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تيجوا نتعلم شوية انجلش

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I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

By the way, thre is a very good book with the name "The Elements of Style", by William Strunk, Jr.

It has been recommended to me by many, and it helped me a lot in improving my style and punctuation. Plus, it is a short and easy read.

You can download it online at http://www.cs.vu.nl/~jms/doc/elos.pdf

That's what I call Knowledge Sharing

Thanks a lot


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

I say with the opinion that says...not of

Did you mean stay with

نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

Going back to my little problem

Are Comprehendible and comprehensible

synonyms to each other

or not

I guess they are

don't you

Sure they are synonyms

but that doesn't mean they are equal

they have the same meaning

with different usage

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

I say with the opinion that says...not of

Did you mean stay with


I meant I say: with the opinion

not of

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of



when I say: I've been in France since a point of time in the past

it means I came to France at that time

and I'm still in France to God knows when

نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

Thank you Remon

I stole the link before Abeer could reach it

Niahaha - evil laugh

OK! I'll be the good one

I forgive you


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Got an idea

let's disengage on the perfect tense


We haven't, yet wrestled down

whether comprehendible is a synonym to comprehensible

or not

Let's agree on something

Whatever you say

I agree

How is that


نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of



when I say: I've been in France since a point of time in the past

it means I came to France at that time

and I'm still in France to God knows when

No! I have been in/to France since 2000

means you are not there now

unless you say

and still

you can use both


I have been in France since 2000 and still

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Thank you Remon

I stole the link before Abeer could reach it

Niahaha - evil laugh

OK! I'll be the good one

I forgive you


It didn't work


I'd never do that again to you

You're an angel, Abeer

A real angel


نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

Got an idea

let's disengage on the perfect tense



We haven't, yet wrestled down

Did you mean

settled down

whether comprehendible is a synonym to comprehensible

or not

I did here



Let's agree on something

Whatever you say

I agree

How is that


That sounds great



I'm joking of course

I enjoy arguing

especially with smart partners

like you and Remon

By the way

I like your vocabulary


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

Going back to my little problem

Are Comprehendible and comprehensible

synonyms to each other

or not

I guess they are

don't you

I'm not sure about this, but I believe that:

"Comperehendible" means that you understand the meaning of a group of words or a paragraph,.

For example in Toefl exam they check to see if you can understand the meaning of a sentence or a group of words that constructed an expression. (Comperehendible)

while the word "Comperehensible" means that you understand a subject or a story.

For example you read a short story then briefly you rewrite it again. (Comperehensible) or (Comperension).

والله أعلم


{وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ}(11){اَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ}(12)وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ}(11)


ذو العقل يشقى في النعيم بعقله *** وأخو الجهالة في الشقاوة ينعم
مشكلة العالم هي أن الحمقى والمتعصبين هم الأشد ثقة بأنفسهم ، والأكثر حكمة تملؤهم الشكوك (برتراند راسل)
A nation that keeps one eye on the past is wise!A
A nation that keeps two eyes on the past is blind!A


رابط القرآن كاملا بتلاوة الشيخ مصطفى إسماعيل برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
القرآن كاملا ترتيل وتجويد برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
رابط سلسلة كتب عالم المعرفة

رابط هذا التعليق

Going back to my little problem

Are Comprehendible and comprehensible

synonyms to each other

or not

I guess they are

don't you

I'm not sure about this, but I believe that:

"Comperehendible" means that you understand the meaning of a group of words or a paragraph,.

For example in Toefl exam they check to see if you can understand the meaning of a sentence or a group of words that constructed an expression. (Comperehendible)

while the word "Comperehensible" means that you understand a subject or a story.

For example you read a short story then briefly you rewrite it again. (Comperehensible) or (Comperension).

والله أعلم

That's a nice explanation

I'll check it out

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of



when I say: I've been in France since a point of time in the past

it means I came to France at that time

and I'm still in France to God knows when

No! I have been in/to France since 2000

means you are not there now

unless you say

and still

you can use both


I have been in France since 2000 and still

I'm not sure about this one

Please check #3 here


نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of



when I say: I've been in France since a point of time in the past

it means I came to France at that time

and I'm still in France to God knows when

No! I have been in/to France since 2000

means you are not there now

unless you say

and still

you can use both


I have been in France since 2000 and still

What if I want to say:

I've been waiting for you since one c'clock,


I've been waiting for you for couple of hours.

Both means that I was waiting and continued to wait till now.


{وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ}(11){اَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ}(12)وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَكِنْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ}(11)


ذو العقل يشقى في النعيم بعقله *** وأخو الجهالة في الشقاوة ينعم
مشكلة العالم هي أن الحمقى والمتعصبين هم الأشد ثقة بأنفسهم ، والأكثر حكمة تملؤهم الشكوك (برتراند راسل)
A nation that keeps one eye on the past is wise!A
A nation that keeps two eyes on the past is blind!A


رابط القرآن كاملا بتلاوة الشيخ مصطفى إسماعيل برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
القرآن كاملا ترتيل وتجويد برابط ثابت مع رابط للقراءة
رابط سلسلة كتب عالم المعرفة

رابط هذا التعليق

I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of



when I say: I've been in France since a point of time in the past

it means I came to France at that time

and I'm still in France to God knows when

No! I have been in/to France since 2000

means you are not there now

unless you say

and still

you can use both


I have been in France since 2000 and still

I'm not sure about this one

Please check #3 here


Thanks for telling me

maybe because I'm used to say ( and still) I thought it's a must to be said to give the meaning of

we are still there

thanks again


أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق

I understand that I've been = I was, and still is, of the opinion

How does that sound to you

Oh oh!

That's the difference between the simple past and the perfect past

I've been to France

means I am here now

( I went and came back)

I went to France

means you went in any point of time in the past

we don't know if you came back or still there

This is the difference in time

There are other differences also

I will discuss them later

I say with the opinion that says...not of



when I say: I've been in France since a point of time in the past

it means I came to France at that time

and I'm still in France to God knows when

No! I have been in/to France since 2000

means you are not there now

unless you say

and still

you can use both


I have been in France since 2000 and still

What if I want to say:

I've been waiting for you since one c'clock,


I've been waiting for you for couple of hours.

Both means that I was waiting and continued to wait till now.


That's another tense

perfect continuous

from its name

it means it's continuous

أعد شحن طاقتك

حدد وجهتك

و اطلق قواك

رابط هذا التعليق


I'm joking of course

I enjoy arguing

especially with smart partners

like you and Remon

By the way

I like your vocabulary


Thank you ma'am

You make me shy


Wrestle down something is an expression that means:

fight (sportively) to the end

It insinuates some sort of friendly challenge

بالعربى يعنى مصارعة لغاية نهاية المباراة ..

بس بروح رياضية ومش مهم مين اللى يكسب


نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

Going back to my little problem

Are Comprehendible and comprehensible

synonyms to each other

or not

I guess they are

don't you

I'm not sure about this, but I believe that:

"Comperehendible" means that you understand the meaning of a group of words or a paragraph,.

For example in Toefl exam they check to see if you can understand the meaning of a sentence or a group of words that constructed an expression. (Comperehendible)

while the word "Comperehensible" means that you understand a subject or a story.

For example you read a short story then briefly you rewrite it again. (Comperehensible) or (Comperension).

والله أعلم

Thank you sir for your kind contribution in this fruitful discussion

I'll need to think it over

with a promise to continue tomorrow (I mean today in the evening),

cause I have to go to bed


It's the "D" day

نحن فى حالة حرب لم يخض جيشنا مثلها من قبل
فى الحروب السابقة كانت الجبهة الداخلية مصطفة
تساند جيشها
الآن الجيش يحارب الإرهاب وهناك من يطعنه فى ظهره
فى الحروب لا توجد معارضة .. يوجد خونة

تحيا مصر
إقرأ فى غير خضـوع
وفكر فى غير غـرور
واقتنع فى غير تعصب
وحين تكون لك كلمة ، واجه الدنيا بكلمتك

رابط هذا التعليق

I does

يعني اتفق معكم

and you are very teachers

يعني انتو اساتذه في الانجليزي

good after night

يعني اتمسوا بالخير

Vouloir, c'est pouvoir

اذا كنت لا تقرأ الا ما يعجبك فقط فإنك لن تتعلم ابدا

Merry Chris 2 all Orthodox brothers

Still songs r possible

رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان
  • المتواجدون الآن   0 أعضاء متواجدين الان

    • لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلون يتصفحون هذه الصفحة

  • الموضوعات المشابهه

    • 0
      طبعا الكلام هنا لك عزيزى الرجل إحنا معشر الستات بنتعب أوى والله العظيم بنتعب جدا وبنعمل مجهود جبار ما بيعرض المقال كاملاً
    • 0
      الحضرى وأبوجبل.. هل ينقذان المنتخب بعد اللحاق بالبعثةمنـــى زكـى مرعـوبـة بســبب ياســـمين عبــدالعـزيــز يسعرض الصفحة
    • 0
      اظن لو هذا الحفل اذيع من القاهرة على التلفزيون  المصرى    ستقوم الصحافة و لا تقعد      بس خلاص
    • 6
      ايوة شوية حروف اتجمعوا و اتفقوا يعملوا غنوة .. مش مهم الكلمة او المعنى .. فقط قرروا انها غنوة ..    
    • 2
      كيف تتقن القراءه السريعة تعتبر القراءة من أهم الأشياء فى حياتنا ولابد من إتقانها، إن القراءة تشكل نسبة من 80-90 من الثقافة التى يحصل عليها الإنسان . و تقدم الأمم و الشعوب مرهون بتقدمها الثقافى الذي يعتمد على القراءة. قلة إهتمام الشعوب العربية بالقراءة حيث تفيد الدراسات التى أوضحت أن الطفل الأمريكى يقرأ 13 كتابا فى السنة بينما لاتتجاوز قراءة الطفل العربى 15صفحة فى السنة كذلك سرعة القراءة التى يبلغ معدلها فى الدول العربية مابين150_170 كلمة في الدقيقة .بينما تبلغ فى الدول الغربية حوالى250 كلم
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