming cold in Egypt and winter stepped into our country. Here is still somewhat hot. Ohhhh my goodness, I forgot to tell you that I am in one of gulf countries so it is still hot.

I hope everything goes smoothly without any problems through my return trip, ISA.

Just pray for me and God bless you all.

Thanks and Regards

حأرجع تاني لحضرتك

معلش مشغولة شوية


و لازم اقرأ بتركيز

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

إخواني و أخواتي

معلش شوية كده

و أرجع أرد على أسئلتكم

و أقرأ كتاباتكم بتركيز


الأخ محمد العنبي

و الأخ أ حسني

و الأخت طبيبة مصرية

حأرجع لكم

الأخ ضياء الدين

العفو يافندم

تحت أمرك


نور عيني

حأبعتلك على الخاص الليلة ان شاء الله

تحياتي لكم جميعا


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Mrs Masraya

good day to you

I saw my dispatch without correction , may be it is all right :unsure:

Today i will talk about anther idea that , what is the differnat bewteen successful and failure ? may be it is vividly , colorfully picture we have to put it in deep place in our mind that all people have learned how to get succeed alot of people know alot of informations to be succeed , but few people follow throw and so many ather people don't follow throw , few people have enough motivation to get action .

regards ,


رابط هذا التعليق

As per Up to my knowledge, they have the same meaning but there is lettel pet little bit different difference , I can say ( I chose red phone ) but I can't say ( I opted red phone ) I have to say ( I opted to buy red phone ) .

Any way how are you today? , I hope you are feeling good well

I want to discuss with you about some thoughts that i have with you , and i want to share them with you

Today I'm going to talking with you about ( Models). Not the models are not the Models those one sees in magazines . I mean Models that is kind of hero the ideal one that who wanted to be like him I look up to . means if i wanted to be something i have to get the best in this area and model him or imitate him . what did he do to be the best? , so i following all his steps for in order to decreasing decrease mistakes may be i would do them and also decrease my the wasted time, as much as possible,

depending on my the model's approach.

regards ,


First thanks a lot for that piece of information concerning the usage of (opt).

Then I really appreciate the continuous effort you are doing in improving your writing skill.

Keep it up!


First you are who making an effort not me and ISA will be in your charities

here I got high quality of meaning skills i want to explian them ,

are not the models in magazine and not the models those one sees in magazine

Models are kind of hero and the ideal one

I look up to and I intimat him

in order to decrease and for decreasing

can you just give me more explanations to get it deeply ?

thank you very much


رابط هذا التعليق

حأرجع تاني لحضرتك

معلش مشغولة شوية


و لازم اقرأ بتركيز

ربنا يكرمك يارب وجزاك الله كل خير

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Mrs Masraya

Good day to you

Today i was very enthusiastic , i exercised too much, i was thinking about ( motivation ) that is the idea i want to talk about it , I have alwas seen alot of people are lazy and they are alwas picky to be in a peak emotional state, these are opposite meaning , more motivation means more achievements,



رابط هذا التعليق

A Hard Day

I waked woke up early, I took a showered , I had my breakfast, then I found the tire was pinched a flat tyre (tire). So, I had to replace it by the spare one. and That took me much time from me and that caused to made me reach late to my for work . I had more works had to be done in that day. so all that the day I was in a bad mood till I remembered that anyone had could have problems and he one was must be patient. As Allah may will offset by the good reward him or (Allah) He may will forgive him the his sins because of that patience.

Without punching I would like to ask you some questions. :old: :roseop:

Why did you use "could have "instead of "had"? In the phrase anyone had could have problems

anyone had problems

اولا الزمن مش صح

لأنه في الماضي

و لتصحيح الزمن


anyone have problems

و كمان لازم نصلح المعنى

Everybody have problems

إنما مينفعش أقول

أي حد عنده مشاكل

لكن الكل عنده مشاكل

و لو قلنا أي حد

يبقى نقول أن أي حد يمكن يكون عنده مشاكل

و ده الأصح

Anyone could have problems

Why did you used "must be" instead of ''was''? In the phrase one was must be patient

لو قلنا

he was patient

يبقى معناه انه كان صابر

كان ممكن تبقى صح لو كنت قلت


يعني يكون الصبر شرط للجزاء

If he was patient, Allah might reward him and forgive his sins.

طبعا عدم ذكرك ل إذا

غير المعنى


انه الشخص يجب أن يكون صايرا. حيث إن الله قد يكافئه الله و يغفر له جزاء على هذا الصبر

As Allah may reward him, or He may forgive his sins because of that patience

What is the difference between "that caused to reach late to my work "and "that made me late for work ''?

يصل اللي تقصدها هي


الجملة الصح

made someone late for work

made me


caused me

سبب لي

و غالبا يجي بعدها مصدر


كمفعول ثاني

بعد المفعول الأول

اللي هو هنا



caused me sorrow

سبب لي البؤس

و ممكن مصدر مؤول

caused me to be late for work

made me late for work



حال و ليست صفة

جعلني متأخرا عن العمل

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Hello Egypt

Next Thursday, 12th of November, 2009 I will be back to Egypt :rolleyes: , ISA.

Although, it was a short business trip, only 34 days, but it was like a long year away from mother land motherland, home and my lovely family. I can say that it was an exciting business trip. I met new people, a new work environment and new business experiences.

After working for four years as a junior engineer, I got was assigned new tasks. I took a new managerial role in my profession I think it is a step toward new life, ISA.

"You One will should not be just an engineer doing a technical work for all the time rather you one should change your one's career and start a new managerial work": this is what I am keep telling myself. I think you agree with me on that, Do not don't you?

Back to Egypt talks again, I heard that it is becoming cold in Egypt and winter stepped into our country. Here is still somewhat hot. Ohhhh my Goodness, I forgot to tell you that I am in one of The Gulf Countries so it is still hot.

I hope everything goes smoothly without any problems through my return trip, ISA.

Just pray for me and God bless you all.

Thanks and Regards

Sorry for being late reading your post. I hope that you have arrived peacefully to our motherland.

Waiting for your new posts




أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear sister Masrya

I want to apologize for my absence in the past few days, but I was having a problem with my lab top charger which used to switch of off suddenly and we finally we fixed it. I want to record my appreciation for the great job you are doing with us, thank you Miss.

Let me speak a little about myself ,I am a physician graduated from Cairo university, and I have a master degree in clinical pathology, I am a mother for a triplet having one year old, can you imagine how calm is my life wst:: wst:: :roseop: ?

God bless them dear!

I really like the post you that speaks about education process and how much is the difference between it here in our Arab countries and there in Western countries ,and this was the main reason which bring tome brotght up the immigration to Canada thoughts, as I wish I can could give my kids a better chance in learning and consequently a better chance in living. Unfortunately I discovered from my readings at Canada immigration topics that me and my husband must pass a very hard, tedious and costly exams in order to be allowed to enter the Canadian medical system, so I started to think for an alternative plan which is the international schools either here at Kuwait or at Egypt , what do you think ?Is this a good choice from your opinion?

In fact I am also thinking the same way about immigration my dear

For me it's also because of having better education for my children.

It's hard to me also.

But I can't think of an alternative as I have five children and am pregnant with the sixth


An International School for me means to work hard and not eat to afford the high cost I am to pay for, MSA, 6 children! :rolleyes:

I really need a miracle to get there.

Pray for me.


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

First you are it's you who is making an the effort not me and ISA it will be in your charities balance of good deeds

Here I got some expressions high quality of meaning skills that I want you to explian them ,

"are not the models in magazine" and "not the models those one sees in magazine"

"Models are kind of hero" and "the ideal one"

"I look up to" and "I intimat him"

"in order to decrease" and "for decreasing"

can you just give me more explanations to get it deeply ?

thank you very much


شوف يا أستاذ محمد

لما يكون في تعبيرات جاهزة يبقى نلتزم بيها و ما نحاولش نؤلف تعبيرات جديدة

لأن القارئ المفروض انه صاحب اللغة

فلازم يلاقي تعبيرات مألوفة بالنسبة له

تناسب ثقافته

اللي طبعا تختلف عن ثقافتنا

مش فاكرة اذا كنت ذكرت المثال ده قبل كده و الا لا

بس حقوله تاني

لما حد يقولك أنا تعبان

حتقوله سلامتك

بالانجلش ملهاش معنى

عندهم لما حد يبقى تعبان بيقول

I'm not feeling well

فالتاني يرد عليه

Oh! I'm sorry

عندنا ملهاش معنى

بل كمان حتخلينا نستغرب

بقى بقولك انا تعبان

تقوم تقوللي آسف!!!


هي دي الفكرة

لازم نستخدم عبارتهم همة مش نخترع احنا


Dear Mrs Masraya

Good day to you

Today I was feel very enthusiastic , I exercised too much a lot , I was thinking about ( motivation ) that is the idea I want to talk about it , I have alwyas seen a lot of people who are lazy and they are alwyas picky to be in a peak emotional state

, these are opposite meaning??? , more motivation means more achievements,



أولا كلمة too

تعني زيادة

ممكن تقول

very much


a lot


الجمل اللي تحتها خط مش فاهمة ايه اللي حضرتك عايز تقوله

حاول مرة تانية


و شكرا على مشاركاتك


تم تعديل بواسطة مصرية متغربة

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

hi masrya

I miss participation in this topic. But, I have some things that make me in a bad mood. So I will write again when I feel ok.

في امان الله

You're welcome anytime my dear.

I hope you get in a good mood soon.

Kiss Yomna for me.

God bless you both.


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Hello Egypt

Next Thursday, 12th of November, 2009 I will be back to Egypt wst:: , ISA.

Although, it was a short business trip, only 34 days, but it was like a long year away from mother land motherland, home and my lovely family. I can say that it was an exciting business trip. I met new people, a new work environment and new business experiences.

After working for four years as a junior engineer, I got was assigned new tasks. I took a new managerial role in my profession I think it is a step toward new life, ISA.

"You One will should not be just an engineer doing a technical work for all the time rather you one should change your one's career and start a new managerial work": this is what I am keep telling myself. I think you agree with me on that, Do not don't you?

Back to Egypt talks again, I heard that it is becoming cold in Egypt and winter stepped into our country. Here is still somewhat hot. Ohhhh my Goodness, I forgot to tell you that I am in one of The Gulf Countries so it is still hot.

I hope everything goes smoothly without any problems through my return trip, ISA.

Just pray for me and God bless you all.

Thanks and Regards

Sorry for being late reading your post. I hope that you have arrived peacefully to our motherland.

Waiting for your new posts




Thanks for your comments. I am appreciating your dedication and your faithful spirit, MSA.

I am writing to you from Egypt. I arrived to Cairo International Airport peacefully without any problems, Thanks Goodness.

I have some notes on your comments. Verb “get” is used in many contexts and with other verbs to express common expressions in English. So “got assigned” has the same meaning of “was assigned/have been assigned” as I think.

I mean “get=have been”, لقد تم اسنادي مهام جديدة.

I know that dates are written in various formats in different countries, for example: U.S. has the following date format “Saturday, November 14, 2009” while U.K. has the following date format “14th November 09”.

So I should say “Saturday, 14 November or November 14, 2009” according to American format.

Waiting for your comments angl::

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions

رابط هذا التعليق



والنهر يدعى عندهم.....river

Very good

keep it up!


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Hard Times

It's really very hard time for us , Today 14 Nov. the dream that we have been waiting for so long time and all we have just the hope to be in 2010 world cup in South Africa , We can do it , It's really hard but we can I think every one in or outside Egypt is talking about that crucial football match and we have seen the war words that all Algerian doing but in the match ground they will know who is Egypt , they will see the hell and live it they said a lot of bad words about our team but if they known who is Egypt , they would't say even one word , they think that the words will make us out of play we tell them no all out of our minds and Egypt is above all , and for egyptian people I say we have the right to dream and really this generation deserve to be in 2010 .


رابط هذا التعليق

Thanks for your comments. I am appreciating appreciate your dedication and your faithful spirit, MSA.

I am writing to you from Egypt. I arrived to Cairo International Airport peacefully without any problems, Thanks Goodness.

I have some notes on your comments. Verb "get" is used in many contexts and with other verbs to express common expressions in English. So "got assigned" has the same meaning of "was assigned/have been assigned" as I think.

I mean "get=have been", لقد تم اسنادي مهام جديدة.

يافندم تم اسناد دي صيغة المبني للمجهول

يعني الفاعل مش موجود

مع صيغة ال passiveو مبنستخدمش


verb (To Be)

عشان كده تصبح الجملة

I was assigned

أما عمل


تستخدم لتحويل الصفات إلى أفعال

يعني الصفة مثلا


يعني غاضب

عشان أحوله لفعل اضيف لها



I get angry easily.

I know that dates are written in various formats in different countries, for example: U.S. has the following date format "Saturday, November 14, 2009" while U.K. has the following date format "14th November 09".

So I should say "Saturday, 14 November or November 14, 2009" according to American format.

يا فندم الصيغتان صحيحتان

November 14th, 2009

14th November,2009

بس مش واحدة بنذكر اليوم

و واحدة بنذكر السنة


الاختلاف فقط في تقديم الشهر عن اليوم

الصيغة الأولى أمريكية زي ما حضرتك ذكرت

Waiting for your comments :rolleyes:

كله تمام يا فندم

بس موضوع إضافة ال ing

يعني زمن المضارع المستمر مع الأفعال الساكنة التي تعبر عن شعور أو فكرة

أو حاسة أو ملكية

و فعل


يعبر عن شعور التقدير

يعني ليس من أفعال الحركة

و بنسميه

nonaction verb

و الأفعال دي ما تجيش غير في زمن المضارع البسيط

ماعدا تعبير

لست على ما يرام

I am not feeling well

حتى في السؤال مع الأفعال دي

بنسأل ب

Verb (To Do)

Do you appreciate him?

What do you appreciate in him?


تم تعديل بواسطة مصرية متغربة

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Hard Times

It's really a very hard time for us , Today 14 Nov. the dream that we have been waiting for so long time and all we have just the hope to be in 2010 world cup in South Africa , We can do it , It's really hard but we can I think every one in or outside Egypt is talking about that crucial football match and we have seen the war of words that all Algerian doing but in the match ground they will know who what is Egypt , they will see the hell and live it. They have said a lot of bad words about our team but if they had known who what is Egypt , they would't say have said even one a word . They think that the words will make get us out of the play. We tell them " No" .all out of our minds and Egypt is above all . And for Egyptian people I say we have the right to dream and really this generation deserve to be in 2010 .


Your words are really impressive.

You have the ability to express your feelings.

Keep it up!

النسبة للتعبير الأول

I am not sure what to say as regards it.

I'll search for it.

و بالنسبة للتاني

I didn't get what you want to say.

Try again!

تم تعديل بواسطة مصرية متغربة

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

مش عارفة التنسيق في ايه النهاردة؟


و الكتابة في الشمال

و النقط و علامات التعجب مش مضبوطة مع الكتابة

والا أنا اللي مش عارفة أضبطها والا ايه؟

عموما سامحوني


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Hard Times

It's really a very hard time for us , Today 14 Nov. the dream that we have been waiting for so long time and all we have just the hope to be in 2010 world cup in South Africa , We can do it , It's really hard but we can I think every one in or outside Egypt is talking about that crucial football match and we have seen the war of words that all Algerian doing but in the match ground they will know who what is Egypt , they will see the hell and live it. They have said a lot of bad words about our team but if they had known who what is Egypt , they would't say have said even one a word . They think that the words will make get us out of the play. We tell them " No" .all out of our minds and Egypt is above all . And for Egyptian people I say we have the right to dream and really this generation deserve to be in 2010 .


Your words are really impressive.

You have the ability to express your feelings.

Keep it up!

النسبة للتعبير الأول

I am not sure what to say as regards it.

I'll search for it.

و بالنسبة للتاني

I didn't get what you want to say.

Try again!


Thank you

The first expression is so obvious.

I didn't understand what you mean by second one!

I said who is Egypt because i mean egyptian people , I am not sure if it will be right like that or not.

رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان
  • المتواجدون الآن   0 أعضاء متواجدين الان

    • لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلون يتصفحون هذه الصفحة

  • الموضوعات المشابهه

    • 0
      طبعا الكلام هنا لك عزيزى الرجل إحنا معشر الستات بنتعب أوى والله العظيم بنتعب جدا وبنعمل مجهود جبار ما بيعرض المقال كاملاً
    • 0
      الحضرى وأبوجبل.. هل ينقذان المنتخب بعد اللحاق بالبعثةمنـــى زكـى مرعـوبـة بســبب ياســـمين عبــدالعـزيــز يسعرض الصفحة
    • 0
      اظن لو هذا الحفل اذيع من القاهرة على التلفزيون  المصرى    ستقوم الصحافة و لا تقعد      بس خلاص
    • 6
      ايوة شوية حروف اتجمعوا و اتفقوا يعملوا غنوة .. مش مهم الكلمة او المعنى .. فقط قرروا انها غنوة ..    
    • 2
      كيف تتقن القراءه السريعة تعتبر القراءة من أهم الأشياء فى حياتنا ولابد من إتقانها، إن القراءة تشكل نسبة من 80-90 من الثقافة التى يحصل عليها الإنسان . و تقدم الأمم و الشعوب مرهون بتقدمها الثقافى الذي يعتمد على القراءة. قلة إهتمام الشعوب العربية بالقراءة حيث تفيد الدراسات التى أوضحت أن الطفل الأمريكى يقرأ 13 كتابا فى السنة بينما لاتتجاوز قراءة الطفل العربى 15صفحة فى السنة كذلك سرعة القراءة التى يبلغ معدلها فى الدول العربية مابين150_170 كلمة في الدقيقة .بينما تبلغ فى الدول الغربية حوالى250 كلم
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